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Ok, I'll do that when I get home. It will take no longer than 5 minutes :)......  [Read More]
Glad you like it :D The effects are permanent. If you want me to make any adjustments, just say so. I can make it temporary and/or ensure that saving throws will not be possible so each of your "victims" becomes a tach (100% success). And...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Glamador and yet still waiting for the monkey himself to post...only one thing! does the enemy drop a tach gland when killed!? cus i accidentally killed them all and wish to complete the mission quest! I could add this :D but n...  [Read More]
I had some fun testing this :D Best thing to do after a hard day at work :D btw, beancounter, check your PMs ;)...  [Read More]
:3headed: Happy Birthday Mono_Giganto! :3headed: (ya sorry two days late :rolleyes: ) - I don't remember where you asked this it is... This mod has been done especially for you, Giant Monkey of Doomness :D Turn anyone into a tach durin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!
09-02-2004, 11:10 AM
I am moving this thread to where it belongs: the Work Bench. And it looks like a corrupted saved game. Try loading another game....  [Read More]
Posted in:  NEW! Easy Turret mini game mod
08-30-2004, 2:47 PM
Originally posted by stingerhs hmm, i seem to remember a mod a while back that increased the amount of damage the ebon hawk takes when hit I don't remember seing it but it is very easy to do. If anyone is interested, let me know :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: need some Dantooine textures!
08-31-2004, 9:26 AM
Buy the game and remember that releasing a jka mod that incorporates parts of kotor could lead you into some legal problems. Sorry but I have to lock the thread....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
09-02-2004, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by darkknight014 I have KSE but it wont give me da force powers :( Thanks for telling me bout the mod tho!!!! KSE will give you force powers: read the readme. Here is a screenshot:  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
09-02-2004, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by darkknight014 How bout a mod that gives u all the force powers from the begging? It would be fun! You can download Gameunlimited's all feats and force power mod here: or get tk102's KSE here: http:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
09-02-2004, 9:53 AM
If you are still having problems after after reading the material which I pointed you out, don't hesitate to ask :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
09-02-2004, 9:21 AM
Originally posted by Dark_Scorpio Svosh only has the .rar file for download at his site and the site says I need the following... apperence.2da included for those that do not already have one (but it wasn't included when I downloaded it) -: svцs...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
09-01-2004, 8:26 PM
here: PLease, post mod reuqests in the "Modding request" stiky ;) I am moving this thread....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
09-01-2004, 2:21 PM
Originally posted by Dark_Scorpio [B] 1) I really liked both the Revan Redemption Robes and the Revan the White Robes, so my idea was to add along with the robes would be a new icon, that would activate when the either robes were worn Revan Redempti...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
08-31-2004, 3:34 PM
Originally posted by darkknight014 I meant im writing the storyline..And I wanted a new modle but some one could just mod the Bacca sword with the attributes..Not that it looks like the Bacca Sword but itll work. why not try your hand at modding? ;...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
08-31-2004, 8:50 AM
Originally posted by MTV2 What about a porttrait that has revans head in it! or a portrait with malaks head in it! or with anybodys head! You could use KSE to change your party members appearance, portraits, voices and much more: http://www.pcgamem...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
08-30-2004, 5:16 PM
Originally posted by JBeannie for some reason when i type in the insta kill cheat, no lightsaber appears, it's shiamon insta kill lightsaber, is there a certain way to enter the cheat?:confused: Type: giveitem shi_w_lghtsbr01_instakill...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
08-30-2004, 3:55 PM
Originally posted by suprchrs This is exactly the mod I came onto the forum looking for. I hope it's possible for someone to make it. Gameunlimited made such amod some months ago: . H...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
08-30-2004, 3:05 PM
Originally posted by tompkins But i wouldnt do it anyway..... Why not??? You could try your hand at modding :) This is not complicated and it is a good way to get started. Read the Guide for the Newbie (  [Read More]
Posted in: exar kuns tomb
08-31-2004, 6:59 AM
Originally posted by Graveyard_Zero hey I hate to feel like a newbie to boards, but where is the Exar Kun tomb mod, I could probly find it by searching but I figured I would ask, if any one know that would be great help. Thanks:p It's here: http://...  [Read More]
Posted in: exar kuns tomb
08-30-2004, 6:25 PM
Originally posted by darkkender My last note I would like to make is this. Forums are meant to spread information to large masses as a whole unfortunately All of the Mod forums I have visited for KOTOR are quick to provide private answers to questio...  [Read More]
Posted in: Holowan Laboratories - News @ RPGDot
09-01-2004, 11:18 AM
No, not yet. Crazy schedule... :headbump :nutz3: Maybe this weekend... :rolleyes: I'll let you know :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Holowan Laboratories - News @ RPGDot
08-31-2004, 8:14 AM
Thanks again! It's always refreshing to read your "chronicles" :)...  [Read More]
Useful new features! We always have people sking for this! Good work as always :) I am happy to see that you are back at Holowan :cool:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
08-30-2004, 3:01 PM
Just downloaded a fresh version of Kotor tool. It is amazing! A complete toolset! I would help you with those maps but I am already working late at night :( ( to those who are still at school: enjoy it while you can :D ) Thanks for eveything Fred :...  [Read More]
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