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Strange things happening on tatooine

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10-07-2001, 11:02 PM
I finally decide to reveal my position to the droids with a Carefully aimed shot at the droids with my Blaster Pistol.

:jawa----------------:bdroid2: !!!BAM!!!
 General Nilaar
10-08-2001, 3:38 PM
Voushh carefully opens fire on the same droid as Uttinni, hopefully making sure that it goes down for the count.

:jawa----------------"Bam!" :bdroid2: "Bam!"---------------- :boushh:
 Wraith 5
10-08-2001, 11:31 PM
Both Uttinni and Voushh take carefull aim at the as of yet uninjered droid.

Uttinni and voushh shot at the same time. Both shoots are right on the mark and hit at the same time blowing the droid to pices.

Only one droid left. (well sort of, it can't seem to do much right now)
 Wraith 5
10-08-2001, 11:41 PM
Jager takes up a defence poster next to the woman.

The last droid has enough control to left its arm and take aim at Jager. But the droid being hit with Eets'chula ion pistol before, can't get enough contol over its arm to take very good aim and the shot goes over the top of the bar that the group just came out of.
10-09-2001, 12:09 AM
*With having missed the droid the first time, I swing my lightsaber around for another attack, this time aiming to jab my saber into its torso*
 Wraith 5
10-09-2001, 12:15 AM
the thust hits and goes righ thought the droid, and just to make sure the droid goes down this time Gilgamoor pulls up on his lightsaber and cuts the droid in half.
10-09-2001, 12:43 AM
Desiring a more powerful blaster, I scan the cantina for any other possible hostiles before advancing towards the downed droids...
 Wraith 5
10-09-2001, 2:52 PM
*Gm to Players*

Before we move on is there anyone else that would like to search the droids for anything they may have droped. (Besides Gamma that is)
 Tie Guy
10-09-2001, 3:16 PM
I bend down over the droid i killed. It looked like it was in pretty bad shape. I saw his blaster and bended down to pick it up. I inspected the weapon, and then ripped off the powerpack and didcarded the gun.
10-09-2001, 3:44 PM
*Searches the droids for binoculars, since some are known to carry them*
10-09-2001, 4:14 PM
i slowly bend down to a droid looking for its memory devices to see ir the data might b useful
10-09-2001, 4:18 PM
*Eets'chula searches the droids for any working blasters or other weapons he can scavenge*
10-09-2001, 5:05 PM
:thrawn2: I kneel near the droid I shot down, taking his powerpack, and checking for ANY equipment it might be carrying. As I do this, I touch me right hand to my head and sense the crowd, seeing if anyone could pose a threat by telling the authorities or attacking. . .
 General Nilaar
10-09-2001, 5:52 PM
:boushh: Voushh looks over the entire scene, looking for anything that might be useful, especially ammo for his blaster pistol.

He then watches the street just in case the droids sent for reinforcements.
10-09-2001, 7:09 PM
I grab the droid that is closest to whole and rush back into the crowd and back to our ship (I assume we have one or else we wouldn't be taking her to Corascant) to repair the droid...
 Wraith 5
10-10-2001, 10:45 PM
Aaryik finds one of the droids modified blaster rifles with a fully changed power pack.

Nashina'k also finds a fully changed power pack, but leaves the gun it was in.

Gilgamoor finds the item he was looking for, a pair of binoculars (these droid most have been following the woman for a while to have that kind of equipment on them.)

Oonon looking over the droid that uttinni and Voushh blew appart esaly finds the droids brain. He can't tell yet if it is just a transponder to a controll ship of if it is a full droid brain.

Aurawn takes the power pack for the droid's blaster he is next to.

Voushh finds the last blaster with a full power pack. He sees that it will work in his pistol, takes the power pack and leave the rest.

Eets'chula takes the last gun with power pack, and also picks up the 2 guns that nashina'k and voushh left behind.

Uttinni picks up the droid that Aaryik shot since that only has a whole in the middle of it, and runs back into the crowed, waiting for the group to move on, hopeing that if someone tries to shoot at the group again, they may miss him.

No body sees any one paying much concerne for them, but then again it is a very bussy street
10-10-2001, 10:56 PM
Once I reach the 'ROOM'...before everyone else. I immediatly get to work repairing the droid I had picked up
10-11-2001, 9:25 AM
*Eets'chula says to the handmaiden: "Perhaps we should get back to that room you spoke of. Battle Droids never attack in small numbers, and I assume that they came after you."*
 Tie Guy
10-11-2001, 3:34 PM
*ponders for a minute*

"How did those droids get here? they have to have a transpot of some kind. Maybe we borrow it for now. The only problem is, where did they leave it, and who do they have guarding it?"

"Also, i can't imagine them sending only 5 droids after you. The Trade Federation, above all else, is known by its knack for exorbitance. We should be wary." I don't expect immediate danger, but i stay ahead and to the left of the group anyways, always on the alert for trouble.
10-11-2001, 3:49 PM
"Only 5 battle droids were sent after us?" I say to the group, "Either they had expected her to be alone, or this is an elaborate setup..." I take up position slightly behind the woman, so as to guard our rear and keep an eye on her should she turn trecherous. I try to sense any deception in her voice and actions.
 Wraith 5
10-11-2001, 11:10 PM
the woman leads the group to the room that she rented when she arrived in town.

"OK we should be save for a while. I am sure you now have a lot of question, so i will answer any of them I can."
 Wraith 5
10-12-2001, 12:22 AM
"oh where are my maners!!!! I have not interduced myself!!!"

"My name is Gabree."
10-12-2001, 7:46 AM
"It is certainly nice to meet you, Gabree. What do you do on Naboo that makes you such a target?"
 Wraith 5
10-12-2001, 11:02 AM
I am a messenger from the queen sent to tell the senate about the second blockade of our planet. I beive that is way i am a target, because these people, who we feel are the last of the trade federation, are try to keep this a seceret.
10-12-2001, 12:44 PM
"That would make sense of why there were battle droids following you. How do you propose we escort you to Coruscant? We have no ship, but perhaps there is one we could purchase."
 Wraith 5
10-12-2001, 1:11 PM
"I know there is a junk yard dealer close buy, he may have a ship that can be bought. DO you have any money to buy a ship?"
 Tie Guy
10-12-2001, 2:36 PM
I don't have even close to enough unfortuneately

Maybe we can make a trade with him. We all have skills that can be very usefull.
10-12-2001, 4:47 PM
Let me make contact with the Jedi Council and see what they have to say on this matter. Perhaps we could receive some support from them.
10-12-2001, 5:55 PM
Of course we will. The council won't turn a deaf ear to it's own order. They might even send a cruiser and a squadron of Lancets to come get us if we tell them about this info.:jawa
 General Nilaar
10-12-2001, 8:02 PM
:boushh: Voushh: "The problem being: How do we get a message through to Coruscant from here? This world is not exactly friendly to the Republic.....".

"We may have to get out of this on our own. If the Hutts were to find out that Jedi were here and seeking to send a message asking the Jedi Council to send a fleet to Tatooine, I don't think they would be too happy about it".
10-12-2001, 8:08 PM
Nevertheless, we could ask them to transfer some credits our way. A quick, coded comlink transmission to a council member could very well get us the support we need.

However, we may need to get them in some other form besides Republic Dectari. The Republic doesn't exist out here.
10-12-2001, 9:05 PM
We can all try to come together, pool our powers and then send a telepathic signal to Yoda or Mace Windu!!! They can send a ship our way and we can leave this planet for good...hopefully.
10-12-2001, 9:09 PM
The Force is very strong, Uttinni, but we are only Padawans, and so I fear we are not strong enough to send a Force Message through half the galaxy to Master Yoda or Master Windu. After all, we may accidentally send it to everyone on the planet if we make a mistake.

No, I think a coded comlink transmission would be the best way to go here. Most of us here are experienced with comlinks, and I'm sure we could find a way to get the message to the council securely.
10-12-2001, 11:14 PM
"There are others who have ships, and know how to pilot them, probably a lot better than we do. Why don't we try to catch a ride with a smuggler?"
10-13-2001, 1:30 AM
"Indeed, there are others who possess ships..." I say cryptically, "Hiring a transport would be costly, but not so much so as buying a ship would be and it would save us time needed to send for a fleet. However, as I believe it has been suggested before, perhaps we should look into how the battle droids arrived here. If they have a ship, it might be beneficial to....liberate it from its current owners...." As I speak I scan the room for any item that may be useful, as well as other points of interest.
10-13-2001, 1:49 PM
Ok, we can discuss our travel plans later. I still beleive that approaching the council for help would be the best idea, but for now let's see what we can do with these droids...

*Eets walks over to Oonon & Uttinni's droids and decides to try and see if he can find anything out...*
10-13-2001, 2:56 PM
Hey Eets...Will you help me with this droid...kind of a mess here...
10-13-2001, 5:17 PM
guys im afraid credits will do no good they dont accept them on tatooine remember;) ;)
10-13-2001, 5:18 PM
*Looks up from helping Uttinni with his droid and says:*

"Republic Dectari are no good here, but normal credits work fine."
10-13-2001, 5:19 PM
We know...
10-13-2001, 9:05 PM
oonon politely asks aurawn utini and ets... if when they are done if they will help me hacking the brain:)
10-13-2001, 9:33 PM
Uttinni looks up agnrly from his Battle droid..."of course!!! Just let me finish this..." *shakes head and goes back to work...:D :jawa :D
 Tie Guy
10-13-2001, 10:12 PM
*hears the request from the corner*

"I'll help" i say as i reach back to recall my computer knowledge. "Don't ask me to repair anything though. Maybe we can find out where they came from, or even better, what they came from."
10-13-2001, 10:24 PM
:mon:Temporary GM:mon:

*Zeerch, pop, screhch, rrrphh*
Slowly but surely the brain of the droid begins to flicker to life. Blue, green and red lights flash to life on the oddly shaped memory system of the battle droid. It appears as though Uttinni and Eets repair work on the droid finally paid off.
10-14-2001, 8:45 AM
Otchama! It worked! *Eets'chula tries to hack the brain next...*
10-14-2001, 12:30 PM
oonon leans over and quietly tells etty that his job would b to repair it so it would b easier to hack not to actually hack it
10-14-2001, 12:54 PM
Wraith 5, Kell Tainer is not a jawa
10-14-2001, 1:32 PM
*Looks at the brain working...Shakes head and gets back to work on repairing the droid*
10-14-2001, 2:41 PM
*Eets'chula frustratedly gets up from working on Uttinni's droid and goes over to Oonons to help repair it.*
 Wraith 5
10-14-2001, 5:15 PM
*gm to players*

Don't forget, if you are going to try to hack into the droids brain you will need a computer. And look over in the corner there is a computer... But it won't be much help.... The way it is at lest...
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