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Page: 49 of 109
Posted in: DLG/UTI/UTC/MOD Language Converter v1.0
03-07-2005, 6:59 PM
That was quick! :D Thanks! this will help a lot of people who had mod incompatibilities due to the language version of the game :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Transfering Portraits from KOTOR to KOTOR 2
03-06-2005, 11:25 AM
Please, check the forum rules ( concerning this....  [Read More]
Posted in: non moving characters
03-07-2005, 12:36 AM
Is this happening at any time or at a specific location in the game?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Crashing and Blueness Errors...
03-05-2005, 6:38 PM
Even if you have very high system specs, knowing what you have exactly may help us help you ;) as the solutions may vary according to what you have......  [Read More]
Posted in: New version of nwnnsscomp!
03-04-2005, 1:50 PM
Thanks for doing this Fred :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dezanti replaces Tienn on Nar Shaddaa
03-01-2005, 5:46 PM
Do you have a n_duros001.utc file in your override folder? this case it overrides Tienns's .utc...remove it and reload a game prior to the arrival to Nar Shadaa......  [Read More]
Posted in: Where would I find the trailer sound force crush?
03-01-2005, 8:02 AM
Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da ... this thread is bound to be locked... Agreed. :lock:...  [Read More]
Posted in: sound effects for force crush
03-01-2005, 1:52 PM
You have to convert to .wav format first. read Sep's post carefully....  [Read More]
Originally posted by envida But thanks to darth for this because it solves a problem with my mod where the doors didnt unlock if you had already been to Dantooine so I will update my mod using his idea for opening the doors :D If he dont mind that...  [Read More]
============================================== Nar Shadaa Sealed Doors & Khoonda Private doors ============================================== This is a simple mod that unlocks the two sealed doors on Nar Shadaa docks as well as the private door...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL One big problem game?
02-27-2005, 3:26 PM
I have tons of mods in my override folder and no problems so far...and with an ATI card! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Swoop Racing problems TSL
02-27-2005, 5:26 AM
Originally posted by Aleggy ...unless i really am crap at it lol In any event, patch or no patch I am really crap at it so I made an easy swoop racing mod which you can get here: (unfortunately, it d...  [Read More]
Posted in: Swoop Racing problems TSL
02-26-2005, 7:29 PM
the dialogue is bugged. If you take a practice run or crash during a race, you're done. You have to ask the guy to set you up with a race only. Onderon pays about 8500 if I remember well....  [Read More]
Posted in:  Exile's Item Pack now up at my site.
03-01-2005, 5:20 AM
Originally posted by RedHawke It was HahnHolio who mentioned having a German version of the game... Darth333 probably quoted the wrong person in her post... but I could be wrong. :p lol sorry for the cofusion there...this is what happens when I brow...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Exile's Item Pack now up at my site.
02-28-2005, 8:30 PM
Originally posted by HahnHolio Hi there ! I have the strange problem with the EIM, which gives me a computer-console screen, as soon as i try to open the container in the exiles room. May this be caused by the localized version of KotoR II iґm us...  [Read More]
New version uploaded! v. 2.0.2 The script has been modified to convert degrees in radians so that you will now be able to get the bearing in the output and not just the orientation in degrees. This will facilitate the positioning of placeables in th...  [Read More]
Originally posted by sketch42 does the position you get work with the direction you are facing when you activate the armband? Yes, the relevant extract of the code is:float GetOrientation= GetFacing(OBJECT_SELF);...  [Read More]
My armband will give you the XOrientation. I never really bothered with the YOrientation as this value rarely changes when you look at the exiting .git files...and honestly, I don't really know what it visually changes in the game, especially for cre...  [Read More]
Posted in: Syntax Error in KotOR2 nwscript.nss
03-03-2005, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Uchiha Itachi I have the US version, but the errors I get when compiling are more then that. Well I don't know much about scripting but I don't think that just that line could cause all the errors I see. I sent Darth333 the log...  [Read More]
Posted in: Holowan Laboratories - News @ RPGDot
02-28-2005, 2:35 PM
Originally posted by tk102 CDRSeadog you have my utmost respect for your past duties to both you country and to this modding community. You have my best wishes and my gratitude. Your friend, tk102 :cheers: Couldn't say better :) I will be very...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Ujio Could it be 003EB0_PC_Lightsaber??? Oh gees... I'll have to start again to find the difference :confused: Check the scripts attached to Atton's dlg....  [Read More]
Originally posted by Ujio Hey => I want to ask if I can change results of Talk with Atton about my Saber... I told him i had Double Edged Yellow Saber, but I had 2 Single Edged (can be 1) but how can i czhange it in the Savegame??? Is it possibl...  [Read More]
Originally posted by test is there anyway you could add a list of locations we could travel to? Like, click player location, and a big list comes up like the rest? thanks Working on this. It will be ready next weekend (or perhaps this week if I hav...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
03-08-2005, 10:50 PM
Fred, your PM mailbox is full again :( (make sure you delete the sent items!) Just wanted to thank you for the maps and tell you that the map page at is ready: It is accessible via the mod...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
03-03-2005, 1:48 PM
@ Uchiha Itachi & Mono_Giganto : Note that the .dlg files in Kotor 2 have a lot of new fields that were not present in Kotor 1. Therefore, if you edit a .dlg file with Kotor tool dlg editor and save it, you will loose all the information contain...  [Read More]
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