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Samuel Dravis

Latest Posts

Page: 48 of 56
Posted in: BUG?: Duel scoring / respawn
 Samuel Dravis
01-03-2004, 11:30 PM
He ran into it when he killed himself several times when no one was on the server (gaining negative score), then someone else joined and then it started to happen. He kill the other guy, didn't respawn and kept the same amount of HP, as if the kill l...  [Read More]
Posted in: BUG?: Duel scoring / respawn
 Samuel Dravis
01-03-2004, 7:54 PM
My brother has run across a bug in the game (not using OJP) that doesn't let you respawn after a fight if your score is negative. You can kill yourself on a duel map with no one on (usually), and get a negative score, then when you fight someone else...  [Read More]
Posted in: when can we expect the next release
 Samuel Dravis
12-30-2003, 3:57 AM
I imagine he means a runnable version. I was wondering that too......  [Read More]
That was my understanding also, Marker. Another thing is if you submit something to the OJP and then want to 'unsubmit' it, you cannot. This is in the readme, so be sure if you want to submit something....  [Read More]
That's a good idea; it should help out with small amount of maps in base JKA....  [Read More]
Posted in: Neutral_Grounds Server what a JOKE !
 Samuel Dravis
12-24-2003, 2:19 AM
You know, there is another thread ( for complaining about servers....  [Read More]
Posted in: First Person Lightsaber for Jedi Academy
 Samuel Dravis
12-24-2003, 2:10 AM
cg_fpls 1 is works, but only in Outcast. It is messed up in Academy....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Best Siege Server: New Republic
 Samuel Dravis
12-22-2003, 6:48 PM
I don't suppose you have an IP for the server?...  [Read More]
Posted in: JO model problems in JA
 Samuel Dravis
12-22-2003, 4:27 PM
I have found that models from JO have an exploitable bug when used in Academy. This is caused when using the dual saber's kata. The left saber never leaves the hand; it points directly forward. This can be used to have a blocking/hitting advantage if...  [Read More]
Posted in: /debug commands
 Samuel Dravis
12-21-2003, 9:21 PM
I just checked. They were running blademod. It apparently doesn't work in basejka. Sorry for the false alarm... :( Heh. I feel stupid. :o EDIT: Jedi Academy Reloaded 1.2 also has these commands....  [Read More]
Posted in: /debug commands
 Samuel Dravis
12-21-2003, 12:41 PM
I mean to lock them unless the server admin wants to let people use them....  [Read More]
Posted in: /debug commands
 Samuel Dravis
12-21-2003, 5:14 AM
They should be togglable with a server variable, at least the /debugdropsaber one. That is very exploitable (ie, drop the saber then pull it back when the opponent is in the middle). The other ones I heard about are: /debugthrow - Very hard to do in...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Idea: Custom Firearm Weapons
 Samuel Dravis
12-20-2003, 12:16 AM
That's an interesting idea. It would definitely make editing/making new weapons easier. :D Another thing I would like is that if the weapon I'm currently weilding doesn't require two hands (ie disruptor, merr-sonn, etc), it would let you have two of...  [Read More]
Well, I guess you're screwed then. :D Did you... Take all mods out of /base. Take all scripts out of /base (including JA configs). Start the game by the executable. Set dismemberment with the menu item. Test it in some basejka map (spawn some stor...  [Read More]
Ok, ok Razor. Kurgan, why don't you post all of the scripts you're running when you start the game....  [Read More]
Have you tried using that one mod that edits dismember probabilities for all the SP NPCs? I saw it on Maybe that will help....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's New?
 Samuel Dravis
12-21-2003, 1:28 PM
Seeing as you're the only one working on the saber system, you probably don't need to upload it. However, you might want to as a backup in case something goes wrong with you computer....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP website
 Samuel Dravis
01-01-2004, 2:33 PM
Well, some sort of script that automatically updates files from the repository on a daily basis would be awesome. OK, that might be possible, but who are we (mostly) trying to target with the site? Normal users or modders? Unless you have the newes...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP website
 Samuel Dravis
12-28-2003, 10:24 PM
Yeah, I was going to fill it all in before I tried anything new with it. It's almost ready to pimp, so don't worry. :D I just wanted some ideas on what to do after it's all finished. Something to kick around......  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP website
 Samuel Dravis
12-28-2003, 4:10 PM
Probably the very latest is the end of January. I'm going to be busy, and I'm probably going to need some extra time to finish it. It will most likely be finished before, but I'd rather not make promises I can't keep. It would be fun to make site ha...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP website
 Samuel Dravis
12-27-2003, 9:06 PM
I finally got some of my updates uploaded. I removed a lot of redundant/irrelavent menu items, and fixed up a few other things. Next I'm going to put Razor's tutorials up....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP website
 Samuel Dravis
12-21-2003, 1:37 PM
Ok; I've just sent an e-mail to your Hotmail account....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP website
 Samuel Dravis
12-21-2003, 4:04 AM
Being stupid. Guess I had better not touch anything that's already working... :D Oh well. I'll have it fixed by tomorrow, so there's nothing to worry about. I just wanted to let you guys know so you don't get angry and start going after your computer...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP website
 Samuel Dravis
12-21-2003, 2:23 AM
Hehe, I accidentally broke fusionnews. I'll fix it when I can upload the rest of the updates to the site (tomorrow)....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP website
 Samuel Dravis
12-19-2003, 10:54 PM
I just did a fairly large update to the site but is down right now. I'll upload it as soon as possible....  [Read More]
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