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Page: 121 of 133
Posted in: MotF: Vastly Improved Saber Collision Demo!
03-18-2003, 5:31 PM
No, a saber has a "infinite" cutting ability but the denser the object the harder it is to cut. To slice thru a person require a lot of heft. This is best seen when Anakin kills the sandpeople and when Dooku gives Obi two flesh wounds with...  [Read More]
Posted in: MotF: Vastly Improved Saber Collision Demo!
03-18-2003, 7:52 AM
However, now is the time to bug me about what you want the ideal saber system to be like. Doable "ideal", dynamic on-the-fly control like in Die by the Sword is out of the question, sorry. Me and the rest of the team have the general idea...  [Read More]
Posted in: MotF: Vastly Improved Saber Collision Demo!
03-18-2003, 7:40 AM
It's probably going to be a while. The saber code is going to have to be gutted to get this the way we want it. Don't worry, it'll be worth the wait. The collision improvement is basically done except for more testing and some internal code fixes....  [Read More]
Posted in: MotF: Vastly Improved Saber Collision Demo!
03-18-2003, 6:34 AM
Thanks man....  [Read More]
Posted in: MotF: Vastly Improved Saber Collision Demo!
03-18-2003, 3:34 AM
Ok, I've got some fresh-from-the-camera demos of the new saber collision system I'm working on. It's in the very early stages but you'll be able to see the improved collisions if you watch carefully. The new saber system is something that you gotta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ghoul2 Blade Collision Demos
03-18-2003, 3:18 AM
Ok, I've got some fresh-from-the-camera demos of the new saber collision system I'm working on. It's in the very early stages but you'll be able to see the improved collisions if you watch carefully. The new saber system is something that you gotta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Closer to the films if...
03-18-2003, 9:00 PM
That's explains everything. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Closer to the films if...
03-18-2003, 8:48 PM
Originally posted by Kray San Gin Could you tell me where I might download this mod? Sounds interesting. Right now the only way to get MotF R2 is @ Unfortunately, all the jk2 file sites / gaming ne...  [Read More]
Posted in: Closer to the films if...
03-18-2003, 8:45 PM
You don't have to have written a thesis on the force to discuss movie realism!! Arrrghhhhh!! It's much easier to simulate something if you have clear concept of the rules of the system. You don't have to get angry about it. I'm just trying to have...  [Read More]
Posted in: Closer to the films if...
03-18-2003, 7:30 PM
It seems on topic to me. :D Anyway, Jedi seem perfectly ok doing insane things. Dooku just stood there in the middle of a live fire zone (and we KNOW shots were zinging pass that balcone. Anakin AND Obi jumped freely into a miles far freefall. Pers...  [Read More]
Posted in: Closer to the films if...
03-18-2003, 6:20 PM
Most of a Jedi's combat ability comes from their ability to be in tune with the force and "see" into the future. It's likely that using all your concentration to control your "phantom blade" would cause you to lose your combat sen...  [Read More]
Posted in: Closer to the films if...
03-18-2003, 5:37 PM
1. When someone smacks your hand hard, you lose control of an object. The same applies to the force. A sudden change in the object or some thing with a high velocity is harder to handle than a nonmoving object. In that way, if someone smacks the sabe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Closer to the films if...
03-18-2003, 2:12 AM
Congratulations you hit a total of 4 of 4 things planned. The various saber styles isn't really possible at this point in time. But there are other people in teh community that are working very hard on it. We hope it will be a possibility soon. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Release 2 Comments
03-17-2003, 12:46 PM
I understand the comment but all the players have to have some level of dodge ability to offset the fact that the weapons are very lethal. Any one of the weapons are now fully lethal in one shot. Yes, the current dodge implimentation is unrealistic...  [Read More]
Posted in: 'Movie Battles' has gone open Beta
03-16-2003, 9:48 PM
reak players? Do they smell bad? :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why did the game die/is the game dying?
03-18-2003, 9:10 PM
Originally posted by Prime I had a look at your demos, Razorace. Looks pretty cool. I have a few questions though. First, are you guys set to walk by default? The whole fight you are just walking around. Is that just to make it easier to follow? Sec...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why did the game die/is the game dying?
03-18-2003, 8:25 PM
Originally posted by Break_dF *yawn* Go back to playing sims, please. Uhh..improved blade collision benefits every type of player. To say otherwise is like beleiving that Iraq don't have WOMDs....  [Read More]
Posted in: Why did the game die/is the game dying?
03-18-2003, 7:32 PM
I put up more demos of the ghoul2 blade collision in the MotF forum and the Showcase forums.  [Read More]
Posted in: Why did the game die/is the game dying?
03-17-2003, 4:02 PM
^^^ :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why did the game die/is the game dying?
03-16-2003, 9:54 PM
Originally posted by ILR that is pretty sweet man. Hope you can take it to it's full extent. To the EXTREME, BABY! TO THE EXTREME!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why did the game die/is the game dying?
03-16-2003, 6:06 PM
Originally posted by ILR I uh.. -_- couldn't get the demo to play. I just slap it in the base file and look it up in the demo option in MP right? You gotta put it in the base/demos directory, fire up JK2, open the console and type in demo demoname...  [Read More]
Posted in: ForceMod 2.0 - Dual Pistol screenshots
03-18-2003, 3:45 AM
Totally finished before or after hell freezes over. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: ForceMod 2.0 - Dual Pistol screenshots
03-18-2003, 3:36 AM
I doubt it. AOTC TC is closed source and tight lipped about everything. :P I think the burn was against the Attack of the Jedimod Clones: Totally Cloned. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Current Status
03-18-2003, 5:24 PM
Unfortunately, it's a hardware limitation. Remember you're playing this on a computer with a single monitor. There's no way to simulate a realistic fov without fisheyedness, multiple monitors, or VR equipment. It's just the way it is. :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Current Status
03-16-2003, 6:19 PM
yeah, depth perception with the saber is a real problem with True View and third person. I think it's due to the uniform color and the fact that ingame blade is actually a 2d rendering. I haven't thought of a good fix yet. As for the field of view,...  [Read More]
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