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Where would I find the trailer sound force crush?

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03-01-2005, 7:14 AM
Where would I find the crunching sound for force crush, like the one in the trailer? v_imp_crush.wav dosent sound anything like it, Thanks!:D
03-01-2005, 7:39 AM
Originally posted by DarthSmallz
Where would I find the crunching sound for force crush, like the one in the trailer? v_imp_crush.wav dosent sound anything like it, Thanks!:D
DarthSmallz, dude...

There's already a thread on this... please post the question in that thread rather than start a new one. These forums are getting lively with recent TSL modding and less clutter is going to help us all out... :)

I don't mean to be rude man, I'm just trying to help you out, but this thread is bound to be locked...
03-01-2005, 8:01 AM
Woops! Sorry, about that! Please close!
03-01-2005, 8:02 AM
Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da
... this thread is bound to be locked...
Agreed. :lock:
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