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Laser Turrets- too strong?

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10-07-2001, 1:39 PM
Do u think the laser turrets are too strong?
 Tie Guy
10-07-2001, 1:43 PM
Yes, i say give them like 900-1000 HP rather than 1250.
10-07-2001, 1:44 PM
u mean they kill ppl fast or they are hard to take down?

if u say they kill ppl fast then no they are not strong in that area

they are however very very HARD to take well as all other buildings in the game
10-07-2001, 1:46 PM
I mean hard to take down.
10-07-2001, 2:00 PM
Pummels can take towers down fast enough, I see no problem with em...
10-07-2001, 3:18 PM
Without shields, there okay... with them, they are WAAY to strong :(
10-07-2001, 3:22 PM
I wouldn't say turrets...but fortresses...TO FREAKING POWERFUL!!!!

I've only seen two fortresses go down in my online career...
 xwing guy
10-07-2001, 3:28 PM
I've only seen one fortress go down in my online career.
10-07-2001, 3:33 PM
Alright, they take 2 seconds to build and can practically kill an entire attack force from out of it's range. *cough* overkill! *cough* :(
10-07-2001, 4:10 PM
turrents r to strong with shields...and im wondering if in tech lvl 4 u can upgrade to heavy meduim r strong as hell think of heavy
10-07-2001, 4:12 PM
Originally posted by GhostKeeper
turrents r to strong with shields...and im wondering if in tech lvl 4 u can upgrade to heavy meduim r strong as hell think of heavy


Imagine Fortresses upgraded in Tech 4 like in AoK with techs!!!:(

Now we have to worry about the tower rush not the tank rush...
10-07-2001, 4:21 PM
Shields are way too strong IMO. The turrets are fine.

I hated it when I was playing against a friend. I hate every units. Those strong vs infrantry. Strong vs. Mech. Strong vs Buildings. Strong vs. Shield.

It was not point. We both lost all of our units and the towers and shiled generator still stand.:rolleyes:
 Tie Guy
10-07-2001, 4:38 PM
Originally posted by TheJackal
I hate every units. Those strong vs infrantry. Strong vs. Mech. Strong vs Buildings. Strong vs. Shield.

So...what exactly are you talking about?
10-07-2001, 4:43 PM
 Tie Guy
10-07-2001, 4:50 PM
Originally posted by DS_StarViper

If you were smart you would realize when you stand right under it YOU can't attack it, unless you have pommels or melee fighters.
10-07-2001, 4:51 PM
Originally posted by DS_StarViper

And if you were smart you would notice that there is a tech in the Research center that prevents that."there is NO minimum range for all towers and fortresses":rolleyes:
 Tie Guy
10-07-2001, 4:57 PM
Originally posted by darthfergie

And if you were smart you would notice that there is a tech in the Research center that prevents that."there is NO minimum range for all towers and fortresses":rolleyes:

Yeah, if you get that AND a Heavy Turret AND Shields then almost nothing will be able to stop them.
10-07-2001, 4:57 PM
I haven't played the demo, but I think tougher buildings are good... in AoK you would kill everything too fast...
10-07-2001, 5:03 PM
Originally posted by Compa_Mighty
I haven't played the demo, but I think tougher buildings are good... in AoK you would kill everything too fast...

Like you said...You havn't played the demo!

It takes FOREVER to take down a fortress! There is really no such thing a siege!!! There is no such thing as rushing!!!

WAIT!!! Remember in the full version there will be a TREBUCHET equivelent!!! They may be VERY POWERFUL!!! You never know!!!:eek:
10-07-2001, 5:15 PM
No rushing? COOL!!! :D
10-07-2001, 5:25 PM
troopers and mechs are not made to take on building, for those of you who play aok, would you ever in a million years attack town with just archers, no way!!!, you could never take out a tower much less a castle, you need to bring in some siege weapons, one game i was playing my opponent build a fortress and a tower right by my base, i sent 6 pummel by themeselves, took them both out in 10 seconds, one of my pummels was hurt about 20 damage. same with shielded units, bring in a few pummels with your force and target the power core it should fall quick, then no more shields.
i have not tried it but with a pummels high projectile armour and attack bonus vs buildings one pummel by itself could prolly take out an undefended fortress before it dies.
10-07-2001, 5:27 PM
Well the reson that turrets and building s are so strong is pummels. If the ythey made the buildings anyweaker they would have to make the pummels "weaker" to balence.
10-07-2001, 5:31 PM
Well the reson that turrets and building s are so strong is pummels. If the ythey made the buildings anyweaker they would have to make the pummels "weaker" to balence.

yep your right, oh and u just can use artillery to take down turrets they can shoot a turret beyond the turrets range
10-07-2001, 5:38 PM
one turret VS. 20 regular troops. Who would win? all of you know the answer to that one and when you figure in that turrets build just about as fast as a regular troop this is completely unfair. add shields on top of that and turrets turn out to be almost unbeatable unless there are a couple of pummels in the attacking force. their range is just as far as any artillery and even though their attack is much less powerful than an artillery's, their defense makes up for it. no way, something has to be done about these structures, otherwise there will be no way to escape matches that consist of building turrets to fight turrets...
on top of that, when you add in the weakness of aircrafts, turrets really are close to invincible
10-07-2001, 6:26 PM
lol, you guys, every unit in this game has a counterunit.
you should always take a few pummels in with each attack. and as for those who say they have only seen one or two fortresses fall ever, i take out several fortresses most games i play(ususally shielded). a few games ago 2 on 2 i took out 5 fortresses(i had a newbie allie), i think they were all shielded along with 10 or so towers(mostly shielded) and several hundred units!
pummels do like 200 dmg 2 time a second! get a few of those together and no building will stand in their way!

"one turret VS. 20 regular troops. Who would win? all of you know the answer to that one and when you figure in that turrets build just about as fast as a regular troop this is completely unfair"

firstly, troopers are the weakest unit in the game. secondly, towers are there to kill troopers, troopers are there to kill other troopers, they are not supposed to take out towers. mechs, and especially siege units are there to take out towers!
this is balance...there is a limited supply of ore, towers therefore should be strong, you can build a lot more troopers than towers. would you like it if a group of 5 troopers could level your town while you had your army out on the offensive?
 Luke Skywalker
10-07-2001, 6:34 PM
you have a point god32whatever but I still think the arguement is that 20 troopers could take out a tower in the series, and it kinda contradicts the series.
10-07-2001, 11:38 PM
i think buildings are too strong in this gam-...demo
but too weak in AOE2
mabye if they put it in the midle
10-08-2001, 10:02 AM
They are too strong.
I had 30 Dark Troopers and 5 jedi KNIGHTS.
I took out the tower eventulally but only had 5-10 guys left.
10-08-2001, 10:39 AM
i think that the shields are fine....if the overall building strength was weakened
10-08-2001, 10:47 AM
The shields are a cinch to destroy. Just take out the power core that powers the shield generator.
10-08-2001, 11:05 AM
Hehe, looks like no more early tactics are required.:) and with only 75 units and no tech4 in the demo make it seem like towers and buildings are too strong...i'm sure the full version with tech4 available and 200 units will set things straight.;)
 General Nilaar
10-08-2001, 4:09 PM
I took down three fortresses, all protected by shields, in just one engagement last night. Took down the power cores and shields too and every other building nearby. Pummelers cut through them fast. Had Dark Troopers and Sith protecting them. I lost three of my own later in the battle though.

So buildings aren't that powerful, even with shields. That battle was pretty fast and furious though, there wasn't time to put up walls and towers to help in the defense.

And remember, we haven't seen what going to Tech lvl 4 will do to things;)

That should change a lot of things!
10-08-2001, 11:17 PM
PALADIN, thats because those kinds of things are not meant to take out buildings. If you have siege weapons and a considerable force to tie up the enemy while you siege you should be fine......i know earlier in this topic i said that buildings were too strong but i have "studied" and concluded otherwise

this is a different game than AOE2 where u could go up to a castle with 20 infantry and destroy a castle

games in GB are meant to be concluded late in the game and with strategy and precision...and they are also a heck of alot more expensive LOL
10-09-2001, 2:26 AM
Similar to the Btowers in AOK and TC an btowers were only able to be stopped by trebs and then later on by rams :D
10-09-2001, 4:43 AM
there WILL be rushing!!

u'd have a hard time taking down their buildings but with just 1 turret u can destroy all their units and then slowly work on the rest of the base...
10-09-2001, 8:36 AM
i read this in a Game Spot Preview..."In this game, most units fire ranged weapons, and the heavy ones, like the AT-AT, make all defenses virtually obsolete."
10-09-2001, 7:40 PM
Yeah, if you get that AND a Heavy Turret AND Shields then almost nothing will be able to stop them.
all u gotta do if kill the power core...then the shield doesnt work
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