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Posted in: Pleaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzz
08-18-2000, 7:28 AM
Solution: buy the full game. It's only $10 (if that anymore.. that was several months ago at Hastings)! And while you're at it.. get MOTS! PS: Making mods for the demo version is forbidden by the liscense agreement! Kurgan...  [Read More]
Well, I finally had to take my server(s) down, and probably won't have them back up for some time (ISP being what it is). Was fun though. DKB was smart and implemented the changes I suggested, now the maps cycle based on time/score limit. Good idea!...  [Read More]
Posted in:
08-17-2000, 6:20 PM
Why don't you email him and find out? Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in:
08-16-2000, 8:16 PM
Why? What's up? We have a thing on these boards about not "invading" a person's privacy. Just let me know why you want this information and I'll see what I can do. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Has Dave Maul been banned?
08-17-2000, 6:05 PM
Well everybody's experience is a little different. Dang, and I thought *I* could get long-winded! ; ) I haven't had much luck with windows 9x, I have to restart at least once a day. The memory appears to literally "leak" out. Over time stu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Has Dave Maul been banned?
08-16-2000, 8:02 PM
As to Dave Maul's "banning" I didn't do anything special, so either it was a problem with his ISP/computer or else another admin fixed the problem for him. Glad to hear you aren't having anymore problems... Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Has Dave Maul been banned?
08-16-2000, 7:59 PM
Not many folks really "hate microsoft" and many who hear that will say "oh you're just jealous because they are successful!" Microsoft got where it is today mainly by gobbling up smaller companies and squelching competition. They...  [Read More]
Posted in: Highlander: End Game
08-23-2000, 5:32 PM
That's right. ; ) Basically the new movie will be a follow up to the TV series starring Adrian Paul as Duncan Macleod. However it also stars Christopher Lambert as Connor Macleod (the original Highlander, from the other movies.. he also co-starred i...  [Read More]
No need to jump to conclusions Commander/Galvatron, I knew it was you and I read the post, but it was an inappropriate way to get attention, that's all. It's our policy to lock/remove flame threads... even if they are meant to be attention getters....  [Read More]
Posted in: Ugly cartoons!
08-21-2000, 3:12 PM
Call me spoiled, but I think the recent "Cartoon Cartoons" on the Cartoon Network are the funniest since Ren & Stimpy (which kicked, boy was it twisted). PowerPuff Girls Johnny Bravo (not so new actually) Dexter's Lab The other "...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:28 AM
[CONTINUED...] Now let me guess, because Buchanan is against unrestricted immigration, he must be a racist. Hmm, only trouble with that is that immigrants are of all races, colors, and creeds. Maybe you think only Mexicans immigrate illegally to this...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:27 AM
[CONTINUED...] Hey, your's truly has even been compared to Hitler in the past, so I sympathize. A Racist is somebody who believes that the human race is divided into racial categories and that some of these are superior or inferior to others. When t...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:26 AM
[CONTINUED...] To tell the truth, AA is about racial quotas. I used to think it was good, or at least that it had something going for it because we didn't have anything better. However, has it worked? Is it fair? Surely we can come up with something...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:23 AM
[CONTINUED...] If he's so racist, why did he pick a strong black woman as his Vice President? Sure, sure, one could accuse Buchanan of making publicity by picking a person of color as his running mate. Why did the Liberal Media make such a circus ab...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:21 AM
[CONTINUED...] They must be scared to death of the guy, because they have gone to an awful lot of trouble to paint him as a Klu Klux Klan Grand Wizad, goose-stepping, brown-shirted, club waving, slogan-shouting megalomaniac. Well last I checked Gore...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:18 AM
[CONTINUED...] Now doesn't the Declaration of Independance say that once the government stops doing its job, we are to replace it with a new one? Now I'm not proposing anything anywhere near as radical, but what I am saying is go against the grain an...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:16 AM
Okay, finally, here is what I promised (pardon the length, I was trying to be complete): ======================== Well Vagabond, some people also say a one world government is the future, whether we like it or not. Well, I don't like it! ; ) Who doe...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:13 AM
Actually I did see Keyes (at least the conservative Fox News) often in the news. His platform was actually very similar to Buchanan's and I supported him for a time. Of course he has run before and actually did worse than Buchanan in past runnings....  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-23-2000, 9:32 PM
I had a nice rant all ready to go yesterday, but I kept getting server hang-ups (doh!). Look for it later today, basically reiterating what I've said before, but also with some apologies. ; ) Again, let me add that I support informed voting. I feel...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-22-2000, 5:45 AM
I guess I don't buy the "since nobody but Gore or Bush has a chance of winning, we must vote for one of them" attitude either. Voting for a guy you don't want to be president, is only helping him get elected. Ever hear of the straw that...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-18-2000, 4:38 PM
Really? Well I suppose one could speculate.. they never actually attacked us. The reason we went to war, was because of Pearl Harbor.. which we supposedly could have prevented. The idea was that this was the "excuse" the Hawks (those in fav...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-18-2000, 8:03 AM
Hey now, there's nothing wrong with Germans. And it wasn't Hitler who attacked us, it was the Japanese (unless you're not talking about the US, in which case I apologize). The trouble is with Nazism... which entails some rather unpleasant ideas, ra...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-18-2000, 8:00 AM
But can we stand another George Bush? Just because he has money, a famous dad, and a goofy grin doesn't mean he should be president! I oppose Al Gore because I disagree with his stance and actions on many issues. I disagree with Bush because of his...  [Read More]
Posted in: Debate: Violence and Videogames
08-22-2000, 6:05 AM
Back on topic.. wasn't Senator Lieberman the guy who was harassing the gaming industry a few years back over violence in games? I think that was around the time they started implementing ratings systems (the Sega Genesis for example). If they're go...  [Read More]
Posted in: Debate: Violence and Videogames
08-18-2000, 8:21 AM
And I would simply say that the effect is harmless... The charge is that violent video games make people kill. My response is that yes, a few game players have killed, but many millions HAVE NOT! What about the majority that haven't? More people...  [Read More]
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