Or JK4: Electric Jedi Boogaloo, as the case may be. ; )
[Update]: Seriously though, the Unreal engine is OLDER than Q3, they just keep modifying it for each new game, so really what you guys are admitting is that the Q3 engine developers just don't have the same skills as the Unreal engine developers?
The point being made was that IF Raven were to quickly whip up a JA expansion, the only logical way to do it would be to do it on the Q3 engine, since it would take them YEARS to do it on a new one and wouldn't be worth the time. For that they might as well make a full blown sequel.
Just relax, they won't make an expansion and so you needn't worry about there being another Q3 engine JK game. Will the next one be on Doom3? Time will tell.
...Which also uses the Doom3 engine :) I dont care how much ppl rant and rave about how good Source/Unreal engines are, nothing i've ever seen can compare to what carmak does. :D id just puts out the best stuff, every time i get annoyed with some lil non-id engines charistics, i find myself wishing that the game maker would have just licensed id tech for their game :) Granted, there are some games that work better with their own engines, but there are many that dont too :) I do cringe to think what kind of computing power would be needed for calculation of a Jedi game in the D3 engine tho it sure would look purty :)