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New smileys!

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09-10-2001, 7:46 PM
I kind of like the one in my sig.:D

I took the one from MFO and messed with it a little
09-11-2001, 1:40 AM
Originally posted by darthfergie
I kind of like the one in my sig.:D

I took the one from MFO and messed with it a little
:confused: ......what is it? Really :)
09-12-2001, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by Kvan

:confused: ......what is it? Really :)

It's a killer X-wing vs. a TIE

09-13-2001, 10:23 AM
We need a TIE Defender, so the imp forces stand a chance against those X-wings!
09-15-2001, 4:14 PM
What about a B-wing? The rebellion needs more power! :D
09-19-2001, 6:02 PM
Check it out!!! The new Yuri smiley!!! Is it sweet or what? :D :D :D
09-20-2001, 7:27 PM
Chris, how come you never posted my "bored" smiley? Don't you like it? :(
09-20-2001, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Thrawn
Chris, how come you never posted my "bored" smiley? Don't you like it? :(
Probably because it's not really SW-like. Put a little dots/markings on it and call it a SW alien ;)
09-21-2001, 5:48 PM
Originally posted by Thrawn
Chris, how come you never posted my "bored" smiley? Don't you like it? :(

...Huh what did you say:D
09-23-2001, 8:08 PM
good smilies
09-24-2001, 8:54 PM
What about those other non-SW smileys Kvan! They are up there! Like that violin one! That's definately not SW! Why not mine! :ball:
09-24-2001, 9:15 PM

huh what...Oh another of Thrawn's tantrums:D

Oh yeah and Thrawn he probably doesn't want to use it because of this...:bored:
09-25-2001, 10:15 AM
dude fegie lighten up its just smileys its not the end of the world
09-25-2001, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Darktrooper
dude fegie lighten up its just smileys its not the end of the world

I like Thrawn's smilies I'm just giving him a hard time.:D
09-25-2001, 1:25 PM
Thrawn, I'll add it eventually, but I do prefer Star Wars releated smilies. I think we have enough standard smilies.
09-26-2001, 6:49 PM
Hey Chris try this laughing smilie. It looks better than the one with the black background.
09-26-2001, 7:03 PM
Oh, yeah I agree. I never used that one cause it always had that black background...this one looks much better :D
09-27-2001, 6:40 PM
Chris I say go for it...Make the smilie...
*waives hand*You will add the smilie now...
09-29-2001, 3:14 AM
how often are u making smilies and how long does it take to make one. What do u use to make them
10-04-2001, 7:16 AM
they should also make planet smilies or like At-st smilies

maybe even a Wampa Smilie!!! (but i doubt they ever smile)
10-04-2001, 6:24 PM
Originally posted by Darktrooper
how often are u making smilies and how long does it take to make one. What do u use to make them

Animation Shop and Paint Shop Pro :)

You can find demos for them on

Sorry my link was bad...fixed now...

By the way you can get Paint Shop Pro 7 and get animation shop free...
 Luke Skywalker
10-06-2001, 2:48 PM
How about a deleting flamethrower. It could wipe out entire sections all at once. Ahh nevermind. Thrawn keep up the good work with the smilies!
10-07-2001, 5:24 PM
Ok, what do you think of the Mon Cal smilie in my sig? I took a prototype Mon Cal of thrawns and TOTALLY re-did it. What do you think?
10-07-2001, 5:49 PM
Believe it or not, I finally uploaded a few new smilies. Keep it up guys.

:aurra: :jango: :mon: :nova: : ore: :mon2:
10-07-2001, 6:16 PM
Who did the Aurra Sing? Its cool. :)
 Tie Guy
10-07-2001, 6:58 PM
Those look good, but just one question

what is that brown thing that thrawn made?
10-07-2001, 7:44 PM
They are Mon Calamari :mon:
 Boba Rhett
10-07-2001, 7:57 PM
Well, I have two Star Wars smilies your welcome to use.

My EVE-9D9 and my stick waving, smoking yoda. :D
 Tie Guy
10-07-2001, 8:28 PM
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel
They are Mon Calamari :mon:

ok, i can kinda see it now
10-07-2001, 8:33 PM
Yeah, it kinda took me a while to figure that out... Sorry Gamma, but it's kinda unreconizable :(
10-07-2001, 8:42 PM
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel
Yeah, it kinda took me a while to figure that out... Sorry Gamma, but it's kinda unreconizable :(
First off....rommel..hehehehe...Gamma didn't make one, guys can't tell mines a Mon Cal? :( *walks away in shame*
BTW I think the EVE-9D9 should be added! :)
10-07-2001, 8:46 PM
No, no this is what I said:

Originally posted by Darth_Rommel
It's great Kvan! I love it!
 Tie Guy
10-07-2001, 9:12 PM
Originally posted by Kvan

First off....rommel..hehehehe...Gamma didn't make one, guys can't tell mines a Mon Cal? :( *walks away in shame*
BTW I think the EVE-9D9 should be added! :)

We were talking about Thrawn's smiley, your is really good.
10-07-2001, 9:48 PM
MY smiley?! Alright, I'll admit that my Mon Cal isn't very good, but listen to THIS! Kvan's is a MODIFIED version of MY Mon Cal! At least that's what he told me earlier. Correct me if I'm wrong Kvan. I know that the Mon Cal was beaten down by Kvan's modified version, but check out my ghost-Obi-Wan! He is REALLY COOL! don't you think?

BTW No moding my ghost Kvan! :D I like it the way it is!
10-07-2001, 9:49 PM
Oh, and Chris, you can get rid of my Mon Cal if you want. :)
10-07-2001, 10:54 PM

I like it much better than the regular Obi-One!!!
10-07-2001, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Thrawn
MY smiley?! Alright, I'll admit that my Mon Cal isn't very good, but listen to THIS! Kvan's is a MODIFIED version of MY Mon Cal! At least that's what he told me earlier. Correct me if I'm wrong Kvan. I know that the Mon Cal was beaten down by Kvan's modified version, but check out my ghost-Obi-Wan! He is REALLY COOL! don't you think?

BTW No moding my ghost Kvan! :D I like it the way it is! Well I started from yours thrawn (like I said earlier in this post :D), but it soon turned into something that looks totally different(different colors, different shape).
Yours is still good though! Like you told me on AIM, yours looks more like a "smilie" were as mine does not.
10-08-2001, 3:26 PM
Alright, here's my idea: I take that new, better form of the Mon Cal smiley and make it blink, since that makes the smileys better. Then we BOTH post it and say we created it TOGETHER, after all, we did. . . :D Well?
10-08-2001, 3:47 PM
Hey Chris, I sent some smileys that are on my site to the address, and also check out the smileys in my sig!
10-08-2001, 4:38 PM
Originally posted by Thrawn
Alright, here's my idea: I take that new, better form of the Mon Cal smiley and make it blink, since that makes the smileys better. Then we BOTH post it and say we created it TOGETHER, after all, we did. . . :D Well?
No, You created your own already, plus I already know how to make mine blink. Thanks for the offer though :)
10-08-2001, 5:40 PM
Alright, I guess you did more work on the good one than I did. . . :) I'm gonna delete my Mon Cal though, because it sucks.

BTW Next time please don't ask me to make a smiley if you're gonna make a better one! :D
10-08-2001, 6:50 PM
Originally posted by Thrawn
Alright, I guess you did more work on the good one than I did. . . :) I'm gonna delete my Mon Cal though, because it sucks.

BTW Next time please don't ask me to make a smiley if you're gonna make a better one! :D
No it doesn't suck! Do you remember the other Mon Cal I showed you? Now compare that one to mine....Its all about different styles! You have yours, I have mine, and YD has his!

And I made a new one after I asked you because I felt that the Mon Cal should look different from what you had. :)
 Boba Rhett
10-08-2001, 6:56 PM
10-08-2001, 7:01 PM
Yeah! Thoughs are cool! Why haven't you made more of them Rhett?
 Boba Rhett
10-08-2001, 7:28 PM
Because I'm lazy, :D I haven't reinstalled Flash yet and I need to find were the hell I put psp.

I also want to fix that arm on Rheoda. "Yoda Rhett"; The bottom part of it doesn't move enough.
10-08-2001, 9:09 PM
:gben: :duel: :slsaber: :usa: :greedo:

Thax for adding these:D
10-09-2001, 3:12 PM
I'm glad everyone likes the new smileys! BTW :duel: is a really cool smiley! A pat on the back to whoever found/created it! :D :D :D
10-09-2001, 4:19 PM
I found it! *soaks in the limelight*
10-09-2001, 4:56 PM
Chris, what do you think about the Bin Ladin smiley?
10-09-2001, 8:31 PM
Feel free to add any of the smileys on my site to the list, Chris.
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