:3headed: Happy Birthday Mono_Giganto! :3headed: (ya sorry two days late :rolleyes: )
- I don't remember where you asked this but...here it is...
This mod has been done especially for you, Giant Monkey of Doomness :D
Turn anyone into a tach during 24 seconds - the force power can be selected during normal level up and is 100% compatible with the AIOFPM v.3.0.1 (
Oh and to make things more interesting and useful, if you use it against ennemies, it will affect their attributes the following way:
Note: to make the mod useable at all times, the new force power will appear in the same menu as heal, armor, etc...
Download: (updated version 09-08-2004)
http://www.geocities.com/d333mods/) (force power section)
- temporary duration of 24 seconds - new visual effects
- the power won't affect droids
- targetting bug fixed: your PC will no longer become a tach but Carth may become one someitmes :D
Have fun!
(Others are free to download it :p )
lol. Sounds like a must have mod. Great fun for when you are bored.
I had some fun testing this :D Best thing to do after a hard day at work :D
btw, beancounter, check your PMs ;)
Haha. Nice mod though Darth333.
Nice work!
Happy Belated, Mono!!!
I like it, and happy bday mono!
Pretty cool Darth333! :D
It's a MoD for the GMoD! :roleyess:
Hilarious...good work, Darth333! :)
and yet still waiting for the monkey himself to post...only one thing! does the enemy drop a tach gland when killed!? cus i accidentally killed them all and wish to complete the mission quest!
Originally posted by Glamador
and yet still waiting for the monkey himself to post...only one thing! does the enemy drop a tach gland when killed!? cus i accidentally killed them all and wish to complete the mission quest!
I could add this :D but not tonight...too late...check again tomorrow evening (-5 GMT).
I haven't been able to get to holowan, lots of work, them professors don't even give me a break on my birthday! In fact I shuold be working now but Hurricane Francis gave me a five day weekend... I only found out cause Darth333 sent me a PM. And I must say:
And to everyone else, thanks. :)
BTW, how convenient, I just killed Malak on my last p[laythrough, I will definitely use this now! Oh, and is it permanent, or will it wear off? Cause if not, Kashyyk's gonna have a new high order of power. :D THE TACHS ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE SHADOWLANDS, WOOKIEES!
And would you mind if I added a link to my sig? lol
Glad you like it :D
The effects are permanent. If you want me to make any adjustments, just say so. I can make it temporary and/or ensure that saving throws will not be possible so each of your "victims" becomes a tach (100% success).
And would you mind if I added a link to my sig? lol
You can do anything you want with this mod, it's your birthday present :D
Originally posted by Darth333
Glad you like it :D
The effects are permanent. If you want me to make any adjustments, just say so. I can make it temporary and/or ensure that saving throws will not be possible so each of your "victims" becomes a tach (100% success).
You can do anything you want with this mod, it's your birthday present :D
Well if it doesn't take long to make it temporary, sure that'd be great! I don't want you spending so much time on it lol. And if they resist, well ill just have to setwisdom 99 to stop that. :devburn:
Oh, and if you do make it temporary, whatever amount of time your mind trick force power lasts would be perfect. :dev13: (23.5 seconds I believe?)
Edit: Put it in the most appropriate part of my sig. :) My sig is seriously almost entirely made of hyperlinks now.
Ok, I'll do that when I get home. It will take no longer than 5 minutes :)...
And I just noticed, I suppose we should be saying happy birthday to Achilles too, since his is only 6 days before mine.
Happy Birthday Achilles!!! :smash:
hmm...i dont have any idea's for Achilles, so I guess he wouldn't get a mod.
Well Darth333 included the source script with the mod, so theoretically you could change what it turns them into. And correct me if I'm wrong, but Achilles, you like wookiees quite a bit don't you? :D
Don"t worry, I did not forgot Achilles' birthday :D
Just one last question: the force power is a neutral force power. Do you want it neutral, LS or DS?
Oh, and I think there's a bug in the targeting, 'cause me and Carth keep turning into Tachs lol. I dunno why... Perhaps it may be better to make it hostile, I don't know lol.
well, happy bday to achilles too!
Mine isn't until october :(
:monkey4: Mod updated. check link above! :monkey4:
New features:
- temporary duration of 24 seconds instead of permanent
- new visual effects :D
- the power won't affect droids
Have fun :D
Shosey! October 2 is not far :eek: ...I'll have to find something...:bluidea:
I especially like the flame effects when you become human again. :devburn:
Mind if I play around with the nss script? This has actually given me a few ideas... Like morphing your own character into stuff for various bonuses... :D
*perks up and pays attention to what's going on around him*
Jeez, no wonder my ears have been burning :). Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone!
Mono, I like Wookies just as much as any other race I suppose. What I really like are Jedi :D
great, funny, new force power Darth333
At the request of Mono Giganto, here is how to place the tach_morphing force power in the hostile force power menu:
A. the script:
1. Remove the following lines from the code:
object oTarget = GetFirstObjectInShape(SHAPE_SPHERE, 17.0, GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF), TRUE, OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE);
while (GetIsObjectValid(oTarget)) {
if (!GetIsFriend(oTarget) && !GetIsDead(oTarget) && !GetIsPC(oTarget))
oTarget = GetNextObjectInShape(SHAPE_SPHERE, 17.0, GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF), TRUE, OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oTarget))
and replace them by:
object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();
Remove two bracketts } before the return and
compile your script.
B. spells.2da:
For an explanation on the meaning of all the fileds, please look at this tutorial:
1. go to the column called castanim and replace "dark" by "self" - it looks nicer but if I would have used this with the friendly for power menu, the only victim would have been the pc...initially i thought it was a simple animation but it is much more it seems... :confused:
2. go to the column called forcehostile and type 33
3. go to the column called forcefriendly and replace 14 by ****
4. go to the column called pips and type 1 instead of 2 (no idea why I put 2 so take care of it for me)
5. go to the column called itemtargetting and replace 1 by ****
6. Save your changes :D ...and have fun turning your ennemies into tachs :D...don't forget that although they look sweet, those tachs can seriously bite...hopefully their stats will also be affected as mentionned in my first post in this thread.
Note that the power will only be accessible during battles. However, targetting will be precise ;)
*edit* targetting problem corrected: your PC and Carth will no longer become tachs when using the power - check 1st post for download link
Awesome, thanks Darth333.
I think I'll play around with it a little more too. :devburn:
Wonder what I could get out of it... :D
Hmm... I replaced that part with what you put, and removed the 2 bracketts, but when I try to compile I get invalid character errors....
object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();
int nResist = Sp_BlockingChecks(oTarget, eLink1, eDisg, eLink2);
SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), SWFP_HARMFUL));
if(nResist == 0)
int nSaves = Sp_MySavingThrows(oTarget);
if(nSaves == 0)
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eVFX, oTarget, 5.0);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eLink1, oTarget, 6.0);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eDisg, oTarget, 24.0);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eLink2, oTarget, 24.0);
DelayCommand(24.0, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eLink1, oTarget, 5.0));
DelayCommand(24.0, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eBurst, oTarget, 5.5));
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectForceFizzle(), OBJECT_SELF);
return ;
Did I do something stupid?
Ok, the tach morphing force power has been updated to ensure that itt is compatible with the AIOFPM v. 3.0.1 :D
--> simply extract the files to your override folder and replace the spells.2da file included in the all-in-one forcepower mod with the one included in this package.
You can donwload it here:
For more details, pls check the first post of this thread.
and to answer your question, the script to make a hostile force power is here:
Originally posted by Mono_Giganto
Awesome, thanks Darth333.
I think I'll play around with it a little more too. :devburn:
Wonder what I could get out of it... :D
Hmm... I replaced that part with what you put, and removed the 2 bracketts, but when I try to compile I get invalid character errors....
object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();
int nResist = Sp_BlockingChecks(oTarget, eLink1, eDisg, eLink2);
SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), SWFP_HARMFUL));
if(nResist == 0)
int nSaves = Sp_MySavingThrows(oTarget);
if(nSaves == 0)
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eVFX, oTarget, 5.0);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eLink1, oTarget, 6.0);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eDisg, oTarget, 24.0);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eLink2, oTarget, 24.0);
DelayCommand(24.0, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eLink1, oTarget, 5.0));
DelayCommand(24.0, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eBurst, oTarget, 5.5));
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectForceFizzle(), OBJECT_SELF);
return ;
Did I do something stupid?
Even though Darth333 released a new verision and she probably sent you a pm, I figured I would post the answer here. In case someone else was looking at this - you are missing a '}' right after the line:
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectForceFizzle(), OBJECT_SELF);
The FIRST thing you should always do after getting a compile error is to make sure every opening bracket ({) has a closing bracket(}).
Originally posted by beancounter
Even though Darth333 released a new verision and she probably sent you a pm, I figured I would post the answer here. In case someone else was looking at this - you are missing a '}' right after the line:
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectForceFizzle(), OBJECT_SELF);
The FIRST thing you should always do after getting a compile error is to make sure every opening bracket ({) has a closing bracket(}).
Yeah I thought that too, I must have lost one in the count though 'cause it seemed like I had the right number, and thanks for posting that anyway, so I know now. :)