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Solbe M'ko

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Posted in: Racism..
 Solbe M'ko
06-13-2003, 1:58 AM
Hrmm... I always knew the KKK was still around, but I guess I never really thoght about it. How in the HELL can a terrible, criminal organization like that be allowed to exist? I mean, you Americans have wars to fight and everthing, but problems like...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wish!!! Movement for clothing in some way!
 Solbe M'ko
06-20-2003, 4:58 PM
That would be cool if there was some way to keep the clipping in check. In Splinter Cell, the curtains, etc. look really cool when they move around you, but if you just stand still underneath one, it starts to clip a lot. This isn't a problem in SC,...  [Read More]
Oh, uh, Mr. Starblazer, sir? The whole "chain 'em to yer belt" thing... been done! In the early days of the jedi, lightsabers required external power packs and power cables, so sabers would have been very much attached to belts! The perso...  [Read More]
Maybe sabers were easier to come by before the jedi purge?...  [Read More]
Posted in: "Balancing" The Sabers and Saber Styles
 Solbe M'ko
06-19-2003, 1:05 AM
If Raven released a stance editing tool it would rock. If the stances could be used without a mod it would roxors. If the damage/speed could be regulated to make all stances statistaically equal, plus usable, plus editable, it would roxorors!...  [Read More]
Posted in: "Balancing" The Sabers and Saber Styles
 Solbe M'ko
06-14-2003, 5:00 PM
...and that just about covers it. You took the words out of my mouth, Solar. The staff should have little jabbing and stabbing moves that do little damage, like Darth maul used in TPM. The dual sabers should have lots of spinning moves and twirls, li...  [Read More]
I've brought up a similar idea to Luc Solar in the past. If there were officail models/skins/maps to go with the patches, it would be a big boost to the replay value, IMO. PLus, you wouldn't have to worry about bad models or problems that make the mo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Compile your fantasy version of JA...
 Solbe M'ko
06-19-2003, 12:35 AM
-Reloading the guns! I can't stress this enough. -Darker feel. Less like prequels, more like EP 4/5 and the EU. -Editing tools included (mapping, models, animations, skins) I already mentioned the rest of the big ones....  [Read More]
Posted in: Compile your fantasy version of JA...
 Solbe M'ko
06-13-2003, 1:25 AM
-Long enough gameplay to keep me going for a while -Multiple ways of doing things and multiple mission outcomes -NPCs that make sense being there/friendlies -New force powers. For example something like "Jedi Sense" that allows you to feel...  [Read More]
Posted in: EU jedi at the academy?
 Solbe M'ko
06-19-2003, 12:24 AM
Remember that the prequels don't seem to take into account a hell of a lot of the EU that popped up between 1977 and 1999. Anyway, EU jedi in the academy couldn't hurt. People who don't like EU won't know who they are, and people who do will get an...  [Read More]
Posted in: Thermal Detonators
 Solbe M'ko
06-14-2003, 5:05 PM
I think that maybe JA should add concussion grenades to the weapons list. They would have a big blast radius, but do little damage. Anyway, the TDs need to be made, a)more dangerous, b)to have effects more like those of the EU. In the books, TDs det...  [Read More]
Posted in: Isn't it nice
 Solbe M'ko
06-09-2003, 9:46 PM
No offense, Emon, but I'll bet they knew that thing looked dumb 20 years ago, too. SW films, since RotJ, have been more kid oriented than the first 2. Still, the Twi' Leks, that lounge singer from Jabba's palace, Jabba himself, the Gran, and countle...  [Read More]
Posted in: Isn't it nice
 Solbe M'ko
06-09-2003, 8:49 PM
DT, dude! I was being sarcastic, no harm intended! The honestly was for the "corrector", not the "correctee". Some of the aliens look dumb, but you have to admit, SW wouldn't be the same without them. If everyone was human, SW wo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Let's get rid of hp regenerating force powers!(?)
 Solbe M'ko
06-09-2003, 9:38 PM
Passive force powers would be a cool addition to the game, and would add another aspect to the whole force-powers situation. Right now there are 1-time use powers and on/off powers. To have a few powers that are on all the time would be neat. The da...  [Read More]
Posted in: Let's get rid of hp regenerating force powers!(?)
 Solbe M'ko
06-09-2003, 9:29 PM
THAT is a really cool idea....  [Read More]
Posted in: Use The Force!
 Solbe M'ko
06-13-2003, 1:44 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember anyone in the movies being choked and lifted off the ground by the force alone. DV lifted that guy in ANH with his hands, and all of his other chokes didn't move anyone, just made them cough and hack and...  [Read More]
Posted in: Use The Force!
 Solbe M'ko
06-10-2003, 8:11 PM
"Deep breaths, man, just deep breaths..." :o :rolleyes: I didn't say that Obi Wan used force blind, or something to that extent, nor did I say that he should. I just think that there should maybe be a move that lowers the enemy's defence,...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Newbie Guitarist Thread!
 Solbe M'ko
06-09-2003, 9:06 PM
#45 has lessons and TABs, though I'm not so sure about bass......  [Read More]
Posted in: Space combat among other things...
 Solbe M'ko
06-13-2003, 1:37 AM
Tribes 2 style would be probably the best way to do it. That would mean Infantry vs. Speeders, though. If you could expand it with a similar generator to the outside-bounds one to include space, you'd have everything you need. The dude runs to the sp...  [Read More]
Posted in: Space combat among other things...
 Solbe M'ko
06-10-2003, 8:51 PM
Would it be feasible to just make two games and smush them together? I mean, could you have, say, the U2 engine for the FPS part, and an engine simialar to TIE Fighter for the space part? You could just link the two engines together and have a game t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Space combat among other things...
 Solbe M'ko
06-09-2003, 8:34 PM
To go off topic (sorry, Stormy!), the whole game situation has suffered as a result of wider access to computers. Companies like iD and Maxis have started making huge profits off games, so their budgets are a good deal larger than other campanies. Co...  [Read More]
Posted in: Idea for some Exciting Action Camera Angles
 Solbe M'ko
06-09-2003, 9:31 PM
That would be neat option. I got tired of the slo-mo camera movement pretty quick, and having the camera move in a few different ways would be nice....  [Read More]
Posted in: Questions about the player character in SP.
 Solbe M'ko
06-19-2003, 12:13 AM
Well, some of the races just don't have male/female distinctions specified, although all of the races from the game seem to. Anyway, if you can't choose your name, then it would be possible to have an actual character behind the player. In games whe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fate, destiny, and coincidence
 Solbe M'ko
06-09-2003, 9:21 PM
InsaneSith, not to go off topic, but did that really happen? If so, did you seek medical attention? If you had a seizure or something, that might explain your "dreaming". Deja Vu is something I have experienced a few times. This one time,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sars
 Solbe M'ko
06-13-2003, 2:03 AM
Monkey Pox, people run for your lives!! :monkey4: :3headed: :monkey4: :3headed: :monkey4: :barf2: :disaprove Geeze... It never ends does it? Damn the media for causing mass panic among the public....  [Read More]
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