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Posted in: We don't need this!
09-03-2001, 8:26 PM
Well we certainly don't need him making a new log-in every other week and ruining our site! :mad: I say that the mods sue 'im! I hope he never comes back. :mad:...  [Read More]
Posted in: We don't need this!
09-03-2001, 2:27 PM
Mods, there's a thread you need to see under Galactic Discusions. It's supposed to be an Episode 2 Trailer. I'm afraid Bill has returned. :mad: Sue him!!! We don't want him here!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Guys, this is so cool!!!
09-02-2001, 4:46 PM
Yeah, how come LA sometimes only releases screenshots to one magazine?! Why not post them on their sight?! :mad: I don't want to have to but every simngle mag!!! I bought the new PCG and it doesn't have ANY screens!!! :mad:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Yay!
09-01-2001, 3:55 PM
You lost me. :confused: What was that all about?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ocular Difficulties?
09-01-2001, 9:04 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy Well, i technically have better than perfect eyesight, clocking in an amazing 20/15! But since you didn't have that option, i had to vote for perfect. :D How can you have better than perfect?! Is it true? Or are you ju...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ocular Difficulties?
09-01-2001, 4:08 PM
Nothing? That's disgusting! :p :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ocular Difficulties?
09-01-2001, 1:52 PM
I posted this out of curiosity. BTW I wear contacs. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: RTS world of the future???
09-01-2001, 1:50 PM
I love SC too Jay. I loved SC and am definately looking forward to the next one. :D 1 place: Galactic Battlegrounds 2 place: StarCraft 2 3 place: Yuri's Revenge That's what i think anyway. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Imperial Prototypes
09-01-2001, 1:25 PM
Wow! Those pre-AT-PTs are awesome, with the stormies on them like that! That is cool. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: COnsole of the Next Generation
09-01-2001, 1:46 PM
It think PS2 and GC will dominate over the pitiful X-Box. Personally i like the GC, but I think they are both great consoles. Let's not fight over which is better. ;) Does it really make a difference? Just buy the one YOU want. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: The forum is going super slow!
09-01-2001, 12:05 PM
Ok, it works ok now. I don't know why it was going super slow last night, but its ok now. :D Yay!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The forum is going super slow!
08-31-2001, 7:25 PM
Chris, the forum is going super slow for me. It was fine at 3:00 pm EST, but now when I try it. . .super slow. BTW It's 7:20 pm EST if that helps. All the other site work fine for me. Just Galactic Battles and this forum. :( Could you help me out? Is...  [Read More]
I want a clawcraft in the toybox. :D I asked Gaber to put one in. I wonder if he will? :D BTW Anyone know when he's gonna post again?...  [Read More]
I don't think I can say until the game comes out, but I am kind of leaning towards the Imps. I can't way to get my hands on a TIE Interceptor or a TIE Advanced X-1. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Civs do u want in an Ex-pack?
08-30-2001, 7:47 PM
As I've said a million times. I want the Chiss the very most. Then the Yuzzhan Vong, the Yevetha, and the Ewoks. My main vote is for the CHISS!!! :thrawn2: BTW What does IMO mean?! :confused:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Development
09-01-2001, 1:28 PM
All I can say is i'm glad I live in the US. :p J/k I hope you guys can get it as soon as it comes out too. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: How would you like to play...
09-01-2001, 4:13 PM
I agree. J/k ;) I'd like to play in a chatroom. It would be alot easier. You wouldn't have to wait forever for others to make their decisions. Plus it adds the aspect of real time to the game....  [Read More]
Posted in: Nooo!
08-30-2001, 8:05 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy Some people just have bad teeth by nature. I brush and floss as well, but i'm more open to getting cavities. It the same with my mom, and it sounds like the same with you. Oh, and Leon, i'm one of those "steel"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Commander questions for Gaber
08-30-2001, 7:59 PM
Yeah Sherack! Good job! :D :D :D I don't like rude people either. You should see the Geocities forum! :freakout:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bacta
09-01-2001, 3:59 PM
I would put repair pads all around my base, and put a tank on each. That way if anyone attacked the tank the reair pad would repair it! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Special Unit
08-30-2001, 7:49 PM
Yes, the Y-wing should upgrade to a B-wing or K-wing. :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
09-01-2001, 9:58 PM
Yes, Rommel it's a Nemoidian, which is a Duros. They're the same. Anyway it's one of them. :D Glad you like it! I made it at Kvan's request. Just suggest something to me if you have an idea. BTW I now have another new smiley! And Chris, do you think...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
09-01-2001, 7:03 PM
Hey, the purple lightsaber looks good now Kvan. :D BTW I have a new Duros smiley in my sig. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
08-31-2001, 4:03 PM
I finally reached 500 posts which i thought was quite an accomplishment, so I posted "Yay! I finally got 500 posts!" Apparently Leon didn't like that idea. ;) He accused me a spamming. :freakout: Sort of. . . :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
08-30-2001, 8:09 PM
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon they look great, thrawn. now you notice how weird it was when Lucas wanted Jarjar to be 'undeniably likeable' (Doug Chiang explained this once).. Do you make these in Photoshop ? Yes MS Paint and Jasc PS. BTW I'm...  [Read More]
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