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Samuel Dravis

Latest Posts

Page: 45 of 56
Posted in: Get imperials to follow you?
 Samuel Dravis
03-30-2004, 5:48 AM
Edit their .npc file and paste this in (the numbers are the level of FP; leave the entire line out if you don't want the npc to have it): FP_HEAL 3 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_SPEED 3 FP_PUSH 3 FP_PULL 3 FP_TELEPATHY 3 FP_GRIP 3 FP_LIGHTNING 3 FP_RAGE 3 FP_P...  [Read More]
Posted in: All the MP Hidden Skins Revealed
 Samuel Dravis
03-29-2004, 9:00 PM
Heh, yeah.... :) I know that. Now that I think about it. :o...  [Read More]
Posted in: All the MP Hidden Skins Revealed
 Samuel Dravis
03-29-2004, 6:21 PM
You forgot cultist/red....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP's Logo
 Samuel Dravis
03-29-2004, 4:05 PM
Lathain, now that you mention it I seem to remember something like it in JP, but I can't find a single pic of it on Google. Perhaps someone has the movie and could check it? Also, for #1 & #2, I can change the background to anything (#6 & #7...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP's Logo
 Samuel Dravis
03-29-2004, 3:46 AM
--->banner space The Open Jedi Project is now trying to get an official logo so that everyone will know that it is awexome. So, either vote on which of these is the best, submit your own by posting on this thread, or give ideas on one t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Free Camera in JA?
 Samuel Dravis
03-29-2004, 3:38 AM
cg_thirdpersonmaxrange 1000 cg_thirdpersonrange 1000 Try those out. Just type them in without a number to find out the defaults....  [Read More]
Posted in: A Great & Majestic Empire series
 Samuel Dravis
03-25-2004, 1:51 PM
Those are great movies. I watched them a while back and they're too funny. :D "Have you read your jedi bible, Kyle?" "Let's go get an Imperial Burger. Do you know what they put on Imperial Burgers instead of ketchup?"  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Power aurras
 Samuel Dravis
03-24-2004, 7:47 PM
If it gets added to OJP, it will have to be a client side only thing. The force auras help out selecting which weapons to use on an enemy....  [Read More]
I know what you mean, but you'd probably have to make a new anim for that (I haven't seen one like it ingame), and that would be hard or impossible....  [Read More]
Posted in: saber colour changes
 Samuel Dravis
03-22-2004, 1:23 PM
I think the cores need to be a little brighter especially in the red one. Otherwise good job. :)...  [Read More]
You can open .efx files with Notepad, but I think there's an editor for them with Raven's editing toolkit available from I don't know much about models. You should ask about it in the modeling forum and the locals will be much more abl...  [Read More]
For extracting/adding stuff from the pk3s you just need a zip editor like winzip or pkzip. For editing you need a graphic editing program like Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop. You can use other programs, but those are some of the best. For recording st...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where do YOU get your mods?
 Samuel Dravis
03-22-2004, 2:03 AM
Generally either or  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy or Knights of the Old Republic?
 Samuel Dravis
03-21-2004, 6:10 AM
Well, KotOR's got the graphics, the story, the guns, the sabers, the action, the romantic action :naughty:, pretty much everything. If you want to be totally zoned out of the rest of the world for a few days then it's your game. But if you just want...  [Read More]
Posted in: Reborn Skin for SP
 Samuel Dravis
03-21-2004, 4:50 AM
Yeah, unless you bind it to a key or something. Console: bind pgup playermodel reborn No, it doesn't show up in cutscenes. You can mod that too, though, if you want to. Just go to the player.npc file in assets1.pk3 and change the model parameter to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Reborn Skin for SP
 Samuel Dravis
03-21-2004, 2:51 AM
Console: model reborn...  [Read More]
Posted in: Logo?
 Samuel Dravis
03-28-2004, 6:02 PM
Just remember that if you have an idea for one and/or you don't like these, just tell me. I'll see if I can make one you like. I can put 1 & 2 on any background you like. To demonstrate, here's some more I made:  [Read More]
Posted in: Logo?
 Samuel Dravis
03-28-2004, 1:25 AM
The images: I personally like #3 best. Maybe we should make a poll to decide among them or even if one of them is good enough....  [Read More]
Posted in: Logo?
 Samuel Dravis
03-27-2004, 7:44 PM
Actually, the movie seen there is just a bunch of images in the assets file. It would be very easy to replace, but I don't know if we would want to do that anyway - OJP is sort of an 'under the hood' type mod, designed to be mostly invisible until yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Logo?
 Samuel Dravis
03-27-2004, 11:33 AM
Ok, I'll put them up later. And no, it's not supposed to have the edges cut off - that's just the way it happend. I'll make a new one later today....  [Read More]
Posted in: Logo?
 Samuel Dravis
03-26-2004, 6:18 PM
Fixed....  [Read More]
Posted in: Logo?
 Samuel Dravis
03-25-2004, 11:57 AM
Here's the original inverted:  [Read More]
Posted in: Logo?
 Samuel Dravis
03-22-2004, 2:30 AM
#7 How about it, Razor?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask Stupid Question, Get Stupid Answer
 Samuel Dravis
03-25-2004, 6:14 PM
It would take an infinite amount of them if they didn't include me. Do you even know what fhqwhgads means?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask Stupid Question, Get Stupid Answer
 Samuel Dravis
03-25-2004, 4:52 PM
TROGDOR!!!!!!11!! Fhqwhgads?...  [Read More]
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