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Page: 133 of 214
Posted in: Jedi Academy Cvar list?
02-03-2004, 5:16 PM
Try the Dedicated Server forum, you'll find some older threads detailing cfg files and such. Specifically posts by Amidala and me about 'em. Good luck!...  [Read More]
Posted in: "Professional" Gamers
02-03-2004, 5:11 PM
Well they are the same because they get paid to play video games, something the vast majority of gamers don't get to do. You're saying "professional" implies they get paid for superior skill. So I understand your distinction. So to be &qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: "Professional" Gamers
02-02-2004, 5:31 PM
Also, Kurgan. Proffessional Gamers DO game for a living. They are pros just like a player in the NFL is a pro. I'm talking Fatal1ty, 3D, SK, AMD64, etc. These gamers have actual contracts with companies (like Intel, Blizzard Entertainment, AMD, nVidi...  [Read More]
Posted in: "Professional" Gamers
02-01-2004, 10:23 PM
The term is often abused. "Professional" implies a career-relationship (ie: you get paid to do whatever it is). The phrase "like a pro" is a compliment applied to something, saying "he does it as if he was a pro(fessonal).&q...  [Read More]
Posted in: pcgamemods
01-28-2004, 1:18 AM
Why don't you ask somebody at for help? No offense......  [Read More]
Posted in: chat auto reply
01-28-2004, 1:33 AM
Hope they don't lag the server like killtrackers do... ; p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Good God, does the whining ever stop?
01-28-2004, 1:33 AM
Sorry, man, but that can never happen. I'm sure you're not the first person who have thought of that. Up till now most servers are 'honor' ones. Doubtful, since JK2 is dominated by sabers only, force disabled mostly running Jedi Academy mod servers....  [Read More]
Posted in: Good God, does the whining ever stop?
01-26-2004, 4:03 PM
Sadly, judging by the fact that older games than JA still contain vast numbers of whiners, I say that whining will never completely go away from the JA community. ; p That said, I think we should still spread our Gospel of anti-Honor and anti-Whinin...  [Read More]
Posted in: patches?
01-28-2004, 1:31 AM
I sort of think that JA was a get money quick thing for lucasarts, therefore nothing is going to be made. Now it would be nice if Raven would make a few maps here and there, every few months. Not a lot, just one or two. When a company supports a game...  [Read More]
Posted in: patches?
01-26-2004, 3:49 PM
Bottom line is, a new patch will ONLY happen if and when LucasArts decides that a new patch is warranted and then gives Raven the go-ahead to do it. They said they would avoid gameplay changes, but not sure if that includes making new maps or not. S...  [Read More]
Posted in: patches?
01-24-2004, 4:08 PM
Wait I thought that's what they did (copied the JK2 single saber "engine" and added the new moves and sabers)? Or are you criticizing the way they tweaked the special moves (ie: the DFA and the "yellow DFA" flip)? Because that's...  [Read More]
Posted in: high detail textures
01-24-2004, 3:50 PM
The main things would be your ram and your video card. If you have a lot of (good) ram and a good video card it should be faster. A "minute" is a long time to wait for an MP map! Of course with SP it always takes the longest to load up a n...  [Read More]
Posted in: 1st person with lightsaber??
01-26-2004, 4:33 PM
cg_fpls 1 worked in JK2 1.04 MP, and it also works in JA 1.0 and 1.01. The only trouble with cg_fpls 1 is that in JA the player's head obscures your viewport (in JK2 1.04 the skin was partially transparent to allow you to see your hands holding the...  [Read More]
Posted in: kotor final?
01-22-2004, 6:31 PM
Version hell maybe? Obviously the author hasn't done enough publicity or else the people use the older versions are stubborn......  [Read More]
Posted in: -- Warmup Question --
01-26-2004, 4:40 PM
Interesting, so Mike thinks it was purposely (but obviously incompletely and haphazardly since it's still listed in the menu) removed but doesn't know why? I stand corrected then. It would be nice to know who removed it and why though... as I can't...  [Read More]
Posted in: hosting multiplayer JA
01-26-2004, 4:27 PM
Don't give up yet! I'm transfering this thread to the proper "Dedicated Server" forum where you can read up and probably will find your solution there. Configure your XP firewall to allow the ports that JA uses (in fact, give it full acces...  [Read More]
Kengo, while I respect your opinion isn't that a misleading statement? JA had a "disappointing" number of MP maps? How many was it supposed to have? IIRC it had actually MORE unique maps on release than JK2 did, and if you count official...  [Read More]
Posted in: I play JA and my age is....?!
01-22-2004, 6:33 PM
Name Kills Deaths Ping Time Andy867 302 23 98 20 Name Kills Deaths Ping Time Kurgan 150 75 120 22 Name Kills Deaths Ping Time Grafixguy 122 100 50 19 And as I shed tears for And867's passing, I also shed a tear of joy (a small one) for my opportu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please help! (lag and packet loss)
01-23-2004, 7:31 PM
What is your maxrate set to? Check sv_maxrate (and sv_rate too I think)? Set too high and you'll get major lag when broadband people with high rates join (since they suck up all the bandwidth). Get Amidala on the here to quote you the figures! ; )...  [Read More]
I've probably said this one too many times, but I think it's obvious there are better games for RPG players to use within the Star Wars universe. And while they may not be as cheap and "easy" as JA, I think it's wrong (not to mention unfai...  [Read More]
If you want to role play or anything besides not play the game, you should go to a private server devoted to that sort of thing. Otherwise you shouldn't complain if you get fragged on a normal server doing something you're not "supposed" t...  [Read More]
LoL! *applauds*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
02-02-2004, 4:58 PM
Take heart young warrior... Word has it that my computer will "probably be done by the end of the week." Of course I might have to rush back home if my grandma's condition worsens (if the cancer has spread), so it's still up in the air if...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
01-28-2004, 10:54 PM
Heh, I wish! I'm afraid the next upgrade is going to be a selfish video card update badly needed. But maybe someday... ; ) And I feel your pain, believe me I want to play again as much as you guys! I called the repair shop and they told me "n...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
01-24-2004, 2:59 PM
For those of you who don't check the first page: Update (1/24/04): I had to send the computer to another repair place and they say it will be done sometime in early February (chances of it being finished sooner are slim). The upside of this is that...  [Read More]
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