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First Person Lightsaber for Jedi Academy

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12-23-2003, 5:39 PM
Is there any possible way to use the Lightsaber in the first person perspective in Jedi Academy?

Any help is much appreciated.
12-23-2003, 5:44 PM
that would be awesome man! kinda of like the lightsaber duel mode in the star wars trilogy arcade game .....i can dig it!
12-23-2003, 5:57 PM
Should be an idea for OJP.
12-23-2003, 6:57 PM
cg_fpls 1

or something like that
12-23-2003, 7:59 PM
I've been trying to find a mod that allows you to do this for my friend. He has someproblem with his hearing and when he plays 3rd person games he faints, so I'm trying to find a 1st person modpack for him.
12-23-2003, 8:07 PM
Originally posted by Side
cg_fpls 1

or something like that

Typing 'cg_fpls 1' in the console, doesn't seem to work.
12-23-2003, 8:10 PM
try another command like...
r_fpls1 that stand for first person light saber

or g_fpls 1 or anything like that
12-23-2003, 10:43 PM
Nothing I've tried seems to be working.

Thanks anyway though.
 Jedi Luke
12-23-2003, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Side
cg_fpls 1

or something like that

Those commands do work. Thing is they're for MP. I think Hune is talking about first-person saber in SP. That would be nice having a 1st person saber view in SP.
12-24-2003, 1:24 AM
Originally posted by Side
try another command like...
r_fpls1 that stand for first person light saber

or g_fpls 1 or anything like that

it's cg since it's a client side option (as in cg_dismember) (sv_=> server options; not really about JA gameplay (max players, downloads on/off..max rate) ..Gameplay options=> g (g_friendlyfire)
 Samuel Dravis
12-24-2003, 2:10 AM
cg_fpls 1 is works, but only in Outcast. It is messed up in Academy.
12-24-2003, 2:19 AM
I made this screenie a while ago:
12-24-2003, 6:21 AM
Yes, I meant for single player. I apologize for not making that clear.

So is 'cg_fpls 1' supposed to work in SP?

If not, is there any way to get the First Person Saber Perspective in SP?
12-24-2003, 12:35 PM
yea it work for mp......but it kinda messed,u can see ur skin sometime just take a look at the screenshot up there
12-24-2003, 3:50 PM
Yes I've tryed it in MP and it works, although it doesn't work in Single Player.

I see what you mean by it being messed up. Instead of being a true first person perspective, the command just seems to move the camera right behind the player model, which makes for some odd visuals.

What I don't understand is why Raven decided to cut the FP Saber perspective from singleplayer when they had it working fine in Outcast as a toggle option.

I guess they just thought is was unpopular and unnecessary.

Hopefully someone will make a mod or something to rectify that.
12-24-2003, 5:24 PM
There are commands to get a semi first person perspective in academy. The thing is there's no transparent skin like there was in outcast so you have a hard time seeing through the skin when running or swinging the saber, which, for me killed the game outright as i play primarily in the first person. Someone also sent an email to raven, imploring them to include the feature in a patch in which they failed to deliver along with a good boost in frame rates. The reason they gave was that they needed to go and reskin every piece of jaden's parts in order to accomodate everyone;s personal skin preference. I think they should have just made a generic transparent skin but i guess it's not gonna happen. I think academy had a lot of potential but the radical difference in play and immersion is too great for me to truly enjoy that i came away totally disappointed that, along with mod making, i've chosen to decline from, but now i've moved on to other games such as deus ex and call of duty, much better and a lot more immersive
12-24-2003, 6:20 PM
Hmmmmmm...... i have never heard of any form off 1st peron saber for JKA. Although it would be a nice idea:p Maybe we should cross our fingers and wait to see if someone can make it transparent.
12-25-2003, 2:56 AM
You CAN use a transparent skin, but the thing is when you use it, the transition from clear to solid in cutscenes is lacking in that you would see nothing where your character is supposed to appear. To script the transition back into the game would be quite a feat and i would start playing again, alas.........
12-25-2003, 4:23 AM
Where would I get this transparent skin for SP?

I can deal with the invisible player model during cutscenes, hell I skip most of them anyway.

I just want to cut people down in the first person.
 Jedi Luke
12-25-2003, 4:40 AM
Originally posted by Hune
Where would I get this transparent skin for SP?

I can deal with the invisible player model during cutscenes, hell I skip most of them anyway.

I just want to cut people down in the first person.

Yes, first person saber would be awesome in SP!! It would fulfill in what Raven quoted, 'Stepping into the role of the jedi'.
12-25-2003, 5:13 AM
Why do you want 1st person for JA saber? It will be blocking your view when you use staff.
12-25-2003, 4:31 PM
I never did get the appeal of the first person lightsaber view...
12-25-2003, 11:11 PM
Ibelieve you can get the transparent skin from It's for jedi outcast, though but i believe it would work for academy. Here's the console commands for first person view, although i do not know how to change them back:

set cg_thirdpersonvertoffset -5
set cg_thirdpersonrange -0.5
set cg_thirdpersoncameradamp 1
set cg_thirdpersontargetdamp 1

Now if only someone can get the transition to work......
12-27-2003, 6:39 PM
Hey guys!!

Go to this post, there I posted the way I get 1st person view in sigleplayer. Its a little bit complicated but it works great.
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