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Page: 91 of 214
Posted in: Demo!!!
10-28-2004, 2:49 AM
Nicely done (so far). A few things: it's actually a bit more fun than the JK2 "gun levels" because you can aim for the heads of enemies in JA, thus killing them off a bit faster. I did have a bit of fun when I made it to the Moldy Crow in...  [Read More]
Posted in: OT DVD ghost scene
10-27-2004, 10:36 AM
Return of the Jedi, during the Vader funeral pyre scene. Well, on the bright side, the Shaw ghost shot IS on the 4th DVD (along with Fett's old voice), so fans can always look back at the proper moment if they wish. Somebody just needs to cut toget...  [Read More]
Posted in: Binds?
10-25-2004, 4:05 PM
If you're talking about the debug commands, keep in mind those are glitches, that only work in improperly compiled mods. Basically exploits. They don't work in the regular game. As to "binds" like scripts, there is a whole thread dedicated...  [Read More]
Posted in: My force level is always 0 (zero)!!!
10-25-2004, 3:58 PM
Have you been using any cheats or mods? Because normally you do start the game with Force, and Force "restores itself" over time (be patient). It shouldn't just run out and never come back, unless you somehow cheated to make yourself a l...  [Read More]
Posted in: This looks truly great !!!!
10-27-2004, 5:33 AM
While I'm happy for the team, and all they've achieved in the last year, I must say I'm a little less than enthusiastic about one aspect of this mod (and the most important aspect): the gameplay. I realize you're trying to re-create the atmosphere o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Musical Performance at Jabba's Palace
10-23-2004, 7:19 PM
Yeah, I guess I've learned to just "accept it" (Lapti Nek seemed more alien and less familiar), but it really feels like it's from some other movie or show, not part of the original scene. At least a couple of the dancers were kinda cute (...  [Read More]
Posted in: help with mp spawning
10-22-2004, 8:11 PM
As summed up by what others said, you can't spawn them without cheats unless you're using a mod. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Model Skins & Texture Tool -=BViewer=-
10-21-2004, 3:08 PM
Good luck with that. Wow, this brings back memories of the early JK community with people whipping up tools virtually from scratch!...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA community is dying (oh! the nostalgia!)
10-25-2004, 4:01 PM
Yup, the Star Wars Galaxies commercial Expansion 'Jump to Lightspeed.' To play that though I'd have to buy SWG and pay the monthly fee, so I won't be playing it, though the graphics (like the rest of SWG) look incredible. It sure would be nice to se...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA community is dying (oh! the nostalgia!)
10-22-2004, 7:57 PM
Okay right now there are "only" 736 servers with 503 players on JA (according to ASE, which is nearly twice the number of JK2 servers/players on right now). The numbers fluctuate up and down. I checked it a few weeks ago and it was up to o...  [Read More]
Posted in: 200 for Shields instead of 100
10-22-2004, 1:05 AM
I think they probably can't change it in SP, lacking an SDK, but in MP it wouldn't be so difficult. They also can't change the default behavior of the weapons (though I suppose you could mix and match the models and firing modes to make it appear the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problems playing JO in JA
10-22-2004, 8:17 PM
I dunno, the lack of certain force powers in JK2 SP really annoyed me, making it feel like they made the game that way to make it artificially more difficult (ie: frustrating). I couldn't tell much of a difference between JA & JK2 SP saber comba...  [Read More]
I dunno how it's done in other states, but here's the details (sorry for posting it so late, hope nobody was waiting on ME to decide whether to try to register or not!): In Iowa, here's how it goes for the 2004 General Election: Oct. 23rd (alread...  [Read More]
Posted in: screen shot (step by step explanations...)
10-22-2004, 8:19 PM
Well I hope this was a learning experience for all of us. Moving on then......  [Read More]
Watch it with the spoilers guys (at least use the tag)... C'mon, in the same thread. Look, I realize they are putting up gameplay videos containing spoilers (which I haven't watched) on the site, but still. It's been confirmed that this game takes...  [Read More]
Posted in: Original Death Star
10-21-2004, 12:52 AM
There's also the theory that the Death Star had it's own invisible shield (not as powerful as the DeathStar 2's shield of course). Remember the "magnetic field" that the fighters had to slow down to pass through (they then "accelerate...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kick Whoring?
10-25-2004, 4:11 PM
Originally posted by 00M-187 Who plays JK2? I can't find a server anywhere. Try ASE. Both games are still being played (JA usually has more). Don't expect Counerstrike numbers, but then, no FPS has CS numbers....  [Read More]
Posted in: Desktop Thread (56k'ers enter at your own discretion)
10-22-2004, 2:25 AM
Oh btw, my old desktop wallpaper was one a forum member made for me. It was an image of "Kurgan" spelled out in Det packs on the ground of Chandrilla from the JA demo. ; ) That kicked @$$!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Omg LOL (goofy flash movies)
10-21-2004, 3:41 PM
Yeah I remember listening to the original song and thinking it was pretty crappy (with a couple of good things in it like Luke's whiney voice and how he calls Yoda a "playa hatah"). The flash animation is old (I remember watching it in col...  [Read More]
Posted in: some wrong stuff in the game
10-21-2004, 3:06 PM
Well you go by the movies when you can, but where's the logic in having a rank structures (and verbal orders) in a "Droid Army" that has a control ship? Granted, the common explanation for this is that the DCS is just an "alive signa...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Beloved Bowcaster?
10-23-2004, 8:28 PM
And now, Chewbacca ( :wookiee: ), for the GBA (Galactic Blaster Association)! GRAWWRL, RAAAAWWGG RAWG RAWG ROOOOAARRR!!!! *Threepio ( :c3po: ) translating* He says "You can have my crossbow when you pry it from my cold, dead, paws."...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Beloved Bowcaster?
10-22-2004, 7:59 PM
Ah good point. It's so quick I miss it.. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lucasarts Forums: Chock Full of Idiots
10-21-2004, 3:12 PM
Now, now... don't make me get the bag out......  [Read More]
Originally posted by razorace All you have to do is compile your public releases in "final" configuration instead of "debug" mode. An important lesson for all mod makers then it sounds like! I'm moving this to General Editing...  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting Dismemberment to work!
10-22-2004, 9:14 PM
Try OJP basic mod if you like. That makes it easy. Otherwise, uninstall JA completely. Then reinstall it to a fresh directory (after running a Registry Cleaner if you can). The commands should work for you....  [Read More]
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