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Page: 77 of 109
Posted in: Very Annoying Problem
08-25-2004, 1:40 PM
This is weird. But I searched Bioware boards (keywords: bastila broken) and you are not the first one to whom it happens. What they said is to make sure your drivers are updated and your game patched with v.1.03. Then, find a save game where the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very Annoying Problem
08-25-2004, 11:29 AM
Can you tell us where and when it happened? :confused:...  [Read More]
Posted in: gmax help
08-25-2004, 11:18 AM
PrtyLizardJedi This is a very general question. Start looking at the Sitckies: the "Guide for the Newbie" as well as the "Do you want to mod SW-kotor" both have links to tutorials....  [Read More]
Posted in: can man made jedi enter the temple?
08-24-2004, 1:40 PM
No, unfortunately this is scripted. and there is nothing to do apart rewriting this part of the story. You would have to change everything, including the dialogues inside the Temple :(....  [Read More]
Posted in: Almost a reality
08-25-2004, 1:07 AM
Originally posted by T7nowhere Now that is just plain rude to post a PM. bneezy this thread is closed. You continue to show disrespect to the moderators. HL moderators didn't want to have to ban you but, you have forced us to take this action. Perh...  [Read More]
Posted in: 2da File Problems
08-24-2004, 3:24 PM
Originally posted by Achilles Sounds like quite a mess :D Yeah but such a mess is impossible to do...and you cannot edit sounds with appearance.2da... :rolleyes: Master Bobo, if you are having problems editing .2da files and if you want us to be...  [Read More]
Posted in: 2da File Problems
08-24-2004, 12:39 AM
I've pointed you at some links in the "Guide for the Newbie" sticky under the "conflicts" and "getting started" sections. PLease read the stickies before and if there is anything you don't understand, then post your ques...  [Read More]
Posted in: makeing master power feet into a aoe attack?
08-23-2004, 8:32 PM
well honestly maddogsz, although I encourage you to modding Kotor (I am always happy to see new modders), this may not be the best place to start if you don't know anything about scripting...I would suggest you start with something else and when you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Released: Blaster Balance Pack
08-23-2004, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by beancounter Thanks Darth333. Yes, I am a programmer, but I am still pretty new to modding Kotor. :) I will go ahead and make a compatiable spells.2da and re-release this mod. That script was too clean to have been made by a p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Released: Blaster Balance Pack
08-23-2004, 10:43 AM
Good work Beancounter! I will surely use this mod with the new game I just started (If only I can find the time to play :rolleyes: ) Good to have someone who really knows scripting here :) ...programmer? BTW, your mod will conflict with the All-in-...  [Read More]
Good work!!! Good to have some LS recruitable mods finally :) We needed those! oh and Redhawke...contrary to what Achilles said, I didn't bake any cookies...but I have this ( Enjoy you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gloves of Light
08-23-2004, 9:28 AM
Originally posted by Jackel Thanks Darth333 Might even add a lightsaber to her aswell so you dont have to cheat one in ... Ill pm you with more details later. Its like 12:49AM on monday morning and I really should head to bed. No problem :) Anyt...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gloves of Light
08-23-2004, 9:19 AM
Originally posted by Jackel And F138 : unless somone would be willing to script for me , we cant use that dead jedi on the spire , stuffs up the later game thanks to her not having a unique name. I can do this if you want :) I think it would be f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Holowan Plug in problems with other mods
08-22-2004, 9:43 PM
2da conflicts mainly: look at the Guide for the Newbie in the Stickies...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
08-24-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by Airrazor Is there a mod that you can be darth vader?? DarthStraker also made a reskin of Darth Vader's mask. I know it is in the sith Armada mod, I don't know if he made a separate download.  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests(2): Post your desires here
08-23-2004, 9:34 AM
Originally posted by kbned one that would help a lot if possible would be to change the faces of some of the npc's you talk to. the same faces are used way too much. That would be difficult: even if we have many good people at retexturing here, the...  [Read More]
Posted in: UFPOB mod
08-22-2004, 7:26 PM
Arghhhh! The original idea was here altoghether with my answers: Iam doing two force powers to add to the friendly force power menu, nothing more, nothing less. Yes, it...  [Read More]
Posted in: UFPOB mod
08-22-2004, 6:38 PM
Wow! a thread about my mods that I didn't even now about ! ( I was too with the spam attack :D ) Anyways, I am doing the mod for you, Maxstate, but I am not incorporating this package in the all-in-one force power mod since not everyone, starting by...  [Read More]
Posted in: New PC Face Released
08-23-2004, 9:07 AM
Thanks Colja, would be nice to have a LS version! I was thinking that we lacked ls mods and players who like to play LS will be able to use your great skins :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Get a handle on things [Saber Hilts]
08-22-2004, 2:56 PM
Use Kotor tool: the is a 2da editor included. (check the Guide for the Newbie: it has a link to a tutorial made by t7 on how to use Kotor tool....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy Weapons for KotOR
08-24-2004, 5:38 PM
Bneezy, svцsh was trying to help here. There is nothing offensive in his post ( I have seen the sigh* too but he removed it right away: you should take this into consideration). He was giving tips about modeling. Try to help each other make better...  [Read More]
Posted in: Like bastilla?
08-23-2004, 10:29 AM
Since Gsccc finished his mod and since this is not a general discussion board, I am closing this thread: there are other sections in this forum where you can discuss things other than modding:  [Read More]
Posted in: Script help needed: spawning npcs
08-25-2004, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Maxstate :D In JA you could spawn any NPC with something like npc spawn (name), is that possible in kotor. Unfortunately, there is no way you can do this in Kotor: you have to plant a script somewhere. i'm using D333's spawn...  [Read More]
Posted in: Extending force power time?
08-23-2004, 3:21 PM
Originally posted by beancounter I did find that the include files need to be in the same directory as the compiler (not the overrides folder) in order for it to work correctly. Thanks guys, now it works perfectly :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Extending force power time?
08-23-2004, 10:16 AM
You have to buy NWN if you want to get the toolset but don't bother with that unless you want the game: the compiler included in the toolset caused me some troubles with other scripts. There is a way to do it with HazardX's script compiler: Open k...  [Read More]
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