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exar kuns tomb

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 Darth Seth
08-09-2004, 11:44 AM

(where) do i have to extract the nss folder to?

ty, Darth seth
08-09-2004, 11:47 AM
You don't need the .nss file: it's the source code: if you do not intend to make mods that will require scripting, you can simply delete it. Otherwise keep it for reference. The game only needs the compiled script (.ncs) file, it goes in the override folder.
08-17-2004, 12:44 PM
I put the .mod in the Module folder and everything in the Override folder into Override, but for some reason I'm not presented with the option of going to Yavin once back on the Ebon Hawk. Does anyone know what I did wrong?

:ewok::lightning BLASTED EWOKS!
08-17-2004, 1:25 PM
it doesnt appear on ur galaxy map...once u exit ur ship on yavin station and try to get back in it will ask u if u wanna take teh shuttle
08-17-2004, 2:17 PM
That's the thing, it never gives me the option to take the shuttle down to the tomb. I can warp there however, I just prefer to get there the way intended.

:gungan::lightning BLASTED GUNGANS!
08-17-2004, 4:33 PM
Originally posted by DarkBlade2Z
That's the thing, it never gives me the option to take the shuttle down to the tomb. I can warp there however, I just prefer to get there the way intended.

:gungan::lightning BLASTED GUNGANS!

It may only work if you've installed the mod before your first visit to Yavin IV. You might want to create a new game then then warp there just to test it out.

Let us know what else you find.
08-17-2004, 7:56 PM
Alright, I'll restart my game and check it out. Uh, this may take a day or two...

:jawa:lightning BLASTED Jawa's!
08-17-2004, 10:09 PM
It may only work if you've installed the mod before your first visit to Yavin IV. You might want to create a new game then then warp there just to test it out.

I just tested this with an old savegame, and Achilles is right. You have to install the mod prior to visiting Yavin to ge the option to travel to the tomb.
08-17-2004, 10:14 PM
well then, I guess there's no need for me to restart my game.

08-30-2004, 3:34 PM
Hate to say this but I'm having the same problem and I'm running this on my first mod game for kotor and this was a fresh game with this loaded. So I'm thinking this is actually a bug with the mod.
08-30-2004, 3:57 PM
how do i get this mod? ive never heard of it ):
08-30-2004, 5:14 PM
darkkender wrote:
Hate to say this but I'm having the same problem and I'm running this on my first mod game for kotor and this was a fresh game with this loaded. So I'm thinking this is actually a bug with the mod.

Can you warp to it? I would sugest double checking to make sure everything is extracted to the right place.
Make sure you are extracting the files within the folders, not the folders themselves.

In your modules folder goes:


In your override folder goes:


This mod edits the Yavin station exit door. So it should be installed before you travel to Yavin to have the option to go to the tomb.

AlBundy wrote:
how do i get this mod? ive never heard of it ):

Check the link to PCGameMods in my sig:)
08-30-2004, 6:02 PM
first and foremost everything is in it's proper location other than the help of KMM to make certain to put everything in it's right place I also double and triple check what I do before I ever ask for help.

Second yes you can warp there but that is the only way to get there. But I don't want a save game saying cheats used. I'm more curious if there is something other than going to the station and reentering the ship that you are supposed to do so that it will activate. Such as a hidden triggered conversation or sidequest you need to complete.

While new to these forums I'm not new to modding games and reading readme's, so when I was contributing a statement of the same problem that the person who started the thread had, maybe at that point the question should be is there a silent trigger that the masses at large aren't aware of.

As is I've given up hope that anybody has contacted randydg about the dantoine aftermath mod or if they have there is no resolution to that problem.

My last note I would like to make is this. Forums are meant to spread information to large masses as a whole unfortunately All of the Mod forums I have visited for KOTOR are quick to provide private answers to questions such as PM or some other form of closed forum response. The result is a forum filled with thread upon thread of repeated questions about the same topic that runs on with plenty of quick answers and incomplete solutions. While PM provide an easy way to send large answers it also keeps information that many people are searching for a secret.

If people find my last paragraph hostile good because that is how it is meant to be. If you want to ignore me or inundate me with flames instead of answers to questions be my guest because I find Forums that lack substance to be unworthy of my time to continue to visit. Mainly because they never answer questions for the teaming masses.
08-30-2004, 6:23 PM
Since I have never had any problems using this mod, I cannot offer you any advice. I imagine that if more people had the same problem, they probably would join you en masse, however since it appears to be limited to only yourself (since we don't know yet if it works for DarkBlade2Z) I'm not sure what resolution you feel would be acceptable. To counter your argument, perhaps the mod works just fine and there is something wrong with your game.

Not sure why you feel your message was warranted. The mod's creator appeared to respond to your message pretty quickly with some fairly detailed suggestions. Never seen anyone flame that kind of response before, but as you stated, you're not from around here.

While it certainly is a shame to see people go, perhaps you will have better luck with another forum since you appear to be so unhappy here. Best of luck to you!
08-30-2004, 6:25 PM
Originally posted by darkkender
My last note I would like to make is this. Forums are meant to spread information to large masses as a whole unfortunately All of the Mod forums I have visited for KOTOR are quick to provide private answers to questions such as PM or some other form of closed forum response. The result is a forum filled with thread upon thread of repeated questions about the same topic that runs on with plenty of quick answers and incomplete solutions. While PM provide an easy way to send large answers it also keeps information that many people are searching for a secret.

... because I find Forums that lack substance to be unworthy of my time to continue to visit. Mainly because they never answer questions for the teaming masses.

BTW, when you said that your question has not been answered, it is always easier to answer a question when we know what the question is... :confused:

Concerning the Exar tomb mod, Deathdisco was trying to understand where and what the problem was. It is always necessary to have full knowledge of the problem before answering a question.

If you look at the stikies, you will find the Guide for the Newbie which provides you with a lot of information about modding and tools. T7nowhere made a great compilation of useful threads and tutorials (Do you want to mod sw-kotor). We make everything we can to make the info public and we encourage people to post their questions after they have read the stickies and to share their knowledge. Everyone is welcomed here experience or not.

The Kotor modding community is still very young and is only getting organized. Take into consideration that a few months ago there were no tools at all. We had to figure everything out and a lot of stuff is still in development. Also keep in mind that most of the experienced users here work full time and/or study (I work an average of 65 hours at the office per week and I am not the only one...).

As is I've given up hope that anybody has contacted randydg about the dantoine aftermath mod or if they have there is no resolution to that problem.

RandyDJ has not been seen at the forums since at least 3 weeks. We cannot do anything about it. If you are interested in his mod, perhaps you could try to contact him yourself. I don't know how to do it better than you. Maybe someone has his e-mail but i don't.

Please keep the discussion friendly.
08-30-2004, 7:34 PM
Originally posted by darkkender
Hate to say this but I'm having the same problem and I'm running this on my first mod game for kotor and this was a fresh game with this loaded. So I'm thinking this is actually a bug with the mod.
I had a major problem at Yavin station before, where i wasn't able to Enter Suvam Tam lab.

The interesting part is that i had the Exar Kun MOD back then and it was the only thing around Yavin that worked allright.

After a much appreciated Achiles help, it turned out the problem was KOTOR patch 1.3, necessary to fix some bug.

Perhaps your problem is the patch thing?
08-31-2004, 6:53 AM
hey I hate to feel like a newbie to boards, but where is the Exar Kun tomb mod, I could probly find it by searching but I figured I would ask, if any one know that would be great help. Thanks:p
08-31-2004, 6:59 AM
Originally posted by Graveyard_Zero
hey I hate to feel like a newbie to boards, but where is the Exar Kun tomb mod, I could probly find it by searching but I figured I would ask, if any one know that would be great help. Thanks:p
It's here:

The majority of modders here publish their mods at:

And read the Tools and Mod sticky ;)
08-31-2004, 7:10 AM
Thanks for the help, I was having trouble finding a good site. this will help alot :D
08-31-2004, 9:45 AM
First I would like to apologize for getting snappish so quickly. I just get tired of sifting through 7-10 or more pages of threads looking for feedback on a problem and finding more fluff and BS'ing that actually answering the questions that are asked. I know this is not a localized occurance and that at some forums I am guilty of this very same thing. *slapped own hand*

Anyways back to topic to the question of if I have the 1.03 patch a most definite and emphatic "yes" long before I ever considered modding since KOTOR actually would not even load and start for me before I got the patch.

Truth is At this stage My question goes out to Deathsdisco as this if you can trigger the shuttle to go to Yavin IV off of the door to the Ebon Hawk would it be possible to trigger the door to another location. Like the 2 doors that are locked with access Denied popups at the back of the station where later Trandoshans appear in front of. I know this might be a major change to something and may not be worth the time however this might also be a great way to avoid conflicts that may be occuring within the core programming of KOTOR which I'm thinking is my problem.

If you would like DD I would be willing to dive headlong into this quagmire of code and try to make the changes myself to see if it is possible. All I would need to know is which file where direct's people too the internal warp command that the system uses to shuttle to the planet.

Once again sorry for getting snappish.
08-31-2004, 5:42 PM
:confused: :confused: :confused:

To change the Acces Denied dialog with the "unused" doors and replace them with the dialog that lets you travel to the tomb:
Rename the yavinarea.dlg in the override folder to yav47_denied.dlg

There is no emotion, there is peace.
08-31-2004, 6:17 PM
ok I'll give it a whirl but first thing's first which file or file's do I make that change in? besides just the overides folder. Because I would think that one of the other files is making a call to that file prior warping you to the temple.
08-31-2004, 7:17 PM
Nothing else would need to be edited. The dialog fires the script(ekun.ncs) wich will load the tomb module. If this method works for you then these files are no longer necessary:

yavinarea.dlg-->renamed to yav47_denied.dlg
yavinarea.ncs-->can be removed.
yavinarea.utd-->can be removed.
08-31-2004, 10:31 PM
Well I made the change like you said to do in the first post expecting a problem and instead not only did it work it also fixes a minor bug that was unimportant to me which is the little gizka that is on yavin station that you can kill had been invisible so you can't kill it. I figured this was done on purpose but I actually think the gizka is tied into the yavinarea.dlg so when I renamed it to yav47_denied.dlg voila you're friendly neighborhood freebie darkside point is now visible and you can kill it.

So not only did it fix my glitch it seems to fix another bug that may not have been noticed before. I haven't deleted the other two yavinarea files yet, and I must say I'm hesitant too with everything working fine. I'm going to try this on an exsisting save game that has bypassed the point of visiting yavin station to see if this might work on those as well. Maybe this can become a permanent update to the ekar kun mod if others try this and find no problem with the change.
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