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Page: 183 of 214
Posted in: YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!
11-14-2001, 11:17 PM
Kinda fun! Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'd like to thank you guys
11-25-2001, 8:04 PM
Thanks, and I'm sure the rest of the staff and supporters appreciate it. ; ) Hopefully we'll be around for a long time to come, serving up lots of fun to the community! Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ranks on Forums
09-28-2001, 1:50 PM
Jedi Apprentice = junior member <200 posts Jedi Knight = member 200 posts & up (post totals needed for full membership status varies per site) Forum Leaders: Jedi Master = forum moderator (appointed by site staff) Jedi Council = site st...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey, Kurgan....
08-31-2001, 5:39 PM
This is NOT the forum for this kind of thing, so I'm closing this topic. If you want to discuss this with me Qwi, please EMAIL ME with your concerns. I don't see any logical reason why a person would ask to be banned from these forums, so you'll...  [Read More]
Posted in: We don't need this!
09-05-2001, 12:01 PM
That's pretty sad.. if I were a mod here, I'd give him a taste of my banning gun just for pulling a stunt like that. ; p Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Game Announcement, New Forum
10-24-2001, 11:21 PM
#1 Check it out, Star Wars fans! ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: How do I approach a girl
08-31-2001, 5:31 PM
How do I approach a girl? With heart, faith, skill.. in the end, there can be only one! *It depends on the girl, and it depends on you, and the situation....  [Read More]
Posted in: TPM Q & A
11-25-2001, 8:03 PM
Could be he's working. Guy's gotta eat too ya know! Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Words of Nostradamus
09-12-2001, 4:11 AM
Well put. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Words of Nostradamus
09-12-2001, 4:01 AM
Nostradamus if full of crap. I've seen plenty of his so-called "prophecies" debunked. Ever wonder why if he could predict the future so well, that people never realise what his stuff "really means" until after it happens? Except...  [Read More]
Posted in: Aliens vs. Predator 2 Marine Demo
11-06-2001, 2:05 AM
I was rather disappointed with this demo. Compared to the first marine demo for AvP, it was rather dull. The atmosphere just wasn't the same (not as scary as the original), despite the improved graphics. The few fights at the end just didn't excite...  [Read More]
Posted in: E-Mail Virus Warning: SIRCAM
09-05-2001, 1:19 PM
Oh, you mean like a content filter? My program has filtering, just that I wouldn't know what string to block in this case... Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: E-Mail Virus Warning: SIRCAM
09-05-2001, 2:42 AM
Yeah, I hear you there. It's not that I am fooled by them, it's just that I KEEP GETTING THEM, it's annoying. ; p Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: E-Mail Virus Warning: SIRCAM
09-03-2001, 7:19 PM
What gets me is that the people I'm getting it from I've never talked to before. I thought that the virus just sent stuff that was in your address book.. unless I have thousands of admirers. Or is it simply able to scan for email addresses? I mean...  [Read More]
Posted in: E-Mail Virus Warning: SIRCAM
09-03-2001, 8:39 AM
Oddly enough, I'm still getting copies of this virus sent to me, though it has really slowed down.. I was getting a ton of them (though not as many as Z). Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: $H!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-27-2001, 9:15 PM
You could probably overclock your AMD Athlon 750 to 1.1 Ghz (that's what I did with mine). Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Clan
09-05-2001, 2:46 AM
And that's perfectly okay... you don't have to be good at EVERY game after all. I highly doubt that there are many JK clan elites who could beat me in Ring Rage, for example, but I'm not stressing that as anything that they need to worry about. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lets Make Russian Jk2 Clan
09-05-2001, 1:40 PM
Again (*sticking fish into ear*) he says: Not one your translator not of khuya nepomozhet A the transfer/translation of this Pizdy we to you damim and in all the matter A vodka yeto of zayebis' (vodka - cool) it transferred and that to you and yeto...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Mod Idea: Jedi Academy
10-14-2001, 11:11 PM
Hey I was thinking, they should replace the force mana boosts in MP with Midichlorian protein shakes. ; ) That'll learn 'em! Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Mod Idea: Jedi Academy
09-05-2001, 2:40 AM
Well you could do it in a couple of different ways. One you could have a sort of "obstacle course" or Jedi basic training or something. Or you could have like little mini missions that are designed to test certain skills.. or you could do...  [Read More]
Posted in: JO Radiant confirmed
11-22-2001, 2:44 PM
A few questions were left unanswered.. including this one. Oh well... still lots of good questions answered. So let's see: No coop, No levitation, No drivable vehicles, No Jar Jar bashing, amputations, but only in keeping "with the star wars...  [Read More]
Posted in: Counter-Strike for JK2
11-08-2001, 9:15 PM
Interesting quote from the last page I listed: VE is Voodoo Extreme, 'Harry' is Harry Teasley of Valve Software (who made Half Life). VE (8): A lot of people have been confused (As have I in the past) about whether Half-Life uses the Quake or Quake...  [Read More]
Posted in: Counter-Strike for JK2
11-08-2001, 8:53 PM
For what it's worth: Half-Life was originally developed using the Quake engine, then they moved to the Quake2 engine. Half-Life's final engine is almost a complete rewrite but still contains bits and pieces of Quake and Quake2.  [Read More]
Posted in: Counter-Strike for JK2
11-07-2001, 11:05 PM
Actually, didn't the HL team upgrade to the Quake2 engine? More properly HL is a Q2 tech game, not a Q1. That is what happened with most of the Q1 engine games being developed around that time (SiN, Diakatana, etc). Of course it was heavily modified...  [Read More]
Posted in: lonely
11-01-2001, 2:56 AM
Ashes to ashes.. dust to dust.. if you don't take it out and use it.. it's going to rust. We hardly knew ye! Kurgan...  [Read More]
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