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Page: 112 of 214
Posted in: Hacker in Chop Shop server!
05-16-2004, 3:59 PM
If it wasn't Amidala in disguise, perhaps her password leaked out to somebody (unless it's another of those admin mod backdoors I've been hearing about). Good luck getting it fixed! PS: You might try sending her a PM......  [Read More]
Posted in: Modder Abuse
05-16-2004, 9:47 AM
I thought about moving this to General Editing, but it's more directed at the "general public" so I'll leave it be. Good ideas!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer
05-16-2004, 9:56 AM
Recent previews (sorry I can't recall which one, they all start to jumble in my head, either IGN or gamespot IIRC) indicate that there will be NO coop mode, likewise the "other creatures" are Trandoshans. Does this mean you cannot be battl...  [Read More]
Posted in: hi all!
05-16-2004, 8:54 AM
Even though it's the RC forums, I'll give you one anyway... *presents Jedi Chocolate Medallion* Wear (or eat it) with pride!  [Read More]
Posted in: Rating?
05-16-2004, 8:52 AM
Ah I guess I'll need to go frame by frame to see the blood (those shots were very quickly cut, pun intended, on the videos). It could very well be like the previous JK games, the major violence being "locked away" as an easter egg for sleu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rating?
05-15-2004, 5:11 PM
Rating still pending (latest info). I didn't hear any coarse language, see any overt sexuality or blood in the trailers, so I'm guessing probably Teen, but that's me....  [Read More]
Posted in: First! The italian issue
05-15-2004, 9:33 PM
But, let me say, pizza is right up there. Great pizza place in Ames, IA I used to hang out at. Mmmmmm, great stuff there....  [Read More]
Posted in: First! The italian issue
05-15-2004, 5:11 PM
Lasagna, definately. ; ) My dad makes the best Lazany, and he makes it without meat (he's a vegetarian) but it's still awesome....  [Read More]
Posted in: Siege Bug Exploits: Fixable?
05-15-2004, 12:07 PM
I already mentioned these to RA, but I'll post them here anyway. There's at least two exploits on Siege Hoth. -Once the bridge switch is activated, if somebody shoots the bridge (before it extends all the way) with explosives such as a few rockets...  [Read More]
Posted in: Funny RC screenshots thread
05-15-2004, 5:16 PM
Originally posted by Siv "hello my baby, hello my honey... :D Excellent! He just needs a tophat and cane. ; ) More:  [Read More]
Posted in: Funny RC screenshots thread
05-15-2004, 11:11 AM
I decided to get the ball rolling with some pre-game fun screenshot manipulations. "If the Republic Commando game played like... all other games?" Dunno if that works. ; ) Anyway, enjoy!  [Read More]
Posted in: A silly idea, but it's in the movies, so....
05-15-2004, 11:59 AM
It should also be able to lay "mines" on the ground if you get my drift. Stepping in them causes a sound file to play of Jar Jar saying "Icky poo!" or (as one person remembered it) "Mesa be steppin' in poop-a-doop!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy's price reduced
05-15-2004, 2:17 PM
Ah, sort of like how they say somebody is "selling a lot of records" when they really mean CD's. ; ) Yeah, VHS movies are super expensive, even today. Like 100$ or something for a new movie, but they usually put them in rental first and by...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy's price reduced
05-15-2004, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by txa1265 It is just that the pricing and purchasing trends are changing in the game world and approaching those in other segments of the entertainment industry. Who remembers when a video came out for $80 for several months befo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy's price reduced
05-15-2004, 12:24 PM
Yeah, but that's like $5 right? Just kidding crow! ; ) Bad joke I know... PS: Now that the price is reduced we can't have the excuse anymore "it's just an expansion pack so I refuse to pay full price for it."...  [Read More]
Posted in: IGN posts first gameplay videos @ E3
05-15-2004, 12:53 PM
The 640x480 trailer on LA is actually the new one (the "trailer" from IGN) and looks much nicer with a slightly modified "ending" (coming fall 2004 for pc & Xbox instead of just showing the logos and Rating Pending ESRB thing)...  [Read More]
Posted in: IGN posts first gameplay videos @ E3
05-14-2004, 8:06 AM
#1 reported about the first video on the 12th, now there's three more showing Republic Commando game. Sadly non IGN Insider subscribers only get the low (and chuggy sound) quality videos and not the two-part "E3 Trailer" or the i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Asteroids Siege Server Coming...
05-13-2004, 3:05 PM
Thanks for answering my question (sarcasm aside). Sure, send me the new script you made....  [Read More]
Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo Yeah kurgan is an Ass hole, big immature dick head. He always assumes stuff and tries too hard to impress people. Hes got a big head, thinks hes cool, thinks he knows everything, post in every thread with his &qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: TAB Bot Improvements
05-16-2004, 3:22 PM
I just want to add that I'm all for the philosophy that Bots shouldn't be able to do anything that a human couldn't do. Of course, if you want to make a bot play like the world's greatest JA player would play, that's perfectly fine. But the bot sho...  [Read More]
Posted in: TAB Bot Improvements
05-16-2004, 7:45 AM
I'm all for using an "hon0rz" bot, but there should also be a bot that's just plain GOOD, none of the "honor" stuff like a dislike for spamming, excessive taunting, bowing and refusal to use anything but saber, etc....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Destroyer map won't work?
05-16-2004, 4:19 PM
Okay you got me there, the shields don't drop the instant the top two domes are destroyed, but rather when ALL the destroyable stuff on the outside (guns, com array, domes top & bottom) are destroyed. My mistake, sorry! Though I will say this,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Matrix Revolutions Siege
05-14-2004, 7:43 AM
Rather than fight about it, maybe it should be a healthy competition to see who can make the better mod? Then let the community decide! Or join forces and share ideas? Agree with the above, he way overreacted. It's natural that multiple people wou...  [Read More]
Posted in: Improved Stormtrooper
05-15-2004, 1:00 PM
Originally posted by J_Bond @t3rr0r You're right. I also found this out today ( But there is a great similarity from the outer appearance when you see this picture from a Noghri: ht...  [Read More]
Posted in: "It's a good bet the Empire knows we're here."
05-16-2004, 11:07 AM
That's too bad, I was really looking forward to seeing his project. Well, we all need a break sometimes. Maybe if he sees the AT-AT and other related stuff (that would fit well into his project) finished that will encourage him to start working on...  [Read More]
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