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Page: 85 of 133
Posted in: Basic Brainstorming: Default Cvar Values
12-02-2003, 5:23 AM
Does it have some visual component or is it just a internal thing?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Brainstorming: Default Cvar Values
12-02-2003, 5:06 AM
I saw a tiny reference to that but I didn't know what it did. Could you please explain what it is suppose to do and where in the code it is?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Brainstorming: Default Cvar Values
12-02-2003, 4:43 AM
I've been thinking, why don't we change so of the annoying defaults for some of the cvars to improve things a bit? Increasing the sv_fps and related network cvars would make the saber collision improvement (by boosting the server fps) transparent an...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Submission: Old JK2 Gametypes
12-02-2003, 5:21 AM
Ok, with the help of Mushroom, I've done the code modifications nessicary to use the removed JK2 gametypes. Everything should the ready to go, all you have to do is set up a map (or use an old JK2 one) that supports the gametypes. Speaking of which,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Making you 100/100 at begining of duel?
12-02-2003, 2:56 AM
Yes, OJP ( would be ideal for solving this issue....  [Read More]
Are you trying to slow everything down or just the saber swings? In SP or MP?...  [Read More]
Posted in: IMPROTANT! For all making new maps!
12-01-2003, 9:38 AM
I suggest you submit any work you do to the Open Jedi Project. It's basically the unofficial patch you describe with a good amount of modder support already behind it. You can check it by looking thru the OJP forums here (  [Read More]
Posted in: RGB Saber Colors
12-01-2003, 9:48 PM
mmmm. That's a good question. I'm not sure how much people would want that and if it would work out good....  [Read More]
Posted in: RGB Saber Colors
12-01-2003, 5:47 PM
Thanks. How are you handling the blade shape or glow? Is it based off one file? I'm asking since I think some of us would really like to add selectable blade styles to the game that's compatible with RGB saber colors. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: DCMoD
12-01-2003, 9:52 AM
If you want to use the mod on only your own clan server, that's fine. However, then you go the extra mile and release it to the public, you take on a level of responsibility. In this case, our collective experience with JK2 has shown that giving mor...  [Read More]
Posted in: Compile under Linux!?
12-01-2003, 2:44 AM
So how do you run .dlls on the linux dedicated server? I never use Linux and need instructions so I can help people that ask....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's New?
12-02-2003, 5:45 AM
Maybe. I'm pretty iffy on playing favorites in terms of JK2 map conversions. I'm hoping that someone will set up a install program for OJP that rips/patches all the JK2 maps straight from the JK2 disc....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's New?
12-02-2003, 1:47 AM
With the help of mushroom, we've gotten the old gametypes to work again. I've added all the nessicary menu items and am currently testing it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
12-01-2003, 9:46 PM
IM? What IM? At this stage, I'm still just digging thru things to figure things out and get back in the swing of things. New Stances and stuff will come later. Baby steps. Baby steps....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
12-01-2003, 9:08 PM
Try reading the italian interview that's on the site, I beleive that goes more in depth. And Force powers charges are a completely different subject. Start a new thread please....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
12-01-2003, 5:25 PM
Yes, Mouse Sabering should work for attacking and blocking. And I'm not sure I can explain it any more than what's on the site, you probably didn't look bad enough....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Brainstorming: Saber Hilts/Glow/Blades/Sounds
12-01-2003, 10:30 PM
Well, I prefer to not physically change the size of menus if I don't have to. It can cause issues with making it look right....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Brainstorming: Saber Hilts/Glow/Blades/Sounds
12-01-2003, 9:44 PM
Yeah, but that would be obvious! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Brainstorming: Saber Hilts/Glow/Blades/Sounds
12-01-2003, 9:10 PM
Well, you can free up a lot of menu space by toggling off the default blade colors area of the menu when doing RGB colors....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Various Minor Additions
12-02-2003, 12:09 AM
There are somethings that I can try to see if it will improve the hit detection but it will take a while to impliment....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Various Minor Additions
12-02-2003, 12:08 AM
Most of the hit detection "issues" are the result of: 1) Lag 2) non-Kyle player models 3) Too low of a sv_fps setting...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Various Minor Additions
12-01-2003, 10:23 PM
The saber code in JK is similar to this as well. 2 people can not do damage to each other at the exact same time meaning if 2 people lunge at the same time, the person who lunges secondly would win because the first persons saber would only do damage...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Various Minor Additions
12-01-2003, 7:09 PM
I say go for it. It's time consuming so I probably won't be doing it any time soon but it would make a great addition to the project....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Various Minor Additions
12-01-2003, 5:49 PM
Uuuhh. Who are you talking to?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Idea: Player Model Scaling
12-01-2003, 9:05 PM
That's a good idea and I think that should go in there, but that won't be enough to balance for gun play. I still think a hitpoint scaler is needed....  [Read More]
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