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Page: 88 of 214
Posted in: Aayla Secura!!!
12-01-2004, 2:32 AM
Why is this a sticky? Seriously, I didn't feel like reading through 23 pages of fanboy drooling to find out why. No offense of course. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Box Art Released (PC & Xbox)
12-03-2004, 1:40 AM
Looks just like the cover of "Hard Contact" but with some colored markings on the troopers. Interesting that the "look" of the troopers seems to have changed. Previously they were all a "metallic gray" (vs. the white tr...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Darkside Clouds Everything
12-01-2004, 1:35 AM
Another thing is that Palpatine wanted to kill Luke, but Vader convinced him to try to "turn" him (Vader wanted to keep his son alive and use him to overthrow his master). So Luke was freely allowed to use the Force, and perhaps if they ha...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Darkside Clouds Everything
11-30-2004, 8:59 AM
Let's keep in mind too that the quote is made by Yoda during the time of AOTC, while Palpatine, the powerful Sith Lord, is plotting the downfall of the Jedi, while hiding in their very midst. After the events of Revenge of the Sith (presumably), Pal...  [Read More]
Posted in: redslushie 1.1 download
11-29-2004, 5:05 PM
Sounds cool. Two questions immediately come to mind.... 1) What's new in this version? 2) Download mirrors? (rather than wading through the entire forum) ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Stop the Bad SW games! Bring back MOTS?
11-29-2004, 4:45 PM
Originally posted by razorace Exactly. Designing a better saber system isn't easy. No kidding. You gotta shot a standard stormtrooper NPC like 4-6 times to kill them. It is a bit extreme, but the same was true in JK2. By contrast in Jedi Knight...  [Read More]
Posted in: dismemberment methods
11-29-2004, 4:57 PM
This is definately the thread for you: There's also some dismemberment options added to the menu (to save time) in OJP mod. Good luck!...  [Read More]
Posted in: game changed all of a sudden... help!!! (JA)
11-29-2004, 4:59 PM
I had a weird, somewhat similar thing happen to me on the last level of the game (very annoying). After restarting and reloading about a hundred times and my patience was at an end, I tried going back to a much earlier saved game and it worked withou...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy - Disc 2?
11-29-2004, 4:56 PM
Disc 1 & 2 are used for the "protection scheme" when you install or something along those lines. Once you've installed (assuming you did the full installation) you'll only need disc 1 to actually play. Unlike JK1, you don't need to di...  [Read More]
I remember one time (back in the day) on my Meatgrinder server I was hosting FFA, and I was listening in on the chat (from the ded server panel, this was before I hosted on with JediServers). The people were talking like RPG players. "No, no, y...  [Read More]
Hi guys! I have been pretty scarce around here in the past week, because I've been spending time with my family and took a break from the forums. But, I should be back (well, I'm a little busy this week too, but hopefully soon). Here's what I'll s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Taking a Break from Jedi outcast/academy
11-29-2004, 5:01 PM
Ha! Fine, point conceded. The PC Demo is still "coming soon" on Of course a patch was released a very short time ago (the Jabba map). Basically the game is better than its ever been, but not by a whole lot. The same things...  [Read More]
Posted in: Taking a Break from Jedi outcast/academy
11-17-2004, 5:44 PM
That's what they say about every Star Wars game that comes out. Feel free to ignore it. Battlefront was in some serious trouble (though it had plenty of defenders online, believe me, who insisted it was the best game ever, regardless of the bugs), b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Return of the Jedi in HDTV
11-16-2004, 1:04 PM
Originally posted by Lynk Former Just wait till Bluray finally becomes standard. IF it does... *starts Bluray vs. HD-DVD war unwittingly*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will some one?
11-17-2004, 5:32 PM
What is it with people making really vague or incomplete titles for their threads? I get tired of renaming them. Can't people finish a thought? It's not as if there isn't room for a complete sentence in that little blank there when you post. I mean...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is there a JKIV coming out?
11-17-2004, 5:31 PM
No information exists. If there are insiders with info, they aren't talking to us so far. I haven't heard any rumors, just wishful thinking from us fans. ; ) Sorry... There's already a massive speculation/wishlist thread about JK4, if you perform...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Acadmey is faster on WindowsXPpro
11-17-2004, 5:43 PM
There's a couple of things about performance increases with windows upgrades. First off, you should know that Win9x has a flaw in it wherein it leaks memory over time. This (in a nutshell) is why rebooting seems to "Freshen up" the compute...  [Read More]
Posted in: What do you want for Christmas/Hannukah/whatever.
11-12-2004, 2:56 PM
If I had one wish that I could wish this holiday season, it would be for all the children of the world to join hands and sing together in the spirit of harmony and peace. If I had two wishes that I could wish for this holiday season, the first woul...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wookies Are Huge
11-12-2004, 2:14 PM
They do look big and angry, but in the ROTS Teaser trailer we don't seem them in comparison to other non-Wookiee's, so how do we know they are "bigger" than Chewbacca? The only Wookiees we see besides Chewie are those ones in the Senate po...  [Read More]
Posted in: POST Your Bugs Here! (2nd Demo)
11-15-2004, 5:02 AM
Quick suggestion, sorry to put in stuff that sounds like "requests" I don't mean to fill up space. But Jan pronounces it "Ann oh At" in your cutscene, but in Empire Strikes Back Han says is "uh noe at" or "uh noe i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fixing the "Bad Sabers" in ROTJ (tips)
12-01-2004, 2:42 AM
Of course anyone can look past the imperfections. It's just that in this "restoration" they made some of the imperfections a lot more obvious than they ever had been. And this being billed as an "improvement" over even the Specia...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fixing the "Bad Sabers" in ROTJ (tips)
11-30-2004, 9:40 AM
Well, that cinches it for me. After reading Chris Gould's article (Star Wars Changes Part 3) at DVDAnswers, I'm convinced that this "it was always this way" thing is incorrect. Unless it's due completely to people having the brightness and...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Alegis We all knew Sauron was the bad guy before the LOTR movies right :p GG aint really a spoiler for anyone that visits a star wars forum. Add Guild Wars to my february wishlist...gonna be busy then so yeah i'll wait for the...  [Read More]
Hello! It matters to anyone that spent money on this version! That's like saying "oh, don't worry about buggy software, a new version will be released in a few years that's better." With that attitude we can just wait forever and any mis...  [Read More]
Mmmm, always in motion, the future is... Btw, here's a link to all three of DVDAnswer's articles, (complete!):  [Read More]
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