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Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
10-10-2009, 8:36 PM
anybody else having problems with getting players to join, ive installed and bossr twice now with a clean install, and still everytime i try to get jolee to join he wont join the group, ive tried using the kse program to get him to join but i may not...  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
07-28-2009, 11:03 PM
What must i do? Can please someone help me out? need more info? do you have any other mods installed if so try uninstalling them, and do a clean install. if you dont try reloading from the last save point such as before you go to the starboard secti...  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
07-03-2009, 10:15 PM
hey silver first of all i want to congratulate you on a job well done a well put together. Second wanted to ask you two things dont know if there spoilers or not so will put it in as a spoiler you can take it from there. 1st one is: is kobiyashi su...  [Read More]
here is one thread you should look into for doing character skins.  [Read More]
Posted in: Vulnerability on/off
01-12-2009, 6:40 AM
the only way that i would know how to do this is to change the hit points or changing your invulnerability while in the game by using the cheat console....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Planets and Quests
01-14-2009, 7:50 AM
Two questions: Will these Jedi Masters be present on Dantooine when Kreia kills/smashes/wipes out/"pwns" the Jedi Council? Also, are these new Sith Lords a separate faction from the Sith Triumvirate (Nihilus, Sion, and formerly Traya)? D...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Planets and Quests
01-13-2009, 9:31 PM
If anyone would be interested in helping out with this mod, email me and tell me what part you would be intersting in doing. Looking for help out scripting, i suck at also need help in the skinning area have limited experience in this fi...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Planets and Quests
01-11-2009, 10:26 PM
You better not do Yavin! :lol: Nah, I'm just playing, I wouldn't mind if you did Yavin IV. I mean it's not like the plot or modules will be the same. ;) Now if you took the mod files from the mod when it's released and recompiled them as your own...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Planets and Quests
01-11-2009, 7:21 PM
Here are some of the characters that i will trying to explore in on the mod: Jedi Master Asli Krimsans Jedi Master Nomi Sunrider: Jedi Master Vima Sunrider: Was Suppose to have been the exile's master before she went off to the mandolorian wars J...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Planets and Quests
01-11-2009, 7:13 PM
does anyone know if you can redo th temples on korriban in tsl?...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Planets and Quests
01-06-2009, 5:42 PM
Well i'm no scripter but if you need outdoor/indoor textures work let me know i appreciate that xarwarz, i am a big fan of your work, so i would love to see what you would do with these planets; ill let you know when i think im ready for you. Hmm......  [Read More]
Posted in: New Planets and Quests
01-05-2009, 8:04 PM
Yavin 4 is already being made for TSL, I would replace that with something else. Do you have any modding experience? yeah i probably will did not know it was being made for tsl, but thats ok i have few others also in mind for it. And yes i do have s...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Planets and Quests
01-05-2009, 7:05 PM
you would be correct....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Planets and Quests
01-05-2009, 5:40 PM
Hey Everyone wanted to let everyone know that i am working on a new mod that is going to be adding some new planets and new Quests and Possibly A couple new recruitments. I wanting to come up with four planets that were known to be jedi align or had...  [Read More]
Posted in: Droids2Sith
12-31-2008, 6:44 PM
You know thats how it probably should have been originally more sith instead of droids with the exception of harbinger i mean whats the point to docking to peragus and then only a few sith get off the ship follow you around the planet and attack you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Droids2Sith
12-28-2008, 11:08 PM
just wanted everyone to know that my latest mod is up on kotorfiles, have a look and try it out if you want and then give me some feedback and let me know what i can improve upon and what you thought about it. here is the link to http://knightsofthe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Graphics 2009 IBL Final Released
12-30-2008, 11:43 PM
if you want v1 email me if you want and i can probably send those to you if there is no objections to this....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Graphics 2009 IBL Final Released
12-30-2008, 9:48 PM
Great work xarwarz, ive still got your version 1 mods for this have use them with all my mods so far, so i will more than likely be giving this one a definite download. Keep Up the great work....  [Read More]
Posted in: Yavin IV mod help?
07-20-2008, 9:21 AM
i have recently installed the yavin IV mod, and have been having since difficulties it seems something within the mod causes me show up in the i believe the starboard bunks room (where kreia is usually at) with a cut start icon showing up by the door...  [Read More]
Posted in: droids to sith mod/plasma torch to lightsaber
07-12-2008, 9:53 AM
Hey Everyone just to let everyone know i finally finished the droids to sith on peragus mod that i have been working on, i have also change the plasma torch on the dead body to that of a lightsaber, i have change all the stats on the sith to be hard...  [Read More]
Posted in: hkfactory crash
02-10-2008, 9:18 PM
If you used the one with the TSL patcher, that is where it's supposed to take you. I've played the mod a few times and have never had a crash with it. yeah im using the one with the tsl patcher im wondering if its the usm mod that is causing the gli...  [Read More]
Posted in: hkfactory crash
02-10-2008, 3:34 PM
That is Telos, not Taris. Oops my mistake, it is telos...  [Read More]
Posted in: hkfactory crash
02-10-2008, 3:12 PM
The mod is for Kotor 2. Taris is in Kotor 1. ive got it installed on kotor 2; the hkfactory mod sends you back to taris to the underground bunker. if i read the readme and so forth correctly...  [Read More]
Posted in: hkfactory crash
02-10-2008, 3:00 PM
can anybody help me on this i have recently been trying to play the hkfactory mod with update along with the usm mod and everytime i get to the point of where the two droids head off to the factory it get to taris and so forth and then crashes about...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL Sith Academy Question
01-08-2008, 7:45 PM
How do i get into Uthar Wynn's old quartes without destroying the holocron? I have never managed this before, i always ended up destroying the holocron. This wasn't a problem before, but after watching Shem's video of what i could have? Well, after...  [Read More]
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