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Page: 25 of 214
Posted in: criticle hit points
01-29-2006, 3:39 PM
I finally started seeing some lately. I don't know if they're always the same though. On the AT-AT, it appears there's a critical hit point to the lower right of the "neck" part (if the walker is facing you with it's head). Actually more li...  [Read More]
Posted in: A Question FOR ALL MODDERS
01-30-2006, 6:31 PM
Gmax discontinued? Bummer... I wonder why they decided to stop?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Palps slaying of the JEDI was poor
01-27-2006, 7:21 PM
They still fight like idiots. He slooowly stabs at the first guy (Agen Kolar) who doesn't even block, he just grunts as he gets stabbed. The other guy doesn't block either, he just gets cut down and doesn't even try to fight. Kit Fisto lasts about 3...  [Read More]
Posted in: You've played the demo. Will you buy the game?
01-28-2006, 12:41 PM
I think the demo really didn't tell me much about the game... without the mods. The mods have helped me see a lot more about the game and helped me towards making a decision. There are a few bugs that are very annoying that I hope they fix. If they g...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I get this game?
01-29-2006, 11:11 PM
Remember you need a copy with a valid CD key! Another thing to be wary of with "used" copies......  [Read More]
Posted in: In space without fighter!
01-28-2006, 3:09 PM
I know what you mean. That's popularly known as the "aliens of the week" and the "bumby forehead humanoids" referring to Michael Westmore's (in)famous character makeups. ;) There's even "aliens" in Trek that look exactl...  [Read More]
Posted in: THE ULTIMATE MOD (1.2)!!!
01-30-2006, 6:33 PM
When starting threads of this kind, perhaps you could shrink down that giant image, since it throws off the horizontal borders of the thread, and since all it is is the main screen with "The Ultimate Mod" scrawled across it... it doesn't NE...  [Read More]
Posted in: When is bonus stuff becoming available for PC??
01-31-2006, 12:41 PM
Perhaps they could help eleviate the lag problem if they were to release a linux dedicted server for people to use. This would encourage companies to offer servers for this game like other popular FPS games, and that would in turn mean less lag and m...  [Read More]
Posted in: When is bonus stuff becoming available for PC??
01-30-2006, 11:23 AM
Ah, so the "speed" people talk about in SWBF2 isn't so much actual speed, as lag problems and ghosting. That makes more sense. I was thinking people were saying it was like Super Battlefront II: Hyper Fighting or something. ;) I remember h...  [Read More]
Posted in: When is bonus stuff becoming available for PC??
01-29-2006, 10:14 PM
Oh you mean "fast" in the sense that a lot of stuff can kill you in one hit? That's at least what AvsP was like for me. Many people felt that its online play was unbalanced, but it was always small without decent dedicated server support. ;...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront II PS2 PC server
01-29-2006, 10:26 PM
Did you check If it's not there then it *should be*......  [Read More]
Posted in: Did the Empire continue cloning after the Clone Wars?
01-28-2006, 1:19 AM
Ah, recruits as in officers, okay fine, sure the Academies would be volunteers. I keep forgetting that sometimes officers wear the armor (at least in theory, we never see this in the movies, but we'd never really know unless one of them took a line o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Women Sith Lords??
01-28-2006, 7:08 PM
Wouldn't Anakin have noticed if she survived and gone after her? That's pretty lame... I mean she fell off a cliff! Why don't we assume that characters like Palpatine, Mace Windu or Darth Maul survived, since they were offed in similar fashion (falli...  [Read More]
Posted in: Women Sith Lords??
01-28-2006, 12:58 PM
It looks like an old scar but it isin't.... that is how he gets his scar. Strangely it looks like he is cut in the other side.... :duel: Anakin doesen't have the scar though until that ba...  [Read More]
Posted in: hero vs. villian
01-29-2006, 3:47 PM
Machinecult, no offense buddy, but nobody likes a "back-seat moderator"! We can do our job fine, but if you want to help, use the "report post" feature or PM one of us... Hey venom_tyrant, your sig pic is too big, buddy! The size...  [Read More]
Posted in: Republic Commando Mods?
01-29-2006, 10:40 PM
Thought this deserved a bump since we haven't really seen much new lately......  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars vs. Star Trek: THE MOD!
01-30-2006, 11:44 PM
I thought it would be cooler to have multiple sides involved in the conflict. Get the Imperials, Rebs, Feds, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians (or whomever) in one big free for all (assuming the game is moddable to that faction extent). This would als...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars vs. Star Trek: THE MOD!
01-30-2006, 11:41 PM
I've seen that argument before somewhere.... the Trekkies won. I'd like to see it. From where I'm standing, even if the ISD somehow never fought back, the Enterprise (E? D?) or Voyager would simply run out of ordinance before the ship was destroyed...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars vs. Star Trek: THE MOD!
01-30-2006, 6:39 PM
I agree. Credit should of course be given to the folks on those sites who came up with the ideas in question if they are used. I agree, this would probably be "fudged" in favor of gameplay balance rather than "realism" based on ca...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars vs. Star Trek: THE MOD!
01-30-2006, 6:15 PM
Well I think "pwn" is too strong a word in this case, but we'll let it slide. Such a small ship probably couldn't take on an ISD on its own, even in this game! ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars vs. Star Trek: THE MOD!
01-30-2006, 4:59 PM
Yeah, non-canon firepower figures can be ignored (I believe DITL differentiates between canon and speculation), essentially we need something that works for THIS game. But that could be a good source for ideas on how to fill in the gaps. None of this...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars vs. Star Trek: THE MOD!
01-30-2006, 11:18 AM
Very true, however the Jem-Hadar use various heavy weapons as well, and they are even tougher than the Klingons, so they would probably be as close to an even match against Stormtroopers as possible, and I suspect that they would almost destroy a reb...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars vs. Star Trek: THE MOD!
01-29-2006, 9:34 PM
The Elite Force squad is a modern version of MAKO in ST:Voy (there is a game by the same name). Ground forces would require an artistic license. Right, except the MAKO's are canon, while the Elite Force is not. The Elite Force was only used in a fi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars vs. Star Trek: THE MOD!
01-28-2006, 12:27 PM
True enough, across all of canon ST, there's basically just infantry, troop hoppers (mentioned in a DS9 episode but never shown), a mortar (TOS), an armed dune buggy (Nemesis), a laser cannon implacement (TOS: The Cage/Menagerie), orbital bombardment...  [Read More]
Posted in: Endor Siege
01-29-2006, 9:13 PM
What are we waiting for? What happened to this project? :(...  [Read More]
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