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So i bought BFII today. I installed it, and it didnt work. After a lot of swearing and surfing the net i found the answer. So i tested the game and it worked! YIPPEE!!! Then i went and downloaded the patch and the conversion pack and installed them (...  [Read More]
Where is everybody hearing about no monthly fees? :p Everyone should assume the game will be $15 a month just like all other MMOs. For me, it's pretty difficult to pick anything over Tales of MI, but I have to say The Old Republic, with Tales close...  [Read More]
TOR, even though i hate MMOs... But they have been speaking about not having a monthly fee, and if thats the case im buying it the day it comes out. Might have been a sweet sweet dream though......  [Read More]
Posted in: What is your favorite season?
05-27-2009, 3:42 AM
Winter. Whats there to say? Snow, dark natural beauty and truely unique athmosphere. Its the most inspiring season, for me at least. The second best is summer since its time of relaxation....  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
06-18-2009, 10:24 AM
So now that i have also finished the mod im gonna say its some of the best crap ive ever played, but silver still writes too longwinded "blah blah" dialog... Anyway, i came here to say that only bugs i found were body changing ones(and sabe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
06-14-2009, 12:59 PM
It was the... oh crap... It mustve been part of the kay mod:p Im gonna check it out now....  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
06-12-2009, 7:16 AM
Now i feel really stupid... what was i supposed to do when the "admiral karath" dialog fires after fighting malak for the first time? When i installed the mod i saw instructions for this bug but now after maybe 40 minutes of frantic readme...  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
06-10-2009, 6:17 AM
I mustve missed that, since i read the readme... Well thanks alot, i thought this was the case but wanted to make sure....  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
06-10-2009, 6:02 AM
Maybe a bug? Im not quite sure if this is a bug, but the rodian(favor for a rodian guy) is not there in the cantina on the korriban. Or does he appear later? In the original bos he was there the first time i entered korriban if i recall correctly......  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
06-04-2009, 4:46 AM
Thanks silver! Yeah, knowing you i kinda thought you had been thinking that kay should be compatible....  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
06-03-2009, 4:42 AM
Hey i have a little question concerning mod compability... Does BOS:SR conflict in some way with inyris recruitable kay mod? I havent played with that mod, and i wanted to make this playthrough as good and different from the vanilla kotor as possible...  [Read More]
Posted in: H3 Disruptor Pistol
05-20-2009, 10:50 AM
There is a very interesting story behind that, now that you mention it. The increased damage to droids is actually a result of a delightfully cruel, and entirely unanticipated, fluke of nature known as Force Accelerated Quantum Castoff Phenomenon, or...  [Read More]
Posted in: H3 Disruptor Pistol
04-26-2009, 12:55 PM
Thats a nice lookin blaster model e-varmint. Also good to hear from you again since its been quite long now....  [Read More]
Posted in: Geekiest Star Wars Related Things
04-25-2009, 6:29 AM
:lol: Yeah, right. Sure you were. :smirk2: Well, you wouldnt have time to watch them all in a single day if you didnt stay home:p See, they are all about 2 hours, so 6x2+2x2=14, and i have schooldays of about 6-8 hours, and on schooldays i wake up...  [Read More]
Posted in: Geekiest Star Wars Related Things
04-15-2009, 10:15 AM
Oh my god... you people are true nerds! I thought your kind only existed in the minds of the stereotype-believers:eek: The geekiest SW thing ive ever done is just watching all the movies in a single day... And i watched 3 and 5 twice:xp: I was sick a...  [Read More]
Posted in: (k1) Taris middle city
05-14-2009, 3:03 PM
WEEEEHEEEE Its looking damn great disbeliever! I want this mod so frigging bad already:xp:...  [Read More]
Posted in: (k1) Taris middle city
05-09-2009, 4:54 AM
There is one thing i can give you constructive criticism(is that the word? damn...) about: You might want to rethink the use of that chessboard texture. Theres just too much of it. Other than that its friiiiiiiiiiieeeeaasssgkasgnking awesome....  [Read More]
Posted in: (k1) Taris middle city
05-08-2009, 2:39 PM
:thmbup1::eek::bow::emodanc::golfclap::ninja1: :ltblubou: :guitar2:drop2: Thats what i think. Though the hole is a bit distracting... Doesnt matter thats freaking amazing!!!!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: (k1) Taris middle city
04-15-2009, 11:30 AM
Damn ive somehow managed to miss a whole page here... And dont call yourself "Just" a modeler, thats some of the best work i have ever seen. Though modesty is a fine thing to have:xp: And i dont think anyone will not like it, and if some do...  [Read More]
Posted in: (k1) Taris middle city
04-01-2009, 2:11 PM
Ahh i was wondering about the revan vs everything imaginable -thing... april fools LoL. I just thought they got bored of all the revan vs something polls:xp: And keep up the good work disbeliever!...  [Read More]
Posted in: (k1) Taris middle city
03-31-2009, 3:18 PM
Looking really nice i gotta say!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Best Video game hero/heroines
06-24-2009, 6:55 AM
Revan... lame but he is :xp: And of course The HERO from fable cause he decides to show that "come on" animation to the little school kids!...  [Read More]
Posted in: [tsl] KOTOR: Revenge of Revan
05-02-2009, 3:05 PM
You know, if you are going to make a voiced dialogue with revan i would encourage this: Make him/her talk in a "machine voice". No i do not mean a computer generated voice, but something like vader. Revan couldve gotten some sort of an inju...  [Read More]
Posted in: [tsl] KOTOR: Revenge of Revan
04-04-2009, 9:52 AM
I really like the video Logan! The project seems more and more intriguing all the time!...  [Read More]
Posted in: [tsl] KOTOR: Revenge of Revan
03-29-2009, 5:01 AM
You are going to modify some of the textures in the modules right?...  [Read More]
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