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Page: 201 of 214
Posted in: Battle for Naboo
08-16-2000, 7:41 PM
Renting/playing instore demo/etc is always wise before buying a game. Be smart: try BEFORE you buy! Not every game is for everyone. I've played the Alpha version, that's it. I don't have an N64, but it looks promising thus far. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: I can't wait until this game comes out!!!!!!
08-05-2000, 3:43 AM
Looks pretty good for an N64 game.. reminds me a lot of Shadows of the Empire.. or more properly, Rogue Squadron (it's supposed to be the prequal to RS). Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wow.. not one, but TWO Star Wars RPG's coming up...
08-05-2000, 3:44 AM
One MMORPG al la EverQuest and one standard RPG al la Baldur's Gate. RPG fans must be wetting their pants... Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: A new editing person (maybe)
08-07-2000, 4:56 PM
Let me just say a few things before you simply assume I'm some crazy or Ole's ad man in disguise: ; ) JED has been around longer than JKEdit.. not by too much, but long enough to get plenty of exposure on many sites. Massassi and code-alliance (aka:...  [Read More]
Posted in: A new editing person (maybe)
08-04-2000, 4:11 PM
The link that says "EDITORS" is the one that lets you download his DF level editor (WEdit), his JK/MOTS level editor (JKEdit), and his JK 3do editor. Also, this guy regularly responds to his email (if you are polite) so if you have questio...  [Read More]
Posted in: A new editing person (maybe)
08-01-2000, 11:23 AM
The principle programs that one needs to begin JK/MOTS editing come basically from two sources: The Code Alliance (formerly of "Dark") ( These guys put together JED and a slew...  [Read More]
Posted in: Need help defeating Kyle on Level 14
08-02-2000, 11:37 AM
Well I have tried every possible way I can think of and can't kill him. Since you can't use any weapons beyond saber and fists and force powers. No force power seems to be able to kill him.. I've tried chain lightning, grip (no effect), Deadly Sigh...  [Read More]
Posted in: What’s the home page please?
08-05-2000, 3:39 AM
I got an email from Raynar.. it was down for a bit, now it's back up, at the address listed. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: that's the way...
08-05-2000, 3:41 AM
Yup, tried it out. Great clean interface.. much more stable than the Zone. Hasn't crashed on me once! I love how you can keep it up and have people just join, and you get 16 players. The "ping" thing is nice. I had to post my country and...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pleaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzz
08-14-2000, 7:03 PM
Actually, all of those files are within the regular game files on the CD (or on your HD if you did a full install). You can find them yourself.. and that will save somebody from looking them up and tryin got send all of them to you. Use Conman (get...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rbots
08-08-2000, 6:01 PM
Yes, according to his site, from now on it will be for MOTS only. This last version is for JK. I will email him about it though. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Only thing about the anti-hack patches is it limits the number of people who can play. Not everyone who joins realizes where to get the patch and how to use it. Plus it rules out the option of using mods in your dedicated server. I prefer Kicker Hel...  [Read More]
Updated: Has anybody seen the DKB Server over on the MotS JediBoard? You can check on it using Qtracker. However I tried to join and noticed that the game (playing Spaceport) had been "hacked" (ie: the level messed up by cheats). Thankfu...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK Edit.......
08-04-2000, 3:58 PM
You either need a full install of JK or you need the JK CD in the drive when you load it up. Try the latest version of JKEdit from ( Also make sure you are running the proper version of DirectX with it....  [Read More]
Posted in: seceretlevel
08-05-2000, 3:35 AM
Yes, in windows explorer, go to your MOTS directory.. then right click. Select "new" then "new folder" then name it to what you want. Ta da! Or in DOS go to the MOTS root directory, and then just type "md" (without quo...  [Read More]
Posted in: I need a tutorial...
08-07-2000, 5:20 PM
Tycho_Celchu I realize you wish to debate the quality of JED vs. JKEdit. does not contain significant information on JKEdit, so it is only of use to those using JED. JKEdit's site, ( is excl...  [Read More]
Posted in: I need a tutorial...
08-05-2000, 3:36 AM
#3 ( also has some tutorials (on using Ole's various editors). Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are there any out there???
08-05-2000, 3:37 AM
You should post it up.. Trail's Guide MotS section will never be completed (unless he gives somebody permission to finish it for him) and the LEC site only lists the secrets. Course most of us have beaten the game backwards and forwards already. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Has Dave Maul been banned?
08-14-2000, 7:00 PM
Have him email me his IP address and we'll see what we can work out. If he doesn't know, just go "start" then "run" then type WINIPCFG It would also help to know if he has a static or dynamic IP. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: This prankster will die
08-08-2000, 5:50 PM
Okay, this is hopefully the last little "mess" made by a troublemaker I have to clean up before I go out of town for awhile. I have now banned a whole list of moronic user names created soley to cause problems on the forums. Please ignor...  [Read More]
Posted in: Patches?
08-14-2000, 7:56 PM
Good point about 3DS Max.. of course a free version (with limitations) called "gMax" is going to be released sometime. Maybe that will be useful? We'll have to wait and see... Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-08-2000, 6:56 PM
Considering myself an "independant", I just registered as "Reform." I disagree with many things on both the Republican and Democrat sides, which is sad, because they hold a virtual monopoly on the political system of the good ol...  [Read More]
Posted in: Off Topic: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
08-07-2000, 5:26 PM
Is this the same one from E3? I saw that one. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ever been to this page?
08-08-2000, 2:32 AM
Yeah, went there some time ago. Not very funny.. maybe if I REALLY HATED star wars I would find it funnier, or if I was drunk or something. ; ) He does have a point about some people getting way too carried away with this fictional franchise (as f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Debate: Violence and Videogames
08-01-2000, 12:58 PM
Actually somebody did make a freeware Flash game where you enter a high school with the express purpose of killing. It's in pretty poor taste, coming out right after the Columbine killings. HOWEVER, even then, in this game you are one of the victims...  [Read More]
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