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Page: 71 of 109
Posted in: Getting to know each other
09-27-2004, 8:46 PM
Originally posted by Achilles buying a BMW to get me through my mid-life crisis. you still have 20 yrs ahead of you before getting to mid-life crisis :D Name: starts with "M" Age: 31 Born: Quebec Canada but lived abroad for years - stu...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Verpine Implant Integration Visor
09-29-2004, 12:53 PM
Glad to see you got into modeling t7: you really have talent :thumbsup: Making the visor upgreadable was really a good and original idea. Once more you show innovation :) ...and blue is much better :D :cool:...  [Read More]
Posted in: bad grafics
09-28-2004, 9:56 AM
Please post technical questions in the Work Bench section of the forum. I am moving this thread to where it belongs. Now to answer your question, I am no nvidia expert but don't expect to run a recent game with graphic option settings turned at max...  [Read More]
Posted in: Italian fans ask for help
09-27-2004, 8:52 PM
In the French Canadian version they did not even bother to translate the title list : "Rebel recon" is "Rebel recon"... :mad: (la versione italiana non puт essere peggiore - the Italian version can't be worse.) Hopefully we can...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise
09-29-2004, 6:24 AM
I don't suggest editing the .utc file for the troopers to remove their weapons. The reason is that if a .utc file with the same name is used in a cutscene, the game will crash. Bioware reused many files but changed the scripts and the contents depend...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise
09-28-2004, 5:57 AM
Looks pretty good! Awesome work :)...  [Read More]
Click on svцsh's signature to go to his website :) Mekel and Malak??? That would look weird to see them fighting in underwear...and I don't know who would pose as a template this time :D...  [Read More]
Originally posted by RedHawke :rofl: I hope the ladies like it! :D :heart3: They do! :3heart: :D Finally, the anti Carth hater mod ! :D I am downloading this right away! And great work svцsh! The texture just looks great! :thumbsup:...  [Read More]
Posted in:  I Am Chewbacca!
09-24-2004, 5:28 AM
Too funny :D :D :D Will certainly try it this weekend ! :D...  [Read More]
Here is a site taht contains many of the modifications that were made - there are also come pics to compare the original version with the new one - you can really see the general cleanup that was made:  [Read More]
Posted in: Converting Swkotor Music
09-22-2004, 8:28 AM
Kotor tool will allow you to only extract the sound files from the bifs. You can play the streamsounds with GoldWave (link is in the Guide for the Newbie sticky). However, it opens the files at double speed so you have to go to effect/time warp and s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Powers
09-17-2004, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by NoraleeHall I was thinking about buying an XBOX so I could play Fable and now with the pushback of release date for the PC I'm even more tempted. Could anyone who has played KotOR on both XBOX and PC tell me about the difference...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Manaan Selkath Door Relief Mod
09-22-2004, 1:05 PM
Originally posted by Revan_2000 Combined with Fish Fest I am beginning to like Manaan besides what Svosh posted here: I hate the Loosing long booing in swoop racing on manna I don’t use the easy swoop mods so I hear it a lot Ah! Forgot this!...  [Read More]
As I said, I am using this mod witthout any probelms: it is either a conflict or a file contained in one of the other mods that ^revents you from starting a game. The only thing I can see with the AIOFPM is if one of other mods you are using has a b...  [Read More]
Originally posted by TheKnife I cant start the game at all, what has that to do with the save games? What other mods do you have? the problem could be there as well. Did you read the notice that appears on the installation screen concerning the ....  [Read More]
I tested this mod more than one time one two computers and others tested it too. You probably have some incompatible mods and it resulted in a corrupted saved game. What other mods are you trying to combine with this one? And what are you trying to...  [Read More]
I am not sure about this one. I prefer to make changes the player is not obliged to use. Per example, if you don't want to use one of the armbands, you can sell it or simply leave it in your inventory. Same thing with force powers: if you don't want...  [Read More]
You could use Suchan271 tutorials, they are excellent: You will find more tips in the sticky "do you want to mod sw-kotor? then start here" ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Screenshots for the sake of screenshots
09-28-2004, 7:56 PM
Originally posted by StormTrooper789 It is a *.tga file in your KOTOR directory. You can also open MSPAINT and just paste the picture because PrintScreen copies the screen's contents to the clipboard. Or get Reclip to take up to 200 screenshots :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: ATTENTION MODDERS!!! Recruitable Calo Nord?!
09-20-2004, 5:27 PM
Thanks Redhawke :) Originally posted by RedHawke The Calo not speaking... 99% of all recruitable NPC's don't speak, or only have limited dialogues, or speak using the standard in game alien sound files, the only recruited NPC to actually speak thei...  [Read More]
Posted in: ATTENTION MODDERS!!! Recruitable Calo Nord?!
09-19-2004, 12:21 PM
If Calo Nord is recruitable on Korriban , then Korriban has to be the first planet you visit after Dantoine....  [Read More]
Posted in: List of downloads - Tools and mods
09-26-2004, 9:54 PM
Originally posted by DarthBuzzard ALSO; I would like Dantooine war, could someone put up a working link or PM me it? Thanks :D Unfortnately I don't know any working link for that mod and the author did not showed up since a few months....  [Read More]
Posted in: List of downloads - Tools and mods
09-21-2004, 9:36 AM
Originally posted by HardcoreGarrett Some links are dead. Which ones?...  [Read More]
Posted in: List of downloads - Tools and mods
09-18-2004, 6:50 AM
Originally posted by Revan_2000 for some reason the readme wont download on the revan reincarnate mod:confused: confused so i dont know where to put the file a little help here pleaze P.s. i have no idea why this is Put the files in the override f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
09-27-2004, 9:13 PM
Originally posted by Fred Tetra New version of Kotor Tool posted today. 1.0.1731.29104 (2004-9-28) Features/updates: Kotor Tool can now be associated with UTC, UTD, UTI, UTP and UTT files and can open them from Windows Explorer. Attempting to o...  [Read More]
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