:uzi2: :blast9: :blast10: :tank1: :attack2: :blueblas1 ?how do you select an avatar?
This isn't a chat program, answers aren't in real time. Plus, please use the appropiate threads for questions or create a new one.
1. I don't know. I think there's a lot of stuff we'd like to finished before we release anything "official". As always, you can d/l try the open beta releases in the beta tester thread.
2. From your USER CP. That's accessed from a button at the very top of the screen.
Originally posted by The_G.I.
?how do you select an avatar?
?why dont you go to F.A.Q.?
flamthro thanks for the tips lightninja. flamthro
Did this ever get released?
I think it did. I beleive the Kyle model is in the OJP Model Pack.
Was Kyle the only one set up like this? Also where do I download it? I only see a skin pack on the site, is that what you meant? Also, a little off topic is there a way to have the enhanced version installed but only use certain features or to turn off the advanced, gameplay changing stuff?
Right, the skin pack.
If you don't want the gameplay changes of OJP Enhanced, just use OJP Basic, which is the distro with only the changes that don't affect the gameplay.
See sometimes I do want the changes, it'd be nice if I could pick and choose features but even just being able to pick wich version of the mod to load would be nice.
Also could you set up say, the customizeable sp models as you did kyle? He's not my ideal jedi.
Well, I'm not a fan of pick-and-choose gaming, there's a point where you just gotta trust the developer on stuff. If you have any suggestions to improve the features that bother you, I'm open to suggestions.
As for the weapon holster code, I just haven't gotten around to refining the code to make it work without the big hassle with the models. I'll probably get to it eventually.
Choice is kind of why people seek out mods in the first place. But I can't make you do anything.
Improvements? Ability to turn on/off the alterations to saber combat. Set up the default models to support all those weapon hooks. A menu to customize bots weapons and powers would be really cool. right now I'm having shader problems (sabers and lights show up as boxes), a compatability check would be nice.
If you're not happy with the saber combat, you're always welcome to make suggestions or to simply use OJP Basic, which intentionally doesn't alter the gameplay for the JKA Purists.
I understand the desire for having the holster weapons for all the models but I haven't had the time to work on it yet.
As for the customizable bot weapons/powers menu, I don't think that's a good idea. The bots are designed to be on the same footing as the players. If that even footing is altered, then the bots would be more like the NPCs than the bots should be. If you're interested in altering that sort of thing, that really should be done with the NPC files.
Finally, I'm working on correcting the conflicting shader issues for the next release.