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I'm still in the process of making a CoOp component to OJP....  [Read More]
Right. I'm talking about SP but there are elements of this issue in the MP system....  [Read More]
Because it's evil? Well, I see it all the time in SP. It's not something I noticed until I played thru SP a couple of times. It's especially obvious when you're playing on Jedi Master difficulty....  [Read More]
The single player system is NOTHING like the multiplayer saber system. And the SP version is much more random and floaty than you'll see in even the laggiest games. Now if you want to talk about cheap moves, take a look at SP with their walking katas...  [Read More]
Personally, I'll stick with movie battles for my saber combat fix. Base JKA is only fun in single-player.. faaar too many lame saberists for me to enjoy myself. Besides the fact that the sabering system itself is ridiculous in all its forms. It was o...  [Read More]
There are no objective tables for the saber styles short of I think maximum possible damage (Yellow style does NOT consistently do 80 a swing except on head strike, and staff usually pulls around 45-60 a swing unless it gets a headstrike) and animati...  [Read More]
So... we are fools if we disagree, LV? Your ego is as large as this JK forum, pal. If the Single Saber is so underpowered, SHOW US THE DAMN PROOF. Give us links to the official damage table of each JA saber. Allow us to compare the stats, right down...  [Read More]
The Staff and Dual sabers are unbalanced compared to the single sabers. Standard swings from Staffs/Duals do about the same amount of damage the Yellow Stance AND they have double the possible surface area in terms of blades. That's not even counting...  [Read More]
Posted in: Editing an animation.cfg help (JA)
11-14-2005, 7:05 PM
The file you want to modify is the animations.cfg file. You just need to use ModView to figure out what the name of the affected animations are and then change those particular animations in the animations.cfg. The header for the animations.cfg file...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Skeleton in JKA
11-17-2005, 10:18 PM
The model_origin (I think that's the name). It's used to base the model into the game world. (IE, it's your ground for animation purposes)...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Skeleton in JKA
11-17-2005, 1:16 PM
The motion bolt is used for aligning the torso with the legs. I wouldn't mess with it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with coop mod...
11-20-2005, 9:49 PM
They're there on the many test runs that me and my beta testers have done on that map. I'm not sure why they wouldn't be here. Maybe you have those weapons disabled with the weapon disable cvar?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with coop mod...
11-20-2005, 8:52 PM
I haven't altered the weapon loadouts at all. The only thing is that MP doesn't support the dual weilding gun thing and I haven't implimented it yet....  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with coop mod...
11-20-2005, 6:06 PM
Well, you have to run the map with the CoOp gametype and it runs great. T3_rift is my fav as well, so it has the best support so far. (Note that the bot support while in CoOp is questionable)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with coop mod...
11-20-2005, 2:16 PM
Well, I'm working on getting OJP to run SP maps just in general for JKA....  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with coop mod...
11-02-2005, 2:06 PM
No, I will tell everyone when I have....  [Read More]
Posted in: Endor Siege
11-12-2005, 3:15 PM
I've been told that OJP Basic currently crashes when it tries to load bots onto this map. I suspect that it's doing that due to bots not supporting the way he did the triggers. I'll check it out after I'm done with the holster weapon code....  [Read More]
Posted in: Endor Siege
11-07-2005, 2:49 PM
Gotcha. I figured it was something like that....  [Read More]
Posted in: Endor Siege
11-07-2005, 12:05 PM
I thought basejka just wouldn't allow you to add bots while in the Siege gametype?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Endor Siege
11-07-2005, 5:38 AM
Just regular routing at the moment... You'll have to edificate me on TABBot routing... I haven't really been keeping up with the mods, since I don't use any myself. TABBots are the bots I wrote for OJP that are capable of playing Siege. I'm surprise...  [Read More]
Posted in: Endor Siege
11-06-2005, 4:13 PM
You mean TABBot routing or just normal bot routing?...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP Enhanced Models
11-02-2005, 1:14 PM
If you're not happy with the saber combat, you're always welcome to make suggestions or to simply use OJP Basic, which intentionally doesn't alter the gameplay for the JKA Purists. I understand the desire for having the holster weapons for all the m...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP Enhanced Models
11-01-2005, 7:24 PM
Well, I'm not a fan of pick-and-choose gaming, there's a point where you just gotta trust the developer on stuff. If you have any suggestions to improve the features that bother you, I'm open to suggestions. As for the weapon holster code, I just ha...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP Enhanced Models
10-31-2005, 11:51 AM
Right, the skin pack. If you don't want the gameplay changes of OJP Enhanced, just use OJP Basic, which is the distro with only the changes that don't affect the gameplay....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's New?
11-10-2005, 4:04 AM
Well, I reached a nice milestone today. I was successfully able to make a weapon appear to be visually holstered without requiring the special models that were nessicary in previous versions of OJP. I hope to have this feature fully operational in...  [Read More]
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