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1st person with lightsaber??

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01-23-2004, 8:32 PM
Okay, I know Jedi Academy didn't ship with a first-person mode when you're using the lightsaber. But Jedi Outcast DID, and I really preferred to play the game that way (entirely in first-person).

Does anybody know of any hacks/cheats/mods that WILL allow me to play in first-person while using the lightsaber?


 Samuel Dravis
01-23-2004, 9:32 PM
For MP, the Open Jedi Project ( mod has first person saber, although you'll have to wait a bit until the next release. For SP, there's no mod that can change the camera angle, so you're going to have to use the cg_thirdperson commands. Just type that into the console, and it'll show a list of them. Experiment with them for a while and you'll be able to get a ok first person viewpoint.

Welcome to the forums. And don't ever go to Yoda's Swamp. ( Ever.
01-23-2004, 10:12 PM
Actually, in MP, I was able to use the cl_fpls command and sure it was a little buggy, but it worked. (took me by complete surprise since most people hadnt been able to get it to work) I was using the grey alien skin (cant think of species name) on the SG4REALJA map when I got it work.
 Sam Fisher
01-24-2004, 2:56 AM
Yeah, fpls command is not, in JA MP, true first person. Its kinda in the back of the head, off to the side.
01-24-2004, 4:11 AM
cg_fpls 1 will make 1st person, but if you find that your saber is blocking your view, try:

cg_fov #

# = type a number. It gives better view, default is 80.
01-26-2004, 4:33 PM
cg_fpls 1 worked in JK2 1.04 MP, and it also works in JA 1.0 and 1.01.

The only trouble with cg_fpls 1 is that in JA the player's head obscures your viewport (in JK2 1.04 the skin was partially transparent to allow you to see your hands holding the saber better).

The solution for MP saber's in first person seems to be Razorace's OJP with "TrueView."

It remains to be seen if the interface will be userfriendly enough and allow the proper options to make it behave like the simple interface of JK2 1.04's, but RA seems to be going in that direction so I'm hopeful.. ; )

As for SP, I doubt you'll see anything unless Raven decides to do the extra work necessary to "do it right" (in their minds) in a new patch (and only if LA approves it of course). Without the SDK for SP (and no plans to release it anytime in the future) it probably isn't going to happen, unless you replace textures, but then you run the risk of having other skins look screwed up that use those same textures.
02-01-2004, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Kurgan

It remains to be seen if the interface will be userfriendly enough and allow the proper options to make it behave like the simple interface of JK2 1.04's, but RA seems to be going in that direction so I'm hopeful.. ; )

Please explain what you mean by "userfriendly". I want the system to be as playable as possible so any input is appreciated.
02-01-2004, 11:40 AM
cg_fov 20 takes the hea dout and makes a pretty good first person out of it, however its almost impossible to effectively play
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