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Page: 27 of 214
Posted in: how do you undo mods?
01-23-2006, 8:20 PM
Deleting the XML folder (and possibly two other folders: Resource/Scripts) takes a few seconds! :) Besides, they'd have to know to re-install it into a new folder to avoid being stuck in the same situation as before......  [Read More]
Posted in: how do you undo mods?
01-23-2006, 1:57 PM
Delete your XML folder, and any extra exe files it gave you (like swmod.exe), beyond the normal game files. Basically the mods use XML, so deleting the XML folder and running the normal EXE should return you to normal. Now some mods throw in a "...  [Read More]
Posted in: Uber Transports?
01-22-2006, 8:41 PM
Okay, so I'm wondering if this is a bug in the game or a bug in the MODS for the demo... The shots shouldn't go right through it, should they?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Uber Transports?
01-22-2006, 7:58 PM
Okay, this is just a general question since I noticed this while playing a mod. Are the Imperial transports supposed to be this powerful? It seems that turbolasers go right through them, and it takes massive fleet bombardments for a long, long time...  [Read More]
Posted in: A couple of demo problems i found...
01-22-2006, 8:01 PM
1) It's possible they just figured they need not support such a high hz. Perhaps its an engine limitation? Or maybe there's a way to enable it, who knows. Check to make sure it's detecting your monitor or grahpics card first... 2) They're supposed t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ryloth><Jawas? ????
01-22-2006, 9:23 PM
Just to toss in my two cents here... why do Jawas only have to be on Tatooine? Don't they have space travel technology? C'mon, they even serve "Jawa Juice" on Coruscant! ;) Ah well, :lock:'ed it was.. :yoda:...  [Read More]
Posted in: How to mod
01-23-2006, 4:08 AM
You'll have to ask somebody else, I have never tried, sorry! But I'm assuming it's something like modifying values in the XML, through an editor....  [Read More]
Posted in: How to mod
01-22-2006, 7:28 PM
Until tools come out, apparently its mostly done in XML......  [Read More]
Posted in: After The Doomgiver_Yavin 4 Help!
01-22-2006, 3:26 PM
Try the Single Player Walkthrough on my site here ( Good luck!...  [Read More]
Posted in: space station problems
01-22-2006, 8:02 PM
Did you check this thread first? I was able to destroy it, you just have to make sure you destroy the target points in a certain order. I agree it's an annoying bug though....  [Read More]
Posted in: Bryant's Mod V1.5 -The BEST EaW Mod Out There!
01-23-2006, 1:53 PM
For me the game crashed when I tried to attack Hoth as the Empire......  [Read More]
Posted in: Bryant's Mod V1.5 -The BEST EaW Mod Out There!
01-22-2006, 2:52 PM
Sounds good. The mod author should incorporate that fix into his mod! If I have time I'll try out this mod, it sounds interesting. I really just wanted to play the stuff in the regular demo first, but I sort of wanted to skip to Tatooine rather than...  [Read More]
Posted in: Expanded Demo Campaign Mod
01-22-2006, 7:33 PM
Simmer down, there's no need to bicker and fight over something so silly. I'm warning people to just relax and not resort to flaming over this. Easier for novices to uninstall? Balderdash. Just tell them what directory to look in and what files to d...  [Read More]
Posted in: strategies on tatooine
01-23-2006, 1:43 AM
Alright that's it, I finally beat the demo. This time I just bided my time and raised enough cash to build a giant ground army to totally invade Tatooine and just throw troops at them like there was no tomorrow (after the tedius and annoying destruct...  [Read More]
Posted in: demo config file
01-22-2006, 9:28 PM
Somebody should put up a list of acceptable values (assuming they haven't already done so) and we can make a FAQ/Sticky thread out of it. Even when the full version comes out, such a thing could be quite useful to a lot of people. So let's gather to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Low resolution textures
01-23-2006, 2:01 PM
Well, when I auto detect, it gives me low res textures and 800x600. But I can run it in 1024x768 and up the text detail. It doesn't look nearly as good as the screenshots of some folks on uber pc's (with 256 mb video cards and more than 2 ghz and 512...  [Read More]
Posted in: Need help with the tatooine
01-22-2006, 9:30 PM
Call in the airstrike button (when it becomes available) and use it to click above and to the right of the generator I guess. I only used it against the Jawas, and in this game you can't hurt friendlies, so it did nothing. ;)...  [Read More]
You might be able to turn that off. I know you can "delay the encyclopedia" or something, but I think that just means you have to hold the pointer over something slightly longer for the "tips" to appear. Never tried it......  [Read More]
Posted in: Post Screenshots of the demo!!!
01-23-2006, 4:02 AM
Wow, my graphics sure look like crap compared to that. ;) I guess I could try cranking the detail. The game runs just fun (just a little choppy at "super speed"), it's just the long load times that bug the #$(*% out of me... ;P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where to get Classic Games
01-23-2006, 4:16 AM
Ebay... and maybe Amazon sellers....  [Read More]
Posted in: note to moderators
01-22-2006, 7:26 PM
I prefer respect. ;) People fear my force long posts, though......  [Read More]
Posted in: Good Star Wars Wallpaper for High Res?
01-23-2006, 8:06 PM
I can see wanting to view 3d games at as high res as possible, but reading text like on your desktop or something must require some adjustment, that would be a pain, since for non-3d apps, it would just shrink things down. I've got a 19in lcd monitor...  [Read More]
Posted in: Good Star Wars Wallpaper for High Res?
01-23-2006, 4:12 AM
1900x1200! Crapoli! How big is your Laptop's screen? Or do you just like to squint? :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Women Sith Lords??
01-23-2006, 8:17 PM
Just out of curiosity, where does it say that Ventress was responsible for Anakin's scar? Since she was invented in the Clone Wars series, it would seem amiss that her return from seeming death and the resulting battle that left the scar would have...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rancor Battle
01-23-2006, 7:12 PM
Who knows. But back in 1983, we had no conception that Jedi could do those sorts of things anyway. About all we could have hoped for was for Luke to use the force to activate the switch (rather than throw a skull at it, though he could have used the...  [Read More]
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