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The final version will be better

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10-07-2001, 3:09 PM
I mean guys, they have large teams of testers, I'm sure they will find out buildings are too strong, air units too weak, the bug in the scenario, and they will fix all that. I f we could find that, I'm sure they can do it also.
10-07-2001, 3:35 PM
I certainly hope so. . . :(
 Luke Skywalker
10-07-2001, 3:54 PM
also remeber, if the game is a success, they will full suite with a 3-d version, like Warcrarft and AOM
 Tie Guy
10-07-2001, 4:43 PM
Originally posted by Luke Skywalker
also remeber, if the game is a success, they will full suite with a 3-d version, like Warcrarft and AOM

....or at least an expansion pack :D
 Dagobahn Eagle
10-07-2001, 4:49 PM
I doubt it. Currently, 2D seems to be better than 3D. Okay, 3D has had a couple of victories, but look at AoK, X-Com: Ufo Defense, etc. All of them got popular. Also, by the time AoK: The Conquerors was released, they had the technology to make it 3D, but they didn't.
10-07-2001, 4:51 PM
Originally posted by Thrawn
I certainly hope so. . . :(

Thrawn, did you dislike the demo that much? What about you Tie?, I need more opinions.
 Tie Guy
10-07-2001, 4:58 PM
Uh, i think that it will be a little better, but not much. the resolution will be higher, and there won't be m/any bugs. So it will be better, but i wouldn't get your hopes up too high.
 Luke Skywalker
10-07-2001, 5:15 PM
what is so bad about the game anyways. I feel that the SP will be sooo much better than the multiplayer and I dont care. SO what if its a multiplayer game? Not all games are good multiplayer games, and there better that way.
10-07-2001, 5:25 PM
a lot of RTSers get games because of the multiplayer, so Ill bet a lot of people will disagree with you.
10-07-2001, 5:33 PM
this demo was just to show u how they r doing on the game
10-07-2001, 5:46 PM
Originally posted by DS_StarViper
this demo was just to show u how they r doing on the game

exactly, and theyre showing us how the game is finishing up... keep in mind that the demo was released only a month and a half before the final cut. there are several things that can happen:
A: its pretty much going to be the same as the demo except for minor changes, like resolution and some balancing issue fixes.
B: it will be delayed.
C: they will end up patching this game a couple of times after its released to tie up all of the loose ends.
10-07-2001, 5:54 PM
You're clever Nameless One. I think it will indeed be better.
 Luke Skywalker
10-07-2001, 6:29 PM
Originally posted by NamelessOne

exactly, and theyre showing us how the game is finishing up... keep in mind that the demo was released only a month and a half before the final cut. there are several things that can happen:
A: its pretty much going to be the same as the demo except for minor changes, like resolution and some balancing issue fixes.
B: it will be delayed.
C: they will end up patching this game a couple of times after its released to tie up all of the loose ends.

totally agree
 Admiral Odin
10-07-2001, 6:56 PM
you have some wisdom.
 Luke Skywalker
10-07-2001, 9:26 PM
Didnt Gaber announce that GB will be delayed?
10-07-2001, 10:42 PM
I have an old pc--200 mhz. I asked someone else that if my demo plays pretty good, will the full game work also, and they just said full versions always work better...Does that mean it will work less good or better than the demo on my pc? :confused:
 Luke Skywalker
10-07-2001, 10:46 PM
I dont need to worry I have a P3 1ghz 128 ram(going to get 128 more) and an intelpro graphics card
10-07-2001, 11:22 PM
hmmm...i doubt it will be delayed because the game is basically finished...just final touches and bug fixes now

but i really wish the buildings were not as strong as they for aircraft being stronger i dont know....but i think what really makes the air units bad is that the AA guns kill in usually one rocket...sometimes two...i mean what a waste...and then when u attack the turretts you cant kill it cause its too frickin strong!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10-07-2001, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by mer-ke_fostl
I have an old pc--200 mhz. I asked someone else that if my demo plays pretty good, will the full game work also, and they just said full versions always work better...Does that mean it will work less good or better than the demo on my pc? :confused:

The min requirements are a 233mhz cpu, so you may have some trouble. The full game probably WILL run better for you than the demo, since optimizing of the code is one of the last steps to be done in a game's development.
10-08-2001, 12:04 AM
about the air units again. aok doesnt even have any air they put air in for fun and all u guys do is whine about. u should be happy air is in there at all. and if your smart all u have to do is destroy the aa turrents with ground! its not that hard!
10-08-2001, 10:14 AM
and if your smart all u have to do is destroy the aa turrents with ground! its not that hard!

no...if you were smart youd figure out that those things are so dang strong that you cant destroy them b4 u get slaughtered
10-08-2001, 10:16 AM
Hopefully the game will improve in certain areas.
 Luke Skywalker
10-08-2001, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Paladin
Hopefully the game will improve in certain areas.

What your playing in the demo is basically the game. Its just that you can get all the units. And theres glitches that will be fixed.:)
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