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-- Warmup Question --

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01-18-2004, 10:58 PM
I was wondering if anyone knows what the command is to activate warmup. The only Cvar I know of is "g_warmup", and I give it say a value of 30, but I cannot get it to work in siege. Any clues? Or is it not avaliable in Siege?
 Amidala from Chop Shop
01-19-2004, 12:45 AM
I asked Mike Gummelt of Raven Software about this and he told me that warmup was taken out of Jedi Academy, but he didn't say why.

It's unfortunate because in CTF the people with the fastest computers\connections have already joined a team and stolen the flag before the people with the slowest computers\connections have finished loading the map.
 =X=Master HeX
01-19-2004, 1:55 AM
In your custom map rotation add in map_restart <time> That will work the same way warmup used to.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
01-20-2004, 10:56 PM
That works as a console command, but I tried it in my custom map rotation and it didn't work.
 =X=Master HeX
01-21-2004, 9:45 PM
Beautiful... maybe try a few hundred waits... takes the server a bit to cleanup and load the new map.

I'll sneak in the stupid cvar if that doesn't work ;)
01-22-2004, 6:18 PM
Mike Gummelt was puzzled when I told him that Warmups didn't work in JA (I don't know if they worked in JK2, never tried).

Apparently they always intended for them to work (notice the option is prominently in the server menu and in the voting options), but somehow it was overlooked.

Hopefully LA will allow Raven to fix this problem... until then maybe there is a way for mod makers (I'm looking at Hex and RazorAce here especially) will find a way to fix it.

It was a neat feature, good for tournaments and things or for trying out new maps and it helps loading time.

If warmups were intended to be removed (which I doubt) they should have removed them from the menu and cfg file so as not to confuse everyone. However I see no reason why they would want to remove this feature that has been in every Q3 engine game since Q3 came out in 1999.

Maybe you heard differently, but that's what I gathered from talking with Mike G.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
01-22-2004, 7:08 PM
Private Message from ChangKhan
Raven Software

Registered: Aug 2001
Posts: 518
Points: 0
Re: warmup is broken, bot_minplayers, CTF map holes

I asked our MP programmer about this and he said, yes, the warmup was removed for some reason...?

11-17-2003 09:05 AM
Warmup works fine in JK2 and I use it on my JK2 Disruption instagib server.
01-26-2004, 4:40 PM
Interesting, so Mike thinks it was purposely (but obviously incompletely and haphazardly since it's still listed in the menu) removed but doesn't know why?

I stand corrected then. It would be nice to know who removed it and why though... as I can't think of a reason, if indeed it was working properly in JK2 as you say.
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