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Page: 181 of 214
Posted in: Is JK2 dead/dying? (merged)
09-04-2002, 4:37 PM
As to writing reviews for mods, I'd love to do that (when I get time) as I've written reviews before. While they can take a lot of time, they are usually fun (the "research" is the fun part.. heh). As to a review site for, I'll jus...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is JK2 dead/dying? (merged)
09-04-2002, 4:02 PM
To answer some replies: D.L Not much I can add to what you already said, since they're mostly opinions and people are bound to have different experiences. I interpert "the game is dead/dying" to indicate that fewer and fewer people are...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is JK2 dead/dying? (merged)
09-01-2002, 7:57 PM
Saying that the game is dying is one of two things coming out: 1) A person's desire to make other people quit the game because they quit, for whatever reason (they got bored for example). 2) People getting panicky because they play during down-time...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is JK2 dead/dying? (merged)
09-01-2002, 7:48 PM
Well, people DO need TIME to make mods. If you think that perhaps 5% of the JK2 community makes mods that they plan to one day release (a generous estimate I'm sure) then perhaps they all are on similar schedules (hypothetical) it takes them a few da...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is JK2 dead/dying? (merged)
08-28-2002, 9:33 PM
Well, if the average "lifespan" of a video game is four months, then yes, JK2 is on its last legs. However, if you consider JK2 to be an "above average" or "excellent" game (judging by the hype it generated and the almo...  [Read More]
Posted in: 2 Dual Sabers UNLOCKED!!!!!!!
07-18-2002, 5:15 AM
Two double-lightsabers huh? Post screenshots, please!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Library (the site)
08-04-2002, 10:34 PM
Good point, I hadn't realized that! I'll pass the word along......  [Read More]
Posted in: Kyle Katan is no Jedi!!
07-06-2002, 5:14 AM
Kyle is a Jedi. Even if he wasn't one before, he learned from a Jedi (Rahn) and another Jedi (Luke). His "true" level of force is seen in the early levels of MotS. In JK, after he "comes back" to the force, is natural developmen...  [Read More]
Posted in: If the movies played liked JK2 (Link inside!)
06-30-2002, 8:24 PM
Since we had a lot of fun with this thread over at the forums, I figured I'd link it here for anyone who doesn't hang out there much and missed it. As usual, you know where to...  [Read More]
Posted in: What exactly is not lame?
05-25-2002, 5:04 PM
Unfortunately, this is how it is. Many people who play online games: 1) Hate to lose. 2) Hate to learn new things once they are set in their ways (it takes time and effort after all). 3) Hate to admit that there are others out there that might be...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why have avatars been remouved?
05-08-2002, 9:55 PM
They periodically get removed, since our servers are just not that great when it comes to handling the huge volume of people. If you get them back, be happy, this situation isn't likely to improve until the day when we can get new and better servers...  [Read More]
Posted in: Get your secret models here!
04-29-2002, 9:34 PM
We're sort of unofficially cracking down on the "hands only" code, so let's not post that anymore, just in case. Here's the fix file for it btw, that will prevent anyone using it on you (also counters the headless Kyle one): http://www.pu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Get your secret models here!
04-28-2002, 11:49 PM
Btw, a fix was released that makes the "hands only" model look like Kyle on your end, it's called invisfix.pk3 (or something along those lines). Check the files section. If it's not posted yet, should be soon....  [Read More]
Posted in: beautiful female skins?
04-26-2002, 3:06 AM
I'm afraid we won't be posting any of those "nekkid" skins, per our policy of respecting LEC's interpretation of their liscense agreement. Not that I feel there's anything really WRONG with nudity, but you just won't see 'em posted on our...  [Read More]
Posted in: bunny hopping
04-10-2002, 1:25 PM
If you want a perfect "jedi simulator" you won't find one.. anywhere. Games are meant to be played.. and when multiplayer comes in, the developers seek "balance" and "fun," and strict adherence to canon and fanboy rules...  [Read More]
Posted in: Here's how to find out your Jedi name...
04-09-2002, 2:49 PM
Johes Si'Bo fun......  [Read More]
Posted in: Strategy Guide #1: Galak Fyyar (SPOILERS!!!)
04-22-2002, 5:13 AM
I found lightning can be a good way to wear down his shield.. and take him out with the lightsaber (and good ol' circle strafe!)....  [Read More]
Posted in: TsN Coverage of Jedi Knight 2!
03-24-2002, 1:19 AM
Taking this to the Clans forum......  [Read More]
Posted in: Remaking JK SP in JO
03-19-2002, 8:18 PM
That reminds me.. the "Multiplayer Dark Forces" mod for Duke Nukem 3D, which, IIRC was done by Alexi Novikov (the JED author) implemented just such a device... in order to install it, you had to insert your DF1 full version cd, and then it...  [Read More]
Posted in: New PA looking for members
03-16-2002, 11:34 PM
That's nice, but did you really have to post it in every forum?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast ladder/clan brotherhood
03-16-2002, 9:10 PM
Alright, well if you guys wish to discuss this further, please do so via private email or on another site's forum. Thanks......  [Read More]
Posted in: Church (Again)
03-24-2002, 1:19 AM
It's funny you should bring this up, because it ties into what I was going to mention next, and that is the officials of the Catholic Curch that have gotten some rather "bad press" as of late. What does everyone think of that? I'm not exac...  [Read More]
Posted in: troopers to wimpy looking? (possible spoiler)
03-18-2002, 4:50 AM
Well let's think about this.. true the Stormtroopers have superior weapons technology (at first, notice how at the end of the battle we see Ewoks with stolen Imperial weapons in hand... we'd assume they learned quickly how to use them, maybe even wer...  [Read More]
Posted in: troopers to wimpy looking? (possible spoiler)
03-17-2002, 11:26 PM
Man this is old..... One way to explain why the stormtroopers are so "wimpy" in the classic trilogy, is that the troopers who took out the Jawas were the guys with those sharpshooter rifles (the long barreled ones, we see them walking aro...  [Read More]
Posted in: What I don't like....
04-23-2002, 6:51 PM
Dust and cobwebs. : ) Yeah, I never liked the "colored glow" thing, thought it was cheesy, and it wasn't like the original trilogy (white glow from sabers, regardless of color). But that would be nice (to have it able to partially illumina...  [Read More]
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