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Whereami Armband v.2.0.6 + coordinates extractor, object lister, door opener

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03-07-2005, 2:59 PM
Darth333 thank you for making this... but just one question though.. well maybe more than one :p

when i open a git file it shows a few things for orientation
one is for x orientation and one for Y Orientation... but your armband only shows one field for orientation is this x or y ... and if its for just one can you make it where itll show you both?
03-07-2005, 6:56 PM
My armband will give you the XOrientation. I never really bothered with the YOrientation as this value rarely changes when you look at the exiting .git files...and honestly, I don't really know what it visually changes in the game, especially for creatures :confused: Perhaps someone who has played with this value can tell us...
03-07-2005, 7:23 PM
does the position you get work with the direction you are facing when you activate the armband?
03-07-2005, 7:37 PM
Originally posted by sketch42
does the position you get work with the direction you are facing when you activate the armband?
Yes, the relevant extract of the code is:float GetOrientation= GetFacing(OBJECT_SELF);
03-08-2005, 8:40 PM
New version uploaded! v. 2.0.2

The script has been modified to convert degrees in radians so that you will now be able to get the bearing in the output and not just the orientation in degrees. This will facilitate the positioning of placeables in the .git file.

Sample output:

Beginning whereami output:
Module: 601dan
> 365.64645
> 138.08188
> 6.70874
> Orientation: 106.80502
> Bearing: 1.86410

End of whereami output

Download link is in the first post (or just click the banner at the top of these forums).
03-08-2005, 10:02 PM
Thank you for this Darth333. It is always nice to see add on features to even the mildest of modding tools.
03-09-2005, 1:09 AM
Sweet, thanks Darth333! :D

This should make Module making much easier. :)
03-12-2005, 2:39 AM
is it possible to get the armband to display the last script fired??

please say yes........ please say yes.......... please say yes
03-12-2005, 7:56 AM
Originally posted by sketch42
is it possible to get the armband to display the last script fired??

please say yes........ please say yes.......... please say yes
There is no way to display a script "as is" but you can insert debugging functions in your script (you don't need the armband for this). Check this thread:
04-25-2005, 1:54 PM

With the permission of Darth333, I've updated this armband's dialog. It will now also tell you the tag and distance of the nearest Creature, Placeable, Trigger, Waypoint, and Door. You can then choose to force open the nearest door.

These appear in normal dialog, not in the Feedback screen. (To make them appear in the feedback screen, uncomment the commented sections in d3_getloc.nss and recompile.)
04-25-2005, 2:11 PM
Thanks for that useful update and for uploading it at :) (edit: and for changing the title of this thread :D )

Now I've got to find some time to use the armband :rolleyes:
04-26-2005, 1:20 AM
I for one think that this is a really useful edit for an already fantastic mod, great job tk102 and Darth333 :thumbsup:
04-26-2005, 8:03 PM
Yeah thanks guys! (Guy) And Darth333 (girl):p
05-09-2005, 12:31 AM
An infuriated T7Nowhere informed me of an issue with v2.0.3's Orientation/Bearing readout. Steam spouted from his ears as he explained that these readings seemed to be affected by the initiation of the extended dialog.

As a workaround, I've updated the scripts so that nearest objects are written immediately to the Feedback screen. I've also added instructions on how to install this mod without any dialog at all. (This latter method quenched T7Nowhere's fiery wroth.)
05-09-2005, 1:58 AM
Originally posted by tk102
An infuriated T7Nowhere informed me of an issue with v2.0.3's Orientation/Bearing readout. Steam spouted from his ears as he explained that these readings seemed to be affected by the initiation of the extended dialog.

As a workaround, I've updated the scripts so that nearest objects are written immediately to the Feedback screen. I've also added instructions on how to install this mod without any dialog at all. (This latter method quenched T7Nowhere's fiery wroth.)

wroth? Do you mean wrath?

Thank you for the fix though TK. I would think it might be hard seeing steam come out of T7's ears with that helmet on though. By the way has anybody noticed how T7 looks like Mandalore?:p
Edit tk102: Um Yes, wrath. T7 scared my noun into an adjective.
05-09-2005, 9:51 AM
Man, there has been so many good modz out there, and this one deservies a 10!!!!:)
08-01-2005, 9:21 PM
The armband has been updated to fix a bug that would prevent the bearing and orientation to display correctly (more details in this thread: )

I just fusionned the script that gets the coordinates and the script that fires the .dlg together.

08-02-2005, 2:11 AM
:bluidea: What a simple fix! :doh:
08-02-2005, 3:10 AM
Thanks :)
 The Source
08-02-2005, 12:42 PM
When I created 'DAP: I', I drew out levels, and set up coordinates. The Whereami Armband works like a charm. Thanks Darth333Lady. Yes! I did not know this existed untill I saw the thread.. lol... I am so slow some times... lol... :)

All hail Darth333 the :queen queen.
08-03-2005, 8:04 AM
Kudos Darth333... :thumbs1:
 The Source
10-06-2005, 3:10 PM
I don't know if someone has mentioned this, but when I use the "Where Am I Band', my character records the orientation or bearing from the oposite direction. I was wondering if this was fixed, or if this is something new?

Either way! I still think this is one of the coolest utilities made!
10-06-2005, 3:29 PM
Are you using the last version? (v. 2.0.5) It should give you the direction in which your pc is facing. Otherwise, I'll double check it but it works fine for me.
 The Source
12-28-2005, 11:09 AM
I checked your first post of this thread, and I didn't see any indication. Is there a 'Whereami' band for KotOR I?
12-28-2005, 11:58 AM
No but I can make one :D Check back tomorrow!
 The Source
01-05-2006, 4:20 PM
Hello! I was wondering if you released a KotOR I version yet? :) hehehe...
01-05-2006, 4:47 PM
I made it but didn't tested it yet. I am using the TSL patcher this time :) It should be up in a few days.
 The Source
01-05-2006, 4:50 PM
I made it but didn't tested it yet. I am using the TSL patcher this time :) It should be up in a few days.
:thumbsup: Cool! :)
 Doc Valentine
03-05-2006, 2:17 PM
I have a problem with the armband. I have the latest version and all of that but the bearing is off. When I set the bearing of a placeable like a computer according to the armband, when in game the placeable is always 90 degrees to the right of where my character was facing.

Any idea on what i might be doing wrong?

03-05-2006, 3:53 PM
I have a problem with the armband. I have the latest version and all of that but the bearing is off. When I set the bearing of a placeable like a computer according to the armband, when in game the placeable is always 90 degrees to the right of where my character was facing.

Any idea on what i might be doing wrong?

It seems like the output from the whereami armband doesn't match up for all areas/modules for some reason. I had the same problem when I converted the Nar Shaddaa vents into an arena module.

In that particular case at least, this formula seemed to produce the desired Bearing results:

Bearing = (Angle - 90.0) * (PI / 180.0)

...where Bearing is the value put in the placeable entry in the GIT file, and Angle is the corresponding 0-360 degree value (as used by the NWScript GetFacing/SetFacing functions).

I won't guarantee it works in your case, but it might be worth a try. :)
 Doc Valentine
03-05-2006, 8:53 PM
Well its not that much of a problem, all i really have to do is pick the spot I want, and then face my character 90 degrees to the left of where i want the object facing.

03-05-2006, 9:01 PM
It seems like the output from the whereami armband doesn't match up for all areas/modules for some reason. I had the same problem when I converted the Nar Shaddaa vents into an arena module.

In that particular case at least, this formula seemed to produce the desired Bearing results:
Bearing = (Angle - 90.0) * (PI / 180.0)
Well its not that much of a problem, all i really have to do is pick the spot I want, and then face my character 90 degrees to the left of where i want the object facing.

Does the armband give the correct bearing for some areas/modules? If not, the script could easily be fixed as stoffe -mkb- suggested.
03-06-2006, 1:45 PM
It doesn't seem to occur in every module...

I used the armband without any problems for the Trayus core and in the Dxun jungle module but I remember having a similar issue with the area editor included in Kotor tool in the Telos academy module.

I'll try to look into this.

Edit: what module are you working on Gsccc?
 The Source
03-06-2006, 6:05 PM
Hey Darth333,

I was wondering if you had success in creating the "Whereami' Band for KotOR I?
 Doc Valentine
03-06-2006, 7:49 PM
Darth333, I was in the ebon hawk. It could also be that the placeables were just made in different directions, did you use the same placeable for each instance?

 Burned out
07-26-2006, 9:04 AM
Sorry for bumping this, but I'm having a problem. I installed the whereami-armband as you once told me, by editing the spells.2da file with KotOR tool. Well, i have TSL Hak Pad mod installed, and now when I try to launch the Hak Pad, it uses Whereami armband instead. So I want to uninstall the whereami armband. How do I do this, because i have edited the spells.2da (Added the armbands row to it, as you told me to do here (

So, how do I uninstall it? Please, someone help. :)
07-26-2006, 9:11 AM
Did you install the Hak Pad after the Wherami Armband? Or did you overwrite your existing spells.2da with the Wherami Armband's?

The Hak Pad should've just appended the spells.2da so that this kind of problem didn't happen..

However, rather than uninstall, it might be easier for you to go into the Hak Pad .uti file and change the "activate spell" to the proper line listed in the spells.2da.. (this option won't be available however if you overwrote the spells.2da)
 Burned out
07-26-2006, 9:21 AM
Umm.. It's like three months when i installed the Whereami band, and i can use the hak pad from the Defender's wrist consoles "Integrated MODs" option. (God bless you, Defender :))

Anyways, I think i installed the Whereami band later. Not sure, but that's what I think. And yes, i did NOT overwrite the spells.2da. I edited it with KotOR tool as Darth333 told me. Well, I try what you told. (And I downloaded the fix from Hak Pad topic, but it didn't fix it.)

And Chainz, what actually IS the proper line? :O

And how do I edit the .uti file :o. Yeah, I'm starter..
07-26-2006, 9:29 AM
(And I downloaded the fix from Hak Pad topic, but it didn't fix it.)

And Chainz, what actually IS the proper line? :O
yah, the fix for the Hak Pad will only work if both the mods are working. It's not an "install" type of fix..

The Hak Pad doesn't have a proper line.. that's the point of the Patcher. The line is dynamic (changing) depending at what point it was installed and whatever mods were installed prior to the Hak Pad install.

But from the sounds of your problem.. the Wherami Armband edit was using the same line value as the Hak Pad was. Since your edit "may" have overwrote the Hak Pad's line (or replaced it rather).. you'll need to check your spells.2da.

If there is no listing for Hak Pad.. then re-install my mod (delete the hak_pad.uti before re-install)...

If there is an entry for Hak Pad.. make sure it's not using the same line number value of the Wherami Armband.. if it is.. change the Hak Pad to a higher number, then re-edit the hak_pad.uti's properties to "activate" the new line number you gave Hak Pad :)
 Burned out
07-26-2006, 9:34 AM
Thanks, ChAiNz, there really wasn't line of Hak Pad. But I have the Booster pack 2 installed too, so what do I do then? Just as you told but install the booster pack too? (Of course normal hak pad first..)

EDIT: Oh, I think I got it. I try now :).

Thank you EVER so much ChAiNz! It works fine now :). I did what you said. (Deleted the hak_pad.uti and then re-installed the mod, and the booster pack, just in case, and after that deleted my old Hak Pad with Tk's KSE and then cheated a new one.)

Thank you ever so much for help.
07-26-2006, 11:20 AM
Thank you EVER so much ChAiNz! It works fine now :). I did what you said. (Deleted the hak_pad.uti and then re-installed the mod, and the booster pack, just in case, and after that deleted my old Hak Pad with Tk's KSE and then cheated a new one.)

Thank you ever so much for help.
My pleasure :D

Glad you got it to work.. and just so that you know, the Hak Pad should be able to activate the Wherami Armband (if the band is in your inventory).. and will also activate Defender's Wrist Console (also, as long as the band is in your inventory)..

Should make it easier to use them since you won't have to equip the items on your character in order to access the functions :D
07-26-2006, 3:25 PM
Is this PC only? Is there anyway to get the 'whereami' mod to work on XBOX? I am on Nar Shaddaa and stuck in the room Zez Kai Ell was in. I have wasted 5 hours of my life trying to get this work.
07-26-2006, 3:31 PM
It seems that it works for the xbox as well but you need a modded xbox.
07-26-2006, 3:38 PM
In order to use this with XBOX... I would need to know first off

1.) will this be potentially injurious to my XBOX
2.) Will this take forever to do/learn to do?
07-26-2006, 3:44 PM
In order to use this with XBOX... I would need to know first off

1.) will this be potentially injurious to my XBOX
2.) Will this take forever to do/learn to do?

3.) Go here ( and read up on X-Box Modding. It should answer both of those :)
07-26-2006, 4:06 PM
Thank you for the link. I think I may have played my last time through KOTOR II. I can't mod my box because I play Madden online A LOT. That's right... I'm a Star Wars/Madden geek. Not enough of us if you ask me.

Meh. I LOVED KOTOR 1... I just wish they would have taken more time with KOTOR II. Sadness...
 Darth InSidious
09-30-2006, 5:57 PM
Apologies for the bump, but I just wanted to ask about the possibility of including a feature.

I just wanted to know whether it would be possible to add to the whereami script a part so that the feedback in Messages Log>Feedback also gives you which room you are in?

Just a suggestion to enhance the best armband in TSL :)
09-30-2006, 7:22 PM
Apologies for the bump, but I just wanted to ask about the possibility of including a feature.

I just wanted to know whether it would be possible to add to the whereami script a part so that the feedback in Messages Log>Feedback also gives you which room you are in?

I don't think that's possible to handle entirely in-game since the scripting language contains no functions for retrieving the room tag, or has any awareness at all of which room the player is in.

(It could probably be handled via an external application though, where the armband prints out the coordinates of the player along with the name of the area and module. The external app would then extract that information from the Feedback log, look up the .lyt file for the area and try to match the player coordinates against the room coordinates.)
 Darth InSidious
10-02-2006, 3:48 PM
Oh well. It was just a suggestion :)

Thanks for the response, though :)
11-04-2006, 1:02 PM
Sorry for bumping this, but could it be that 6 is the limit of the amount of outputs you can have in a save? Because I recorded 8 times, and there were only 6 in the .txt.
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