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Page: 43 of 109
Posted in: GFF<->XML Conversion utilities
07-30-2005, 3:45 PM
Another practical tool to make modder's life easier! That was more than quick! thanks tk, and as promised, here are some cookies ( as you like them :burg1:...  [Read More]
Posted in: What is the new ranking system?
07-30-2005, 12:42 PM
It must not be obvious, because I can't find it anywhere... I looked in every single user cp link... hehe well don't look for it...hope you like your custom title for now... the title thing was a custom hack added to vb2 and it has not been added to...  [Read More]
Posted in: What is the new ranking system?
07-30-2005, 3:04 AM
Are the highlighted usernames comming back? Right now, all the names that used to "glow" are just a bit "thicker" than the rest. I don't know if they will ever come back. For now the only names that are "thicker" are the...  [Read More]
Posted in: What is the new ranking system?
07-30-2005, 2:43 AM
There are still a few things to fix and it looks like this is one of them. Don't worry it will be taken care of in due time ;) now let's try this move thread button......  [Read More]
Posted in: It's Here!
08-03-2005, 1:32 PM
The other thing is the ability to change one's own title. While I have no desire currently to change the custom title I made for myself I would like to be able to edit it again. I hope I'm not going to have to rearn all of those posts again just for...  [Read More]
Posted in: It's Here!
07-30-2005, 10:12 PM
Pad made the banner. He also made the Republic Commando ( one. There are pretty good artists on these boards! :) You'll also notice that all the banners loop....  [Read More]
Posted in: LucasForums relaunch featuring vb3
07-30-2005, 9:10 PM
Amazing! Love the new features! Nice work everyone :thumbsup:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ebon Hawk Empty!?
07-27-2005, 12:05 PM
What mods do you have? Do you have any .mod file in you rmodules folder? (and if yes, do you have some that are named XXXEBO.mod? ) But even without mods, I heard of that bug before but never look at it. Perhaps someone else knows more....  [Read More]
Posted in: i have a question about dantooeen
07-31-2005, 7:08 AM
I have a ati 9700 128MB AIW and it hates dantoine >> Read point 2 "Edit the "swkotor2.ini" file " in the thread: that should fix it :)...  [Read More]
Posted in:  RedHawke's TSL Armor Pack Now Up At My Site
07-27-2005, 1:19 PM
Originally posted by MPBT_Fury As always, your mods are a welcome addition to my Override folder. Unlike past mods though, the Kotor Tool crashes when I try to view these .UTI's. What Mono said...but you could also do it the "old school" w...  [Read More]
Posted in: dantooine performance bug
07-25-2005, 8:10 PM
Check point 2 in this thread (the swkotor.ini trick) : It works for Kotor 1 as well....  [Read More]
Posted in: Stuck on Korriban (bug?)
07-25-2005, 7:31 PM
Do you have any mods installed? Looks like a badly modified .dlg file to me....  [Read More]
Posted in: Holowan Cloakworks 2
07-25-2005, 10:47 AM
Cool to see the old guard back with a "classic" . I'm sure it will be one of the most popular mods :) If you ever think of updating this mod, TSL has a new great scripting function too that wasn't in Kotor 1: // 850 // ChangeObjectAppear...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pure Pazaak: Standalone Multiplayer Pazaak!
07-26-2005, 8:50 AM
Pretty cool! You did an excellent job with this! :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Thank you mods
07-27-2005, 8:45 PM
Originally posted by Emperor Devon Actually, the Yoda's swamp part of the JK forums is awful. Spam spam spam. Thankfully, the moderators do a great job policing the SWknights section of the forums. :) the swamp can be fun too :D I'll let tk102 desc...  [Read More]
Posted in: Something is really really wrong here...
07-23-2005, 1:03 PM
.utc file modification can mess up your game if you happen to edit .utc files that are not unique or use a tag that is not unique and then drop it in your override folder... The other possible cause is that you used KSE and changed either your class...  [Read More]
Posted in:  USM Released!!!
07-25-2005, 10:47 AM
I can check that when I get home, T7. I never cheked where the scripts were fired for the USM at that place but it possibly has something to do with the different options available, like for Vrook. Achilles, was your PC LS or DS, male or female and...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWK's Weekly Mod Report (notification)
07-31-2005, 9:51 AM
Thanks for posting this over at CDRSeadog :) Always good to see you on the boards! Hope you like the new look!...  [Read More]
The armband has been updated to fix a bug that would prevent the bearing and orientation to display correctly (more details in this thread: ) I just fusionned the script that gets the coordinates an...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I find mods?
07-27-2005, 6:12 PM
Originally posted by Tanesh Talchia's mods can be found on ( . :) Danke fur die link! I just fixed it :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I find mods?
07-26-2005, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by Emperor Devon Darth333, your post says to notify you if there are any dead links... Talchia's site no longer works. Argh! I fixed that before the forums went the thread has be reset to the old version and I notice qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I host my mods / pictures?
07-26-2005, 1:40 PM
Originally posted by General Kenobi I wonder if that site is an actual "we get our paychecks with a picture of skywalker ranch on it real? or just a subsidary? Gen. Kenobi LucasFiles= us (It's ran by the same people who run LucasForums) Luc...  [Read More]
Thanks for adding this tk :) Here come the cookies: :burg1: :burg1: :burg1:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
08-01-2005, 4:37 PM
Good to hear from you Fred! :) We were starting to get worried about you... Take all the time you want/need: after all, we're here to have fun! It's nice to see around, even if it's not for coding. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about romance mod ..
07-31-2005, 10:15 AM
Welcome to the forums :) case you didn't noticed, you dug up a very old thread which had no posts since March 2004 ;) And the romance mod was made a very long time ago too: At least this confirms that the...  [Read More]
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