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Page: 88 of 133
Posted in: Basic Ideas (?): Server Browser Filters
11-23-2003, 6:39 PM
I think it's a good idea but I'm not particularly interested in doing it. I rarely use the browser since I'm normally on a dail up....  [Read More]
Posted in: Vehicle pack worth it?
11-24-2003, 2:44 AM
Well, if you can find someone to set up and maintain such a database, I'll go for it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Vehicle pack worth it?
11-23-2003, 6:37 PM
Let's be realistic please. You can't expect to have enough time to take on additional database projects when you haven't enough time to finish the menu enhancements or website yet....  [Read More]
Posted in: Vehicle pack worth it?
11-22-2003, 8:34 PM
Originally posted by Emon I suggest that instead, we maintain a database on our site of vehicles. Descriptions, download mirrors, maybe even videos, if someone wants to make them. Seeing as how OJP is largely for developers, this make a lot of sense...  [Read More]
Posted in: So... do you want my Snow Speeder?
11-23-2003, 8:59 PM
Great. I'll add everything to the project when I have time....  [Read More]
Posted in: So... do you want my Snow Speeder?
11-22-2003, 8:19 PM
Well, I already have the file so you just need to agree to the OJP rules....specifically... Before you consider submitting, take note that we won't let you desubmit or remove your works from the project. Allowing people to do so would cause too many...  [Read More]
Posted in: So... do you want my Snow Speeder?
11-21-2003, 5:10 PM
Yeah, that was me that was trying to contact you. I didn't realize that that pcgamemods nick was yours. I tried out your snow speeder and I liked it. I'm hopeing that you'll consider submitting it to OJP....  [Read More]
Posted in: Vehicles Submission: Sithspeeder
11-21-2003, 4:19 AM
"A pared-down crescent-shaped conveyance, Darth Maul's Sith speeder is a very utilitarian craft stripped of all non-essential features to deliver the swiftest speeds possible. Deployed from the Sith Infiltrator, Maul's speeder bike traverses dis...  [Read More]
Posted in: File Server Frustration
11-22-2003, 8:25 PM
While the second wave of files were posted fairly quickly, the first one was not posted for weeks and only ever happened after I talked to Kurgan personally....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Ideas: New Animations
11-22-2003, 8:29 PM
Originally posted by keshire I beleive that is in a different gla file. And if I'm not mistaken MP can't import more than one gla for a model like sp can. You can merge the files together but it will make your mod a huge download....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-23-2003, 6:30 PM
While the ProMod system is an interesting idea, it's too lag dependant and simply not realistic. Plus, I don't like rock-paper-scissors style balancing, it's too simplistic and annoying....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-22-2003, 9:04 PM
It's an interesting analysis but I don't put too much faith into it. It was written before Episode 1 and while real world techniques apply to some degree, it's very hard to translate real world techniques to involve sabers and Force powers....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-21-2003, 9:06 AM
I wouldn't do that either. It will screw up the context of the thread. Just leave it the way it is please. Thanks....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-21-2003, 8:52 AM
There's no need for that. From my year of work on MotF, I've found that new ideas for the saber system come up often enough that making a written plan of things is just a waste of time. I just store everything in the best place possible, my own head....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-21-2003, 5:13 AM
a real time meeting is an interesting idea but I don't think it's going to work out. There's too many of us in varying time zones. Plus, I'm going on vacation tomorrow for a week so this next week is shot....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-21-2003, 4:02 AM
Anyway, while BR's dymanic combo system is interesting, I think the ztargeting concept that Y and me talked about would have more control and be easier to do....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-21-2003, 3:56 AM
I think that sums it up for now. Haha, Ace will probably have my head, but I've been in worse jams before. :x That's it, Ytmh! You're going down! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-21-2003, 2:00 AM
I've been operating off movie realism myself but I understand that there's some things that aren't expecting people to have Jedi like reflexes. And I'm not particularly concerned about new animations. I don't think we're going to reaso...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-20-2003, 10:43 PM
I meant a client cvar that sets if they prefer to go into a combo animation or just saber lock when it happens. Maybe something that sets the percentage chance of it being a combo->saber lock vs. just a saber lock (this is for when the client is t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-20-2003, 9:10 PM
I don't have a problem with prerendered combos as long as they don't impact the gameplay and are client cvared. The problem with having it impact the gameplay would be that it would overshadow the normal saber play and you'd be be right back to the k...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-20-2003, 2:37 AM
Say, aren't you one of the guys working on that Matrix mod?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-20-2003, 1:18 AM
Well, we can't make it too complicated or people won't be able to use it effectively. I think your block->parry->counterattack is an interesting idea but I don't think the player will have enough time during a block to press the parry button....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-20-2003, 12:18 AM
Well, unless we get some new animations designed just for parrying (the current animations are made for actual attacking), I can't really see the parry working by "attacking the saber". The current animations simply aren't set up for the la...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-19-2003, 11:46 PM
The Dodge system is connected to the Fatigue system. Fatigue points feed the Dodge meter. Yeah, me and Y set up this basic saber system concept like a year ago and have been refining it ever since. Hell is in the details. :) Anyway, I've also toyed...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-19-2003, 11:01 PM
Well, yes, things will be slower than the pace you see in the PT, but there's not much we can do about that since we're trying to make a game that is fun to play instead of a video demo. The battles will still be quick paced and furious. They just wo...  [Read More]
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