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Page: 184 of 214
Posted in: Whose gonna see Jay and Silent Bob
08-31-2001, 4:18 PM
*gets image of Krayt as a long-haired hippie punk* haw haw haw.. sorry! ; ) I'd say the societal standards in this country (the United States of A) depend a lot on the particular state you are in, and the part of town you are in. Some places have s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Whose gonna see Jay and Silent Bob
08-31-2001, 2:38 PM
R (Restricted) is supposed to mean that if you are under 17, you can only see the film if you are accompanied by a parent or guardian (adult who gives permission for you to see it essentially). There is some debate (up to the theatre owner/staff's d...  [Read More]
Posted in: Whose gonna see Jay and Silent Bob
08-10-2001, 12:33 AM
Never saw mall rats. Clerks was over-rated tripe (would have been fine as a ten minute short). Dogma was okay and had a few nice moments, but I got sick and tired of the "Jay and Silent Bob" characters after about five minutes. The consta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Code Red: Train Crash To Blame
08-02-2001, 11:01 PM
Never got code red, but I got a zillion people sending me "sircam" over the last week or so.. ; p Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Best MP3 Sharing Program.
08-02-2001, 7:29 PM
Which shouldn't be a problem if you already own a legal copy of the material......  [Read More]
Posted in: E-Mail Virus Warning: SIRCAM
07-24-2001, 6:42 PM
The deal is is that infected people are sending files from their "My Documents" folder to others from their address books. I've gotten at least four emails with the virus attached (hugely obvious). Norton AntiVirus swiftly removed each an...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Katarns
07-29-2001, 12:32 AM
Great stuff Vag. The "commode suprise" was a little bit gross (especially considering it read it while eating), but great stuff. Basically Kyle turned into Al Bundy while sitting around without an Empire to fight. ; ) Kurgan [ July 29, 2...  [Read More]
Posted in: LEC SUX (I'm venting)
07-24-2001, 6:51 PM
Actually I DO think that game developers should be obligated to fix major bugs and stuff in games that their customers have paid good money for. What I think is not required of them is to release free addons that add new stuff that wasn't promised f...  [Read More]
Posted in: LEC SUX (I'm venting)
07-24-2001, 3:25 PM
LEC never really got into that, and I still think LEC should have released more patches to improve it's games. One exception I can think of off the bat is Outlaws. A great game, and they released several patches that not only fixed bugs, but added...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces 3?
07-22-2001, 5:45 AM
On demo day, the entire internet will probably crash.. ; p Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: how did everyone come about choosing their names?
08-02-2001, 8:41 PM
Highlander......  [Read More]
Posted in:'s First Chat - Poll
07-19-2001, 1:21 PM
Weekends are best for me. Starting at 5pm CST or later. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: DROIDS!!!!
08-27-2001, 3:59 PM
Droid: Umm... uhhhh... urrr... hmmm.. (*hours later*) That does not compute... (*rebooting*) YOU'RE UNDER ARREST! (*shoots self in foot*) (*suddenly realizes lower torso is no longer there*) TECH OFFICER!!! (think "medic!") [ August...  [Read More]
Posted in: font
08-29-2001, 3:36 AM
Good question, I'd like to know that myself! ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKII Swimming
08-29-2001, 3:35 AM
There are no nasty creatures in the MP levels (including the CTF maps) if you are talking about the LEC maps (as far as user created maps, I've seen some that throw in some creatures sometimes). Basically the best way to take out the nasties is to e...  [Read More]
Posted in: So sad......
08-02-2001, 8:16 PM
Yeah, tons of people would love to be able to say they have the "Oldest/Longest Running clan in ____ community" so I wouldn't be suprised at all if they were already recruiting. But then, lot's can happen between now and then. I wonder how...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK2 Superclan
08-16-2001, 2:28 AM
Doubtfull, because the powers in Rune are very different from those in JK/MotS and those purported to be in JK2. In Rune, except for the blood lust pickup (just a damage enhancer, like the Quad damage from Quake fame), and the health pickup (just yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK2 Superclan
08-13-2001, 3:29 AM
Yeah that always sucks, there's a couple of folks on my list who've changed names so much, I don't even remember how I know them.. ; p Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK2 Superclan
08-11-2001, 11:40 PM
True enough.. you really can't know if you're going to be good at JK2 until you've put in the time and practice to get good (after it comes out). After all, the people who played JK/MotS might have an idea of the force/saber, although it will be dif...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK2 Superclan
08-06-2001, 5:18 PM
One other thing I forgot to mention, is on the issue of "ganging up" (ie: having an "alliance" with another player in a "free for all" game). Personally I can't condemn this practice, because I've done it myself, and I'...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK2 Superclan
08-06-2001, 12:03 PM
Glad to see people starting to use the Clan Recruiting board! Best of luck on all your future ventures. However, I will say that I find it amusing that anybody here is claiming they know who is going to be good at JK2. In all truth and honesty, no...  [Read More]
Posted in: Newbie Edititor
07-29-2001, 6:42 PM
We get our's through school....  [Read More]
Posted in: Will there be another PATCH COMMANDER?
07-22-2001, 5:51 AM
Speaking of which, UWindows, for UT was a great idea, it works very well and it's a familiar setup. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Editing. Is it or will it be possible?
08-11-2001, 11:57 PM
I don't think it's a question of editing being impossible, more of it being forbidden or permitted (via liscense agreement). If it was forbidden, I would think they WOULD go after websites that were publically distributing unofficial mods without the...  [Read More]
Posted in: JED
07-30-2001, 7:54 PM
3D Studio MAX is the best, although I think you can only export 3dos to JK, using a conversion utility, etc. Haven't tried messing with that. But anyway, you'd expect the industry standard 3D design package to be better than any home-made editor for...  [Read More]
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