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Page: 202 of 214
Posted in: Need help defeating Kyle on Level 14
07-31-2000, 7:35 PM
Is this the first or the second time you encounter him on Level 14? Then I can answer your question. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: What’s the home page please?
07-31-2000, 6:44 PM
Raynar's Workshop (the homepage of Raynar, the guy who is working on Rbots) was here: I found it in here: ( news archives) It appears to be down at the mo...  [Read More]
Posted in: that's the way...
07-31-2000, 6:16 PM
I'm about to give you a big "hell yes," rappy my amigo! This week my roomie is going to QuakeCon so he'll be leaving me with all my ports open (don't take that in a sick way now) and that means 640K DSL madness, finally! ; ) Muahhahaha.....  [Read More]
Posted in: WWF TC
07-31-2000, 6:38 PM
I *think* they just released a skinpack and that was it. If you can find their website, you might find out more. I know they had one of their skins featured in BFP2.1 (Stone-Cold Steve Austin). Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: OK, I admit defeat. I'm lost.
07-27-2000, 1:03 AM
Ha, you know what I need to do.. go back through MOTS SP and play it all through again to the end. Then it will all be fresh in my mind and I can actually remember what parts people get stuck in to help! lol Sorry, I guess I'm not quite sure what yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: OK, I admit defeat. I'm lost.
07-25-2000, 3:44 PM
Did you find any of those "force switches"? (the faces that you need force seeing to use) Did you check for slashable walls? What do you objectives say? That might be another clue (and check your map for areas you haven't been to). Kurga...  [Read More]
It would be much easier to contact the guy who made the level and say please. ; ) Or, send him a note asking permission to modify and release it, and use JED or JKEdit to modify it yourself. Most folks would rather create their own stuff than work...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight Skins?
07-21-2000, 10:40 PM
Incidentally, Al's new skinpacks (movies and star wars) have been uploaded and links posted on the BFP2X page: Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Cheats!
07-22-2000, 5:47 PM
It wouldn't be the first time somebody posted fake cheats to get attention... Maybe if people would stop flooding the forums with the release of each new game, begging for cheats, guys like this wouldn't try to take advantage? If I got a dime for e...  [Read More]
07-26-2000, 5:17 PM
He said Force Commander was better than MOTS??! I wouldn't trust that guy's opinion.. lol MOTS is all about Multiplayer. The SP is a bit below that of JK. Sure it's fun and worth seeing, but alot of the levels rely on gimmicks and novelty to be fun...  [Read More]
Posted in: Brought To Justice
07-26-2000, 3:44 AM
Well, technically I had other stuff going on, so I gave him MORE than enough time. Enough humoring this idiot. He's history... And that should be the end of it! ; P Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-26-2000, 3:01 AM
Well I guess we can all go home now.. nothing to see here. *Disperse* *Disperse* Was nice debating with y'all! Come back now, ya here? Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-23-2000, 1:19 AM
If you guys have further issues to work out that are off topic, please feel free to settle them OFF THIS FORUM. Thanks again guys. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-22-2000, 5:58 PM
Okay, that aside, here's a comment: Where the difference lies between you and I is that I view all life as precious. You, on the other hand, think the universe revolves around the Human Being, much like ancient people thought the universe revolved a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-22-2000, 2:41 PM
DarthPrime, Vagabond, that's a warning for each of you in case you don't recall... Keep the flames out of this thread or I'll have to give you a "spank" (temporary ban). Surely we can express our disagreement without hurling personal insu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-22-2000, 2:39 PM
Words of wisdom 13thjedi..., words of wisdom. Yes, I feel the reason for this debate is also about a desire on the parts of the folks here to get others to at least UNDERSTAND their differing point of view, not merely to share their opinion. If th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-21-2000, 5:27 PM
Vagabond, the accusation you make could easily be pointed back at you.. that you will only agree with evidence that supports your claim that abortion is justified. Your first premise is that as a Liberal, you must be in favor of women's rights. You a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Debate: Violence and Videogames
07-29-2000, 8:46 PM
"violent" video games are a slight misnomer.. I mean MOST games are violent in some aspect. Sports games, driving games, shooters, fighting games, etc. The only exceptions could be some adventure games, and puzzle games. Most games involv...  [Read More]
Posted in: Incredible experience!!
07-25-2000, 12:08 PM
While I didn't see a three course spectacle like you apparently did, I have been on whale-watches before, and those humpbacks are magnificent animals to see. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: 3D Studio MAX...
07-24-2000, 1:48 AM
However, the demo cd is worth ordering if nothing else for the hilarious videos included on the disc (ie: two big monsters beat the living crap out of each other.. until only their eyeballs are left; a nerdy kid defends a fast food restaurant during...  [Read More]
Posted in: 3D Studio MAX...
07-24-2000, 1:09 AM
Hey, I just recieved in the mail the 3DS MAX demo I signed up for on their site ages ago.. (took 'em long enough). It turns out the "demo" is just an informercial on the disc. They show off a bunch of graphics demos (Chunky's! hehe) and ta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ray of Light (with apologies to Madonna)
07-21-2000, 10:29 PM
Another online article on the subject: It's certainly a startling study.. challenging many of our long-held views. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Summer Movies
07-23-2000, 12:26 AM
lol.. good one. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Summer Movies
07-22-2000, 2:05 PM
Movies I'm looking forward to seeing (hey, they might not all be good, but I'm still looking forward to finding out!): Yeah, I haven't seen Gladiator yet.. it's on my list. Either cheap theatre or on video I guess... X-Men Highlander: Endgame (Sept...  [Read More]
Posted in: need help with mysteries of the sith
07-23-2000, 12:12 AM
Vornskrs a problem? I have two words for you: Saber Throw 'nuff said. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
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