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 Druid Bremen
04-22-2004, 3:38 PM
Okay, so this is a rant thread about how admins abuse their powers...
Just now, I was playing Siege in the clan eSe server. The teams were pretty uneven, so someone called Padme on OUR team told an eSe member, " This is your server, so shouldn't you like.. enfoce the rules?" Then he replied, " They're all n00bs, they won't listen." But, the eSe member was on the OTHER team. So I asked him why he wouldn't switch. He said he was training, while the other "n00bs" were not. Then I replied sarcastically, "So, joining the winning team's considered training eh?" Surprisingly, an eSe member told his friend, "Mom, we gotta do something." Then, I was kicked.
Sorry if this thread wasted your time, I simply wanted to know what you all think about this.
04-22-2004, 10:53 PM
Whatever drugs are being used are not being shared equally?
04-22-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Druid Bremen
Sorry if this thread wasted your time

Apology accepted, captain.
04-23-2004, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by Kurgan
Whatever drugs are being used are not being shared equally? I know I get all in a lather when newbs try to swipe my weed...
04-23-2004, 12:39 AM
Prime, these floorboards are fragile. Watch it.
04-23-2004, 2:03 AM
I like to think that as an admin, I abuse my power regularly.

Seriously though, the Counter Strike server I frequent is notorious for rediculously power-crazy admins. They regularly ban people for things like 'looking at them funny'. Being an admin of any kind does make some people act like morons, its just the way it goes. Infact, I'd wager it happens to *most* people who get given some kind of power. Some, however, grow past it, whilst others just go on a power crazed rampage indefinately...

(Looks at Kurgan. Looks away quickly ):p
 Druid Bremen
04-23-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Kengo
I like to think that as an admin, I abuse my power regularly.

Seriously though, the Counter Strike server I frequent is notorious for rediculously power-crazy admins. They regularly ban people for things like 'looking at them funny'. Being an admin of any kind does make some people act like morons, its just the way it goes. Infact, I'd wager it happens to *most* people who get given some kind of power. Some, however, grow past it, whilst others just go on a power crazed rampage indefinately...

(Looks at Kurgan. Looks away quickly ):p

Ah, I see.... Looking at them funny... *bans someone for saying hello*
 Sam Fisher
04-23-2004, 3:28 PM
I, as an admin on my clan duel server, have found that its better to be a respectid admin, rather than a "power hungry/kick for no good reason" type.

Yeah, the n00b admins are out there, and always will be >.<
04-23-2004, 10:39 PM
I haven't been in my own server in almost a month.

That's actually not too different from my normal "style" of adminning.

The best admins are the ones who admin the least.

But then again maybe people are just on their best behavior because they know that it is I, 'Kurgan, the Magnificent' who encompasses their doom! MUahahhahaha!!!

Sorry, got carried away there for a second. ; )

Seriously though unless you start spamming the killtracker or piling up on one team, you probably won't see me get the slightest bit upset.
04-23-2004, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Kurgan

Sorry, got carried away there for a second. ; )

Don't apologize...we all understand we need to prove ourselves as omnipotent every once in a while. :D
04-23-2004, 11:34 PM
*Steps up to mic, clear throat, microphone does that whiny sound*

*gulp* Hi, my name is Kurgan and I'm a Megalomaniac.

*Audience: Hiiiiii Kurgan.*
04-24-2004, 12:53 AM
Kurgan's da man! :cool:
 Master William
04-24-2004, 1:56 AM
Yep, happened to me at the "Twi'lek Easter Temple" server, the leader of the clan was calling himself a god and wanted me to bow to his feet. That's not the reason he kicked me, let me tell you.
He stands by an elevator pulling people under it, killing them. He eventually picked me as his permanent 'Pull-and-squish' target, so I decided to kick him off the elevator and push him away when he tries to get up. Eventually the newbie can't find a way to counter my attacks and decides to /ampunish and /amsilence me.
04-28-2004, 1:20 AM
Originally posted by Master William
Yep, happened to me at the "Twi'lek Easter Temple" server, the leader of the clan was calling himself a god and wanted me to bow to his feet. That's not the reason he kicked me, let me tell you.
He stands by an elevator pulling people under it, killing them. He eventually picked me as his permanent 'Pull-and-squish' target, so I decided to kick him off the elevator and push him away when he tries to get up. Eventually the newbie can't find a way to counter my attacks and decides to /ampunish and /amsilence me.

I thought this game was dead and boring to you :confused:
04-28-2004, 9:33 PM
He's addicted!
04-28-2004, 11:12 PM
Damn, now I really want to see someone tackle some Dune inspired skins and models for JA.

"You did not read this. I was not here."
04-29-2004, 3:36 PM
Originally posted by Rumor
I thought this game was dead and boring to you :confused: That's what he was told ;)
04-29-2004, 4:26 PM
Originally posted by Radd
Damn, now I really want to see someone tackle some Dune inspired skins and models for JA.

"You did not read this. I was not here."

Long Live the Fighters!!!!
04-29-2004, 4:38 PM
Originally posted by Radd
Damn, now I really want to see someone tackle some Dune inspired skins and models for JA.

"You did not read this. I was not here."

Whoa, cool idea indeed.

I didn't read anything. No one was here.


I have the power to destroy the spice!
 Master William
04-29-2004, 5:38 PM
yes Rumor, it was for a while. I just got too involved in SWG and KOTOR, I forgot how fun JA could be, entering a "NO LAMING" server, laming everyone, taking a screenshot of my top score and then disconnecting before I get ampunished.

Now I'm just waiting for Forcemod 3 to come out, I want to blast some ass with dual-pistols and a Merc vs Jedi mod (where I prefer to be a Merc)
04-29-2004, 11:30 PM
Now I'm just waiting for Forcemod 3 to come out, I want to blast some ass with dual-pistols and a Merc vs Jedi mod (where I prefer to be a Merc)

Cant wait! That mod rocks!
 Master William
04-30-2004, 10:06 AM
Yes, when is it being released?
04-30-2004, 10:20 AM
you can use dual pistols (dual everything actually) with the last hope mod in mp :)
04-30-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Master William
blast some ass I don't like the sound of that...
 Master William
04-30-2004, 2:14 PM
lol Prime ;)

I certainly hope Forcemod 3 doesn't have duals on everything, that's not very fair, nor realistic.

Anyway, I'm gonna quit going off-topic now
04-30-2004, 2:16 PM
Originally posted by Master William
lol Prime ;) ;)
 Samuel Dravis
04-30-2004, 2:47 PM
Originally posted by Master William
lol Prime ;)

I certainly hope Forcemod 3 doesn't have duals on everything, that's not very fair, nor realistic.

Anyway, I'm gonna quit going off-topic now As far as I know, it doesn't have dual everything, just pistols...for the merc only. :)

And for the topic...
I hate abusive admins, esp. ones on servers running JA+ and the like. Immature admin's favorite quotes
05-02-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Master William
yes Rumor, it was for a while. I just got too involved in SWG and KOTOR, I forgot how fun JA could be, entering a "NO LAMING" server, laming everyone, taking a screenshot of my top score and then disconnecting before I get ampunished.

Now I'm just waiting for Forcemod 3 to come out, I want to blast some ass with dual-pistols and a Merc vs Jedi mod (where I prefer to be a Merc)

That's fine, when it comes to having fun playing games, the choice is yours and noone else's.

Originally posted by Prime
I don't like the sound of that...
The hell you don't.
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