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Page: 185 of 214
Posted in: Really Dense Question
07-18-2001, 7:48 PM
The Gravis Xterminator gamepads are pretty close to the DC controllers (which I like far better than the N64 controllers, which are just goofy), though the analog sticks aren't as good, plus you've got two extra triggers, a hat stick, and a throttle....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight or Phantom Menace
07-05-2001, 11:27 PM
I will admit that TPM is more advanced in the graphics department, but other than that, as a game, I enjoy/enjoyed JK more. I think the main strengths of JK over TPM are the presence of editing and multiplayer, when you come down to it, and some of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Most posts
07-01-2001, 10:53 PM
LoL, I win! I am the Post Champion(tm)! Seriously though, that's a good point, it may appear that I am a post maniac, but I really only post regularly in two forums on the entire internet (three if you included the now defunct forums). I'm...  [Read More]
Posted in: HELP ME
07-18-2001, 7:54 PM
If it's a bios problem, why not have him update his bios? Format C of course will delete your entire drive, but it might work (just make a full backup first). I'm sure he was kidding though... The sledgehammer is a good solution, but unfortunately i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Weird...
07-18-2001, 7:31 PM
Don't forget thousands of cheap knock-off's and mediocre spinoff's and remakes of BattleGround Jedi and (and need I mention) Canyon Oasis....  [Read More]
Posted in: Trek VS. Wars
07-18-2001, 8:08 PM
Darth Prime: I'm both mad and kinda upset right now. Someone who graduated with my brother a little over a month ago died last week in an accident. My condolensces on your loss....  [Read More]
Posted in: Trek VS. Wars
07-04-2001, 9:57 PM
As far as Star Trek goes, I really didn't like much of it except the original series. The movies based on the original series were somewhat tolerable (the first one was pretty bad, as most agree). I watched some of "The Next Generation" b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Happy 4th!!
07-04-2001, 9:53 PM
A happy Independance Day. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: AIDS
07-04-2001, 11:12 PM
Doesn't that just sound like a pervert's dream though? Think about it "Prostitutes that are immune to AIDS!" (ie: now you can go visit the whorehouse since you'll be safe! 'course they could still be carriers). Anyway, that's a sad and sor...  [Read More]
Posted in: AIDS
07-02-2001, 2:35 AM
Well it's a toss-up, either you help people (and eat up scarce resources, etc), or you let them suffer and die and do nothing. It's kind of a gray issue, but I think I fall on the "help people" side of the argument. Some people say that s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Portion of StarWars Collection For SALE
07-19-2001, 1:16 PM
I think there's something about this in the "member agreement" I forget what it was though......  [Read More]
Posted in: Joysticks?
07-17-2001, 3:34 PM
I like my Gravis Xterminator gamepads, although I admit the analog stick could be better (of course I play a lot of action/fighting or arcade type games). For post-Quake FPS games I just use my keyboard and five button optical mouse. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Show us your saber
07-19-2001, 1:18 PM
I scanned it. Btw Rhett, I only see nine blades, what am I missing? Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Show us your saber
07-17-2001, 3:36 PM
Sorry Gonk, I thought you were going to be signed up.. guess nobody took the initiative. I'll talk to the other guys (when I get a chance, hopefully in the next few days) and ask them if they have any problems with you getting that. Otherwise, hey,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Show us your saber
07-17-2001, 6:01 AM
Purty. ; ) Now to get some five, four, and three bladers... Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Show us your saber
07-15-2001, 6:07 PM
Okay, no jokes please, but if you have a pic of a lightsaber that you've made and want to share it, please post it in this forum. Here's one of mine: [ September 03, 2001: Message edited by: Kurga...  [Read More]
Posted in: This is just wrong
07-19-2001, 1:10 PM
Well don't tell them about Pico then... I would disagree with CaptainRave. It's much easier to get a game than a gun (or other weapon). Try it sometime and you'll see. ; ) Incidentally, if we're going to blame games (or game mods) for violence, th...  [Read More]
Posted in: This is just wrong
07-15-2001, 5:56 PM
Just a minor note, I wouldn't call the Columbine massacre "one of the most tragic events in US history." It's not even in the top ten, if you ask me. Think about it... Hey, I'm sure the guy making that mod (or making the hoax that he's ma...  [Read More]
Posted in: How do you get the Secret level in MOTS
07-09-2001, 6:31 PM
Here's the straight dope... the first version off of the CD works fine if you create a proper episode.jk file for it and install it properly. At least it did for me. You don't have to goo it (with conman) but you can if you want to. The "Speci...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cable vs. DSL
07-09-2001, 4:09 AM
I have had DSL for a few years now, and it's pretty good. My roommate and I split the cost (and the bandwith) through our hub. Still, it's pretty great, since it frees up the phone and we can both be online at the same time with no problems (althoug...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jan Ors
07-02-2001, 2:53 AM
Technically that shouldn't matter. You killed Jerec in JK, yet you can play as him in MotS (same with the other Dark Jedi except for Maw). ; ) You can play as Rahn, and he's dead, according to the opening cutscene of JK, Vader is dead yet you can pl...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rated "Teen"
07-02-2001, 2:43 AM
Well just for the sake of argument, a little blood would be "starwarsness" (if that means being true to the movies). ; ) And just in case anybody thinks I'm crazy, here's a scan I just did of the jewel case, it says TEEN! <a href=&quo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rated "Teen"
07-01-2001, 9:12 PM
Hold the phone, this is interesting.. although my copy of the game clearly says it's rated "Teen" if you look at, it says the game is "Mature." If anybody else here has the game, can you tell me, what is your's rated?...  [Read More]
Posted in: KotS Recruiting
07-03-2001, 12:05 AM
Hey guys, just a note, you can get JK and MotS together, brand new for like $15. Check or order directly from LucasArts, you can use Money Orders if you lack a CC. If all else fails, there's ebay (just don't bid too high). Have a nice da...  [Read More]
Posted in: Weapons Debate: Heavy Weapons
07-04-2001, 11:14 PM
Well let me just PLAY THE GAME and find out, okay? ; ) I don't really have time to do that, but I could fire it up and use cheat codes and then tell you what's in it. You want me to do that? I know right off hand you can use phasers and phaser rifl...  [Read More]
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