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Page: 48 of 109
Posted in:  Force Zombie???
03-24-2005, 10:01 AM
They are equipped with the Twi'lek Spinning Blade (w_melee_x03.uti)....  [Read More]
Posted in:  Force Zombie???
03-18-2005, 6:00 PM
Wow! that mod got 127 downloads in one day! I have to admit that it was fun to do and to test :D Originally posted by SuperSquall Yeah, I think you could make a transparent texture for everything but the hand. The only catch is that with most mode...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Force Zombie???
03-18-2005, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by tk102 Other potential StringRefs for this mod: 13981: Corpse 25699: Corpse - Sith Soldier 32115: Malak's Dead Jedi 41200: Chewed Human Corpse 45789: Dead Soldier 101328: Jedi Corpse 101681: Animated 101726: Dead 123471: Dead Me...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Force Zombie???
03-17-2005, 11:36 PM
Nothing serious, just for fun... :D The "Zombie Summoning" force power is just a silly force power that was inspired by this discussion: The icon was made using one of our...  [Read More]
Posted in: [ART] Non-Anime Kotor fanart!
03-23-2005, 8:20 PM
PLease don't bring this thread off topic. If you want to discuss the cut material, start a new thread. This thread is for Kyla Rand's work. If I posted the pic above, it was only in response to another post, to show how the drawings reflected more em...  [Read More]
Posted in: [ART] Non-Anime Kotor fanart!
03-23-2005, 8:04 PM
Originally posted by Kyla Rand WOW WOW WOW! I did you manage to reactivte it? Do you mind if I use this pic on other forums? I didn't know they actually made the scene! that is awesome... I played on X Box so I don't really know about the advantages...  [Read More]
Posted in: [ART] Non-Anime Kotor fanart!
03-23-2005, 7:53 PM
Originally posted by jblue789 That's a nice picture. Though, one would expect Atton to be a bit more mutilated, scorched, beaten, and bloody.... hmmm... i prefer Kyla Rand's pic to the game original cutscene of Atton's death: there is more emotion....  [Read More]
Posted in: [ART] Non-Anime Kotor fanart!
03-23-2005, 11:53 AM
I like them a lot, I think they reflect the personalities of the npcs pretty well! Bring some more! :thumbsup:...  [Read More]
Posted in: DirectX problem
03-21-2005, 5:52 PM
Moving to the Work Bench......  [Read More]
Posted in: OMG Why? (dunno if spoiler)
03-17-2005, 9:38 AM
Your graphic card is kinda low end. I would reduce the graphic options even more to see how it goes. Also make sure you have the latest frivers installed....  [Read More]
Posted in:  subtle darkside change mod
03-13-2005, 8:53 AM
I like :) Just make sure you get Dath_Tomer's permission to use his mod prior to releasing amod that uses part of his work ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dark Side won't give up
03-13-2005, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by T7nowhere Something like tk102's choker would do the trick, But he hasn't ade one for TSL yet. It's coming ;) If only I can find the time to release this AIOFPM......  [Read More]
Posted in: Catalyst 5.3 anyone tried it?
03-10-2005, 9:44 AM
I jst saw that it was out this morning. It seems that the issues with Kotor 2 have not been solved: :( Relevant Extract from the release notes: Known Issues for CATALYSTâ„¢ Software Suite...  [Read More]
Posted in: How to set triggers
03-09-2005, 11:08 PM
How to set a trigger Original thread for discussion is here ( Triggers are used when you want to fire an event when your PC crosses a certain area such as such as spawning npcs, turn...  [Read More]
Posted in: DLG/UTI/UTC/MOD Language Converter v1.0
03-09-2005, 9:34 AM
Originally posted by Entropist2 Now, I may ask too much, :p , but the most brilliant thing would be to enable multiselection for your program. I mean you select a group of uti files and bing, you convert them! That would make all the items and the...  [Read More]
Posted in: New version of nwnnsscomp!
03-20-2005, 10:40 AM
When I extract nwscript.nss to a directory that contains also the script I want to compile, the compiler tries to compile nwscript.nss when I use: nwnnsscomp -c *.nss I know I can specify the game version but I was wondering for the international use...  [Read More]
Posted in: New version of nwnnsscomp!
03-16-2005, 4:45 PM
Originally posted by Arlen Treesong I tried to do it through project manager, I followed everything you say, but it gives me a [continue] [exit] error stating it cannot find C:/Program Files/LucasArts....... k_inc_force.ncs why is it looking for nc...  [Read More]
Originally posted by sketch42 is it possible to get the armband to display the last script fired?? please say yes........ please say yes.......... please say yes There is no way to display a script "as is" but you can insert debugging fu...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL: ATI driver issues and Dantooine Lag Fix
03-20-2005, 12:00 PM
Just wanted to point out this guide: for troubleshooting & optimizing Kotor 2...  [Read More]
Posted in: New MDLOps
03-08-2005, 11:27 PM
Thanks alot for all your hard work! :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: FindRefs Utility (Latest version: v4.4)
03-18-2005, 12:20 AM
Perfect! :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: FindRefs Utility (Latest version: v4.4)
03-12-2005, 10:52 AM
Thanks tk! I think this is the tool I use most often! :)...  [Read More]
Great! Thanks for releasing this (I couldn't hold it secret much longer :D ) It will make dlg editing much easier now :)...  [Read More]
Tianhou_Zhong: That never happened to me....did you also "artificially" boosted your charisma? I hear that it happened to some people who had done that and by reducng the charisma to more "normal " values solved the problem. ...a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
03-18-2005, 2:11 PM
Originally posted by Fred Tetra I was wondering how many people would use a feature whereby you could select several rows to copy and paste, both within a file and between two different ones as well. I think just about everyone would use it as you...  [Read More]
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