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Page: 107 of 214
Posted in: server questions
06-24-2004, 4:38 AM
Cheats must be enabled (devmap <mapname>) then you just spawn them in from the console using the \npc spawn <name> command....  [Read More]
Posted in: Lightsabers?...
06-23-2004, 9:58 PM
Originally posted by Hiroki Not a black saber, though. You can not get a black lightsaber, because no crystals are black, and if it was black, it couldn't be a LIGHTsaber. There are white crystals already. As I said before, Corran Horn has a white...  [Read More]
Posted in: a question (improved Melee Attacks?)
06-18-2004, 12:06 AM
Do you mean lightsaber moves or like punches and kicks (melee)?...  [Read More]
Posted in: just the facts
06-16-2004, 5:13 PM
PS: You can also roll to the sides and backward, but it may require a jump first to build momentum. PPS: All of the moves are described IN GAME in the menus. While playing a game hit the "menu" key (default I think is TAB, but check the E...  [Read More]
Posted in: closing down
06-18-2004, 12:03 AM
Thank$, that make$ $en$e. Doh! Now you've got me doing it......  [Read More]
Posted in: closing down
06-17-2004, 8:44 PM
(JA servers should be rebooted every 24 hours or so because the Linux ded server uses up more CPU cycles the longer it runs between restarts). Interesting, I did not know that. So what, if any, advantage is there in running a linux server rather th...  [Read More]
Posted in: closing down
06-17-2004, 5:47 PM
Week of the 21st, start investigating other hosting services......  [Read More]
Posted in: closing down
06-17-2004, 4:50 PM
My server is officially dead. I'll have to take down the rest of the JS ads when I get back though... (of course anyone clicking on them will see that JS is no longer providing hosting). I didn't see the last few hours of the game (too sleepy) but I...  [Read More]
Posted in: closing down
06-16-2004, 12:51 AM
Honestly they were my first professional host, so maybe I'm biased, my first impression was a good one. Maxrate of 5,000 for all game modes wasn't so great, but 15,000 for Siege was pretty smooth as far as I could tell. People overseas and with dial...  [Read More]
Posted in: closing down
06-15-2004, 9:18 PM
Ok, since he thought he'd be cute, I banned all three of his accounts, pruned them and banned his IP. Enough spamming. ; p...  [Read More]
Posted in: closing down
06-15-2004, 9:00 PM
He's been warned......  [Read More]
Posted in: closing down
06-15-2004, 5:41 PM
I too am directly affected by this. My server, Meatgrinder Redux (see signature) will be shutting down the 16th as well. Having just briefly looked over some of the pricing, EscapedTurkey looks like the best deal so far, though I may have to setup...  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber Control Methods
06-18-2004, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by PerfectJamie BTW I am still annoyed that obiwan was moved to the Xbox, does anyone know if the PC version ever got a beta or something that is playable by the fans? I never heard a thing about it, but that would certainly be...  [Read More]
Cool. If that's "all it is" we should spread the word among mod makers and admins. Once that's cleard up and the popular mods are fixed, then it should be out in the open....  [Read More]
If Xmod2 and OJP block them then I'm fine. I just don't want to be forced to use an ampunish friendly admin mod. ; p But, interesting point if you say it's a MOD problem and not a basejka problem. Pushfix is nice, but it only fixes one annoying bug...  [Read More]
Sigh, anyway back to the real discussion... where are Master Hex and RazorAce?...  [Read More]
No need to start flaming here guys. [nWo] Filth since you've made it your purpose to be a troll since you signed up, consider this your warning! Hopefully the mod makers and developers can work together on a solution to fix this. If you must disc...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA Dying?
06-23-2004, 9:41 PM
The whole "Debate" (if you could call it one) really boils down to one question. "Who do you blame for the (death of/ruination of/decline of/etc the community)?" With the answer given either being: A) Raven Software & Luca...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA Dying?
06-15-2004, 9:34 PM
Trolling aside... Looks like JA has dropped out of the top 10 with the next list (ending May 29th, same source): 1 City Of Heroes - NCsoft $46 2 Far Cry - Ubisoft $39 3 Battlefield Vietnam - Electronic Arts $36 4 Rise Of Nations - Microsoft $35 5 M...  [Read More]
Posted in: Attention Siege Mappers: Unused Siege Classes!
06-18-2004, 12:12 AM
Good to see even more siege maps being made. Sadly the ones I've seen have either been HUGE file size wise, or else too buggy to be playable. But still, I'm hopeful... people are learning that's encouraging!...  [Read More]
Posted in: What do the colours mean?
06-23-2004, 4:33 PM
The "pure canon" differs from the EU on the history of the Sith. For one, in the Terry Brooks authored "The Phantom Menace" film novelisation (which is higher official level than any EU novel or comic) states that the Sith began...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
06-17-2004, 1:18 AM
You still have a little time to play if you want, go for it, you're invited!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
06-16-2004, 4:07 PM
Ok Crow, you're the only person to report this, that your controls stop working properly on Siege Hoth. I have no idea what could cause that or how to fix it. Sorry. Try the technical forum I guess. I don't have any such problem when joining my own...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
06-16-2004, 5:37 AM
No I don't think I got it, send again please....  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
06-15-2004, 8:06 PM
Sorry, but due to closing, the server will go down (and the IP in my sig will no longer be valid) by June 16th. Again apologies, it was a ton of fun hosting and I am glad for all the fun games and stuff we had over the past few month...  [Read More]
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