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Page: 6 of 34
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-12-2001, 11:14 PM
"There are others who have ships, and know how to pilot them, probably a lot better than we do. Why don't we try to catch a ride with a smuggler?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-09-2001, 5:05 PM
:thrawn2: I kneel near the droid I shot down, taking his powerpack, and checking for ANY equipment it might be carrying. As I do this, I touch me right hand to my head and sense the crowd, seeing if anyone could pose a threat by telling the authoriti...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-06-2001, 10:33 AM
Another wild leap will do us no good, I think to myself. I snatch my charric from under my robes, switching it to "deep fat fry" aka "kill." In a swift movement a fire a couple of shots across the line of droids, while they are mo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-02-2001, 4:37 PM
"Well it's settled then! Miss, we would be honored to assist you. :D" I nod the all clear to (Fergie *I can't remember you name*) and glance about the cantina, just making certain that we haven't picked up any unwanted attention. . . :thraw...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
10-12-2001, 9:50 PM
Geez, be gone for 2 days playing YR, and BAM! Eight million smileys are made!!! :eek: I NEED to get my rear in gear and start making some smileys!!! :eek: I was thinking about making a firing charric. . . Any ideas? :confused:...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
10-09-2001, 4:56 PM
Chris, what do you think about the Bin Ladin smiley?  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
10-09-2001, 3:12 PM
I'm glad everyone likes the new smileys! BTW :duel: is a really cool smiley! A pat on the back to whoever found/created it! :D :D :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
10-08-2001, 5:40 PM
Alright, I guess you did more work on the good one than I did. . . :) I'm gonna delete my Mon Cal though, because it sucks. BTW Next time please don't ask me to make a smiley if you're gonna make a better one! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
10-08-2001, 3:26 PM
Alright, here's my idea: I take that new, better form of the Mon Cal smiley and make it blink, since that makes the smileys better. Then we BOTH post it and say we created it TOGETHER, after all, we did. . . :D Well?...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
10-07-2001, 9:49 PM
Oh, and Chris, you can get rid of my Mon Cal if you want. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
10-07-2001, 9:48 PM
MY smiley?! Alright, I'll admit that my Mon Cal isn't very good, but listen to THIS! Kvan's is a MODIFIED version of MY Mon Cal! At least that's what he told me earlier. Correct me if I'm wrong Kvan. I know that the Mon Cal was beaten down by Kvan's...  [Read More]
Posted in: The final version will be better
10-07-2001, 3:35 PM
I certainly hope so. . . :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Laser Turrets- too strong?
10-07-2001, 3:33 PM
Alright, they take 2 seconds to build and can practically kill an entire attack force from out of it's range. *cough* overkill! *cough* :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please Read
10-07-2001, 3:23 PM
Even if the graphics AREN'T that great, I'd still get it just because it's really cool using all those SW units! :atat: :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: YD's Taunt List? I can't find it!
10-06-2001, 10:18 AM
Thank you! :D BTW TOTALLY AWESOME PICS IN YOUR SIG!!!!! :eek:...  [Read More]
Posted in: YD's Taunt List? I can't find it!
10-05-2001, 3:48 PM
Does ANYONE know where YD's taunt list is? He said that he posted it, but I can't find it anywhere! I NEED a taunt list! Please help! :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: What do the Power Cores do?
10-02-2001, 4:08 PM
Yes, the powercores enhance your buildings by making them more efficient. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: A couple questions
10-02-2001, 4:26 PM
How can I get vets to give me recordings of their games?...  [Read More]
Posted in: This is a joke, right?
10-02-2001, 5:10 PM
Perhaps, but I don't really like it all that much. . . I guess it's ok for others to play it. Although, you never know when I'll go on a JK destroying spree. . . :evil2: :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: This is a joke, right?
10-02-2001, 4:59 PM
Um, well, I don't have the game, but I've played it. I didn't like the aweful graphics though. . . They were just like playing in a mosaic almost. . . at least when I played it. . . :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: This is a joke, right?
10-02-2001, 4:36 PM
Lucas Arts has had SOME good games! Rogue Squadron was an EXCCELANT game! :D The graphics were great and there were lots of ships to choose from! That was one of my favortite games for quite a while. . . Anyway, I too am a big C&C fan, and I thin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Any of you got any good strats and tips for rooks
10-02-2001, 4:20 PM
Another tips is make sure that you know what a tech does before researching it! Reseach the best techs first! For example, if your workers aren't gathering fast enough, get the tech that they can carry more, not the line of sight upgrade! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lots of goodies in store for you...
10-01-2001, 9:49 PM
Your avatar is definately sweet! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lots of goodies in store for you...
10-01-2001, 9:15 PM
Thank you! :D I look forward to seeing all of these wild promises! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sides?
10-01-2001, 9:41 PM
I think that the races should be somewhat different, but not completely random from each other like in SC. :D...  [Read More]
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