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Page: 138 of 214
Posted in: JKII Hosting clan sites
11-21-2003, 1:47 PM
This may be old news, now that is no longer the regularly updated site it once was, and we're covering JA, JK2 and the whole series on Ah, well, Chris is still your man, so contact him. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: A couple of questions
12-02-2003, 3:05 PM
You'll need to grab the recently released SDK and code those yourself into a new mod... (get it from!)...  [Read More]
Posted in: DCMoD
12-01-2003, 11:17 AM
So, to sum up: DON'T add abuse-prone "punishment/empowerment" type Admin commands, or you'll have a great number of people abuse them (more than those who would use them "legitimately" if such a thing were possible). These comman...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas (?): Server Browser Filters
11-23-2003, 8:07 AM
I know a lot of people use ASE or Qtracker, but wouldn't it be nice to add more filters to the In-game server browser? Some examples: Sabers Only Filter(s). Jedi Vs. Merc Filter(s). (after all, there are already icons for both of these, but no wa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vehicle pack worth it?
11-22-2003, 11:10 PM
Have you thought about asking us for hosting? (Ie: You never know......  [Read More]
As for fixing the MP taunts for the JK2 characters that are in JA, there is a JK2 voice pack for JA you can download from It's currently in version 3.0 and quite nice. ; )...  [Read More]
Quick Q for you Wes, on the Merc 2 pack. You said in the news on your site that it is 100% JA compatible. If we already downloaded the JK2 version a long time ago, do we have to download it again? I noticed that the JK2 version seemed to cause pro...  [Read More]
Nice job. At first I thought maybe you had hired some voice actors to do the mammoth task of re-creating all the in-game lines (or some-how make realistic rodian-ese translations!). But this is a nice idea and I grabbed it. Next time I play through...  [Read More]
Posted in: File Server Frustration
11-22-2003, 11:15 PM
Yeah I must say that Andy is to thank for a lot of those recently posted files! Kudos man......  [Read More]
Posted in: File Server Frustration
11-17-2003, 2:20 PM
You can send them to I now have file admin access to the site, so if it's not getting posted, just let me know and I'll take care of it!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
11-22-2003, 11:17 PM
What did you think of the ProMod system for JK2? Btw, that "Art of Saber Fighting" page is copied VERBATIM from Robert B. Brown (aka "B Squared")'s Star Wars page (he did a ton of in-depth pages on the Millennium Falcon and Light...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where are the CTF servers?
11-18-2003, 1:55 AM
Jawa: K2 wasn't by any means perfect. However JK2 wasn't polluted with less functionality than its predecessor...cough JA cough. Wait, so removing 1 move and adding over a dozen more translates to "less functionality"? Okay. I suppose sin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Immortal Requests?
11-23-2003, 8:10 AM
Heh, well I hope some of my suggestions were useful/helpful or sparked some good ideas. Good luck with the project, as always!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Immortal Requests?
11-19-2003, 9:43 AM
I see (and thanks for the rename!). I did get the impression you wanted to make the game more "Star Wary" with the whole dynamic saber locking thing (which sounds interesting btw), so if that fits into your vision, more power to you then....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Immortal Requests?
11-19-2003, 5:37 AM
That may be true Emon, but I'm totally clueless as to what commands I would need to type in to bind them to keys. Currently I've tried a few that people have suggested but to no avail. Right now all I can do is bind the "Voice Chat" to a k...  [Read More]
Posted in: RGB Player Menu Options
11-28-2003, 12:19 PM
There were RGB saber blades in JK2?? Where??...  [Read More]
Posted in: New patch disables backwards roll:
11-28-2003, 12:52 PM
Unknown. But you could use the recently released SDK to modify the source to make it how you want it......  [Read More]
Posted in: Submission: Improved Bot Waypoints
11-22-2003, 11:12 PM
Well live and learn I guess......  [Read More]
Posted in: Submission: Improved Bot Waypoints
11-19-2003, 9:48 AM
Well the untimeliness of postings on LucasFiles was due mainly to lack of staff (poor Visac!), now that we have a bunch of people working on it, things should get posted much faster than before. PS: OJP just got posted on LucasFiles, but it's not th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Admin Stuff
11-19-2003, 2:45 AM
While I'm 100% against giving admins super powers and cheats that only they can use, here is something I WOULD suggest if you make any kind of admin stuff: Give the admin the ability to display (to himself, just like rcon) the SCORES in a Duel/Power...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Various Minor Additions
12-01-2003, 4:12 PM
Now I don't know about Gamespy3d since I've never used it (I didn't know the difference between it and GSA or GS until I read your rant in the other thread), but: There are ALWAYS Siege servers. It's the third most popular gametype (behind FFA and D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
12-02-2003, 1:50 PM
Thanks! And sorry about the lag and problems last night. The server was down for several hours afterward as well. It's back now and I think I've gotten the problems worked out, but I really need to make some changes in the ISP situation. ; p PS: L...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
12-01-2003, 1:31 AM
We're back guys! Man, had an awesome Thanksgiving break.. short, but fun. Sorry to cut you guys off, I just don't trust this box enough to leave it alone that long. ; p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
11-28-2003, 12:50 PM
I'm rally sorry guys but it will remain down until Monday....  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
11-18-2003, 8:15 AM
I usually run a pure server, but anyway, if I am not running a mod you're using, your mod won't work correctly (and if it's visual only you will see it anyway). To be on the safe side, don't run any mods except the ones I listed in my second post in...  [Read More]
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