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A couple questions

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10-02-2001, 12:52 PM
1. When you convert a stormtrooper to the rebs, does he change to a rebel trooper?? Or stay a stormie?? I know I converted a worker droid and he turned into an R2 unit, that sucked. You should be able to convert stormtroopers and keep them as stormies.

2. Everyone keeps talking about recording games, is that possible in demo?? Explain
 Tie Guy
10-02-2001, 3:55 PM
1: No, in single player at least, they stay the same unit.

2: Just click on the "record game" button before you start an MP match.
10-02-2001, 4:26 PM
How can I get vets to give me recordings of their games?
 Dagobahn Eagle
10-02-2001, 8:09 PM
Ask them. :)

I think only hosts can record games.

Dagobahn Eagle
 Olsmo Lahun
10-03-2001, 12:03 AM
i dont know
10-03-2001, 1:04 AM
How is the recorded game watched?

I thought I saw a . . .

Wild Thing :thrawn2:
10-03-2001, 1:08 AM
what format is it
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