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kotor final?

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01-19-2004, 10:51 PM
Kotor flight school final version has been released, but I am amazed to see that no one is useing it, there are a few servers with the beta, on ASE but none using the full version. doesn't anyone else like it?
01-20-2004, 4:48 AM
Many people who use the first version of KOTOR are probably NOT aware of the final version, and some might be waiting for the asteroids map to be released. but my guess is the first part, although it could be the latter suggestion:)
01-20-2004, 5:32 AM
Maybe its because it eats up too much fps.... :( I got higher in the old flight school.
 Sam Fisher
01-20-2004, 12:49 PM
I would get it if someone would point me to the link..
01-20-2004, 1:31 PM
Originally posted by AIVAS
Kotor flight school final version has been released, but I am amazed to see that no one is useing it, there are a few servers with the beta, on ASE but none using the full version. doesn't anyone else like it?

yep it's starnge i even see more beta servers then befor.
01-20-2004, 2:10 PM
Probably one reason why it's not widely used is the sheer number of ships and vehicles in the map. If a player has any other vehicle files or levels that contain custom vehicles, kotor_final will not load due to going over the vehicle limit.
01-21-2004, 2:05 AM
Where is the Final version?
01-21-2004, 3:39 AM

Do a search.
01-22-2004, 6:31 PM
Version hell maybe?

Obviously the author hasn't done enough publicity or else the people use the older versions are stubborn...
01-22-2004, 9:22 PM
I got myself a version that takes all vehicles out but default so it doesnt use up vehicle space. So I am good.
01-23-2004, 2:15 AM
I'll place my hopes with , no offense to the KOTOR flight map team, a more professional/balanced space-vehicle ASTERIOD map ;)
 Druid Bremen
01-28-2004, 9:00 AM
Originally posted by Pnut_Master
I'll place my hopes with , no offense to the KOTOR flight map team, a more professional/balanced space-vehicle ASTERIOD map ;)

Same. When I get Asteroids, I'll kick both KOTOR maps in a trash can far far away. ( No offense, couldn't resist :D )
01-28-2004, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Pnut_Master
I'll place my hopes with , no offense to the KOTOR flight map team, a more professional/balanced space-vehicle ASTERIOD map ;)

If they'll ever finish it that is.
 Sam Fisher
01-30-2004, 1:19 PM
Doh.. they have included 4 different maps in there! One with just space, one with asteroids, one advanced, and there's onother one, can't remember though :o
01-30-2004, 4:55 PM
Originally posted by Sam Fisher
Doh.. they have included 4 different maps in there! One with just space, one with asteroids, one advanced, and there's onother one, can't remember though :o

1. asteroids, for the creator who really liked tem, and a few of his
friends, a GREAT way to pass the time until the real asteroids map

2. Nada (that's the name) Is my personal favorite, it has jetpacks, a tower, autofiring turrets, and i have to say it's the best map currently released.

3. Advanced this is like the original kotor_flight_school, only the final version, polished up to look great, and a good number of easter eggs :cool:

4. basic this is advanced, only without the easter eggs and toned down just slightly, and GREATLY reduces lag for when you have a bad connection, or live somewhere where no one but you plays jka, and it's a few thousand miles to the closest server. /[rant] (I live in hawaii, so let me tell you, visit, vacation, but DO NOT live here) [/mega-rant]
02-01-2004, 9:58 AM
It's probably mainly due to the default JKA vehicle limit issue(s). Beyond that, it's probably because the maps are more set up for the "OOOOOooooooh! Ships!" factor than actually being playable.
03-01-2004, 5:21 PM
Wow there!!! Are you all talking about Knights of the Old Republic?!?!?!? If you guys didn't hear, It's an RPG...
03-01-2004, 5:28 PM
Originally posted by Novahawk
Wow there!!! Are you all talking about Knights of the Old Republic?!?!?!? If you guys didn't hear, It's an RPG...

no we where talking about the kotor_flight_school_final ( JA map.
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