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Page: 136 of 214
It should still be there then. Visac is working on the files server IP address, so theoretically it should be working again within the next week. Keep checking and talk to him if you have any other questions!...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm being driven insane... (admining advice)
12-19-2003, 3:41 AM
Don't use admin mods. If people can't "emote" they can't RP. Or play CTF/Siege... As to cheating: show them its a 1.01 server that's running pure (g_pure 1)....  [Read More]
Posted in: A Perfect Server
12-18-2003, 1:31 AM
Well first off I'd set aside some extra cash and rent a good quality line or I'd buy myself a good quality linux box to host it on. Other than that, I'd do what I do now... keep it rules-free and have fun options, but for the post part just run it w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Voice Chat
12-18-2003, 7:00 AM
They are available in all team game types: TFFA, CTF, Siege (not sure about PowerDuel). If they are bindable to individual keys, nobody has yet revealed HOW.......  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Suggestion: "Do Warmups"
12-18-2003, 8:00 AM
Impressive, RazorAce!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Suggestion: "Do Warmups"
12-17-2003, 7:23 AM
Obviously Raven intended for it to be in the game, but they apparently forgot to make sure it was working even with the 1.01 patch. In the escape menu, check on the "call vote" sub menu, you'll see the option (under the last item) to "...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Suggestion: "Do Warmups"
12-16-2003, 7:37 AM
I noticed the other day (and I've heard this from Amidala as well) that the "Do Warmup" feature is broken in JA. It doesn't work if you set it in the console or if you enable voting and vote to "Do Warmup." How it worked in Q3 i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Ideas: "Map"
12-14-2003, 9:05 AM
I figuring making a real overlay map like what was featured in Dark Forces/JediKnight/MotS would probably be too much work, but how about this? Force Seeing enhanced radar for SP/FFA as an option? Ie: the way it is now Radar only works in team game...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Idea: Stormtrooper Neck texture
12-14-2003, 1:59 AM
Well to fix the "bug" I mentioned would require one texture, and that could easily be put into the skins part, no? ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Idea: Stormtrooper Neck texture
12-13-2003, 6:51 AM
Yup, that's right, the Stormtrooper in JA (and apparently JK2 also) has an untextured neck! Look at his neck under that helmet and you see it's gray with a vertical white line down the middle. Oops! Should be super simple to fix... The back of t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problem: Dismemberment NEVER WORKS except ON ME
12-19-2003, 1:58 AM
Okay, well I tried using a batch file, and no dice, dismemberment still doesn't work consistently in SP. Sigh... I guess my only other thing to try is to remove ALL MODS completely and try it just using the normal game with the shortcut method. O...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problem: Dismemberment NEVER WORKS except ON ME
12-17-2003, 6:22 AM
I checked Melee Mod 1.0 (with Meleemod fix) and it definately allows dismemberment (including torso cuts, so I assume it's everything). I run Melee Mod from a batch file in my Gamedata directory, so I'm going to use the same method for trying to get...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problem: Dismemberment NEVER WORKS except ON ME
12-14-2003, 8:06 AM
Last time I checked, yes, I could play melee mod in SP with dismemberment, but I haven't tried lately. I'll do that tomorrow and makes sure it still is......  [Read More]
Posted in: Problem: Dismemberment NEVER WORKS except ON ME
12-14-2003, 1:59 AM
I guess I did, somehow... cg_dismember doesn't appear to do anything at all in SP, only MP....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fraggle Rock Admins (*complaint*)
12-17-2003, 3:30 AM
Sometimes when this happens it's because of a "subadmin" or "guest admin" who just abuses his privilages. If you can, try to contact the admin using his PM or email. If that's not possible, oh well. Some admins are just jerks,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Add: Make Absorb better
12-15-2003, 4:58 AM
I normally play NF or NF with jump only, so I don't know about this first hand, however, I do know a variety of people who play with forces & well over 90% of them use dark forces - that tells me something. That may or may not mean anything thou...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Add: Make Absorb better
12-14-2003, 8:14 AM
As far as I know, Drain in JA MP operates exactly as it did in JK2 MP. Ie: It drains enemy force mana and uses it to heal you. It doesn't take away health from the enemy and it doesn't ever grapple you. Are you saying if a person has NO MANA tha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Add: Make Absorb better
12-13-2003, 6:25 AM
What are you talking about? Drain in JA MP works the same as it did in JK2. It steals enemies mana and uses it to heal you. It "works" just like red lightning. It doesn't grapple, and it doesn't steal health. Absorb completely counters...  [Read More]
Posted in: I already posted this but...
12-13-2003, 7:44 AM
Let me reiterate... KFY != CTY. CTY is just CTF with JK2 style Ysalamari's as flags (that don't wear off until you capture). KFY is the opposite of Jedi Master with some different slug behavior. The other thing I forgot to mention is that since...  [Read More]
Posted in: I already posted this but...
12-13-2003, 7:36 AM
KFY the MotS gametype was essentialy the OPPOSITE of Jedi Master. Jedi Master you tried to get kills as the super poweful Jedi. KFY you try to run away and hide, staying alive as long as possible while everybody tries to kill you (you can fight bac...  [Read More]
Posted in: "Resigning" as webmaster...
12-13-2003, 7:52 AM
Good luck!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Ideas: New Force Powers
12-16-2003, 2:16 AM
Why is Destruction "right out of the book"? All it really is is using the dark side to produce another element (fire) instead of electrity (lightning). I don't see how that's so outlandish or incredible. Deadly Sight is a variation on...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Ideas: New Force Powers
12-14-2003, 9:02 AM
Hmm... you said you didn't want DBZ type stuff, but oh well... I say bring back JK1/MotS Style powers like Destruction, Deadly Sight and Blinding....  [Read More]
Posted in: MP SDK (official one)
12-17-2003, 7:06 AM
Raven has said there are no plans to release the SP SDK for either JK2 or JA. However, looking at some of the features of the JA MP SDK I think you can actually make the game more "true to the original" this way. Example: using Multiplaye...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Brainstorming: MP Bots
12-18-2003, 10:53 PM
Don't forget re-enabling "Bot Orders" (like in Quake3) for all team based gametypes! "I am the leader" "Luke cover me" "Yes sir!" etc....  [Read More]
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