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Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
09-24-2001, 8:51 PM
I lift my glowing eyes from my drink. I glance around the table, surveying who's there. (In other words, who's playing now?) I look into the woman's eyes, conveying a hint of authority. I push my drink towards the center of the table, and finger my c...  [Read More]
Posted in: Got a doubt...
09-18-2001, 10:12 PM
I agree, but it's no big deal. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sound off!!!
09-19-2001, 5:57 PM
Name: Thrawn Pc Name: Mithau'raw'nuruodo "Aurawn" * PC Class: Jedi Guardian Prefered: Chatroom * Yes, I had to change it again, because I learned that after the last ' that's the clan name, and I had a clan name that didn't exist!!! :D BTW...  [Read More]
Posted in: if u r a trade fed fan, scary news
09-18-2001, 5:06 PM
There's nothing to worry about. All the civs willl be just about completely balanced. There will anly be small differences. If you want to see them check out Mr. Fixit's Preview. :D...  [Read More]
Well, there's SUPPOSED to be a demo coming out before the game, but. . . :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: New concept art at LucasArts!
09-16-2001, 9:25 PM
New concept art at LucasArts! Check out the Trandoshan buildings! :D :D :D  [Read More]
Posted in: Show me your saber!
09-14-2001, 9:04 AM
I would have a green saber that had a one of those speial crystals that makes it transparent and not hum. THAT would be me favorite saber to have. :D:saberg:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pentagon bombed.....
09-11-2001, 3:17 PM
Wow, I still can't believe it. . . Anyone think this may be the begining of the end? I don't know how many of you are religous, but I am. I hope this isn't the Revelation. . . :( Besides, I still haven't asked out the girl I want to go out with. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Awesome RA2 Mod! A must have for all RA2 fans!!!
09-10-2001, 7:46 PM
The best part about this mod is that you can run it or not run it without changing ANYTHING. You have to enter RA2 through another file to do the mod. If you run it regularly, then it will still be good as new! Go to this site and download the file t...  [Read More]
Posted in: whos yourfavorite jedi?
09-10-2001, 10:06 AM
I think that the coolest Jedi is. . .hmm, I don't know. I like all of them. I think that the coolest Jedi would be a Chiss Jedi. :thrawn2: :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: how do u get the picture under your name?
09-08-2001, 4:04 PM
Hey, if you want a good avatar, check out my site! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ranks need Variables...
09-09-2001, 3:12 PM
Jawa, stormie, and bantha need to be lower. :jawa :trooper: (we don't have a bantha.)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vong conquest...
09-08-2001, 4:08 PM
I like the NJO books. The Vong are pretty cool. I think that they are smart to hit Thyferra. What I'm wondering is if the will USE the bacta. It's not a machine, and it could be blended with their armor to be even better at healing! That is my main c...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey you smilie guys out there.....
09-10-2001, 10:22 AM
Why thank you! :D The only thing I have to worry about now, is when my trial version of Jasc PSP and AShop run out. :( BTW Can you guys tell that I made the top right corner of the helmet, and a little of the mouth thingy a little reflective?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey you smilie guys out there.....
09-09-2001, 3:04 PM
Here it is! Hope you thoroughly enjoy it Nilaar. :D Any comments?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey you smilie guys out there.....
09-09-2001, 2:15 PM
Originally posted by General Nilaar So anyone taking up my Boushh challenge yet? Alright, Nilaar, I'll try it. :) Hopefully you'll be pleased with the results. I'll post it as soon as it's done. :D *And with that he's off to make another excellant...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm having difficulty posting :(
09-08-2001, 12:00 PM
I know how you feel Gamma. It's like everyone with alot of posts is having problems. I can't post half the time. :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: The forum is going super slow!
09-08-2001, 11:58 AM
I can't post again. I was able to make 2 posts, but now. . .I don't understand it. Everything works perfectly, except when I try to post. Ohhhhhhh. . . :( I really hope that this new thing works....  [Read More]
Originally posted by Tie Guy Yeah...too bad neither of those are in the game. Maybe they are in the scenario editor. the imps have the TIE Fighter and the TIE Bomber. As you can no doubt see, the TIE Interceptor ins't on the list, and the TIE Adva...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
09-20-2001, 7:27 PM
Chris, how come you never posted my "bored" smiley? Don't you like it? :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
09-19-2001, 6:02 PM
Check it out!!! The new Yuri smiley!!! Is it sweet or what? :D :D :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
09-10-2001, 10:25 AM
Chris! Two new smileys! I have a bored guy waking up, and a really cool Boushh now too. :D Hope you like them. Can anyone tell that I made the top right corner of the helmet, and a little of the mouth thingy reflective a little?...  [Read More]
I like it actually. It's nice to bring back some good memories ------------------ "Here, people don't lock their doors, they deadbolt them, and then stick a chair under the knob." ThRaWn90,RAL_...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Newbie Handbook
09-18-2001, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by Hannibal: [B]a loudmouth bastard like meB] He got something right! ------------------ "Here, people don't lock their doors, they deadbolt them, and then stick a chair under...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Newbie Handbook
09-17-2001, 8:43 PM
Rule # whatever we're up to: Thrawn's threads never die, for they're always revived for some odd reason ------------------ "Here, people don't lock their doors, they deadbolt them, and then stick...  [Read More]
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